



From 2009-05-26 to 2009-06-08


15:31 Bug #716: Compatible Dehacked file not loading
The problem here is the completely bizarre way in which DeHackED choose to represent Text in its patch format. Rather... danij
14:37 Bug #716 (Closed): Compatible Dehacked file not loading
I was doing some more testing of Doomsday beta 6.3, and decided to load Alien Vendetta, along with its dehacked file ... sonicdoommario
03:21 Revision 7ccccf2c (github): Fixed: Model loading issues.
03:13 Revision 6e9388fa (github): Fixed serious issue in FileHash_Create which could potentially result in heap corruption.
02:34 Revision 70c87f13 (github): Ensure paths passed to R_AddClassDataPath are formed correctly (don't add empty paths or paths containing nothing but a directory separator character to the path list).
01:34 Feature #1496 (Closed): Aspect correct scaling of UI and HUD elements/interfaces
Game HUDs stretch to the same aspect ratio as the current resolution, resulting in horizontally stretched HUD graphic... leapo
01:31 Feature #1495 (Closed): FOV cannot be set higher than 179
The FOV in Doomsday cannot be set higher than 179, making a proper FOV impossible to obtain on very wide aspect ratio... leapo


22:52 Revision 1fad2991 (github): Copy skyjake's fix for the missing UI textures issue to the WinAPI window manager.
20:14 Revision 55760c90 (github): Explicitly unload and reload UI textures when changing the video mode. Seems to fix the problem of the disappearing UI textures (OS X, jHeretic).
19:36 Revision 8eaa5506 (github): OpenGL must be accessed only in the main thread. A crash was caused by OpenGL textures being deleted in the busy worker thread.
14:09 Revision 0dd1cc78 (github): Fixed model path registration. It's not a particularly good idea to shuffle around function parameters, especially when they end up in the wrong order...
Restored original order of parameters. skyjake
14:07 Revision b38351e6 (github): Slight visual adjustment for busy indicator. The dashed ring is now in the middle of the two other rings.
14:07 Revision 23166dd9 (github): Fixed Unix build.
There was a couple of strncpy() and other calls missing the len argument. Revised Dir_ExpandHome() to use ddstring. skyjake


22:30 Revision 7affb534 (github): Fixed (jHexen): "HeXen: Melee weapons not drawing blood" (see here
21:56 Revision 4ccad05b (github): Fixed (jHexen): HeXen: Telefog has no Z offset (see here
21:45 Revision f0c15d86 (github): Fixed (jHeretic): "Heretic: No teleporter sparkles" (see here
19:58 Revision a8142260 (github): Fixed (All games): "Load menu skull cursor initial position" (see here
19:18 Revision a94fb65a (github): Fixed (jHeretic): "Heretic: Incorrect menu and door sounds" (see here
19:16 Revision 1d60402b (github): Fixed (jHeretic): "Heretic: Incorrect menu and door sounds" (see here
17:53 Revision 3710357a (github): Fixed (jHexen): "HeXen: Centaur two shields" (see here
16:54 Revision 30105d8c (github): Various menu enhancements/fixes:
* Fixed jHexen: "HeXen: Incorrect Menu sounds" (see here danij
14:57 Bug #710: [Heretic/Hexen] Savegame menu boxes offset too far left
If you are referring to the position of the menu cursor then yes, it is overlapping the save/load file box. This will... danij
12:16 Bug #710: [Heretic/Hexen] Savegame menu boxes offset too far left
They are centered horizontally, to the middle of the screen. danij
03:47 Revision 100e7405 (github): Fixed: "HeXen: Cleric Poison clouds move" (see here
03:41 Revision 4d6c65bd (github): Fixed jHexen: Quicksave confirmation disabled by default (should be enabled) (see here
03:35 Revision 8b76d4d4 (github): Fixed: "Bad guys slow to wake up" (see here
02:47 Revision 1a6db4b9 (github): Big ol' character array clean up.
* Fixed: Removed countless character array size assumptions and revised our public API to suite.
* Fixed: Numerous fi...
02:02 Revision 4f85aa4d (github): Fixed: Heap corruption due to a (single byte) buffer overflow in the console history buffer. Minor optimization tweaks resulting in slightly more efficient writes. Clean up.


21:43 Bug #715 (Closed): HeXen: Corrupted save games
In Beta6.3, saving a game on the Guardian of Ice while either of the ice moving scripts in the Steel Key area are act... vermil
17:41 Bug #714 (Closed): HeXen: Incorrect Menu sounds
In HeXen in Beta6.3, all the menu sounds are incorrect, though many are simply the wrong way around rather than compl... vermil
16:42 Revision ecdf7e38 (github): Fixed jHeretic: Attempting to cache non-existent ammo icon patches due to a wayward for{} construct.
16:19 Bug #713 (Closed): Bad guys slow to wake up
In Beta6.3 a fix was made to the bad guy sight code to stop the very fair occurrence of one activating when it couldn... vermil
16:10 Bug #712 (Closed): Load menu skull cursor initial position
If you haven't ever saved a game and open the load menu, the skull cursor is placed below the bottom save slot instea... vermil
14:03 Bug #711 (Closed): Heretic: Intermission counter offsets
The slashes on the intermission screen need to be shifted about 10 unit's leftward to avoid overlapping the numbers t... vermil
11:09 Bug #710 (Closed): [Heretic/Hexen] Savegame menu boxes offset too far left
Nuff said.
*Labels:* Graphics
11:04 Bug #709 (Closed): HeXen: No quick save confirmation
In Beta6.3 HeXen doesn't have a confirmation when the original game and earlier versions of Dday do.
*Labels:* jHexen
10:52 Bug #708 (Closed): HeXen: Melee weapons not drawing blood
In Beta6.3, no melee HeXen weapon occasionally draws blood when you land a successful hit.
In the original game, y...
10:31 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
Following on from this. Since the destruction of the Maulotaurs floor fire became done by code rather than by an inte... vermil
10:22 Bug #707 (Closed): HeXen: Telefog has no Z offset
The telefog in Hexen appears on the floor when it should have a vertical offset of about 32 unit's.
*Labels:* jHexen
02:43 Bug #706 (Closed): Heretic: Linetype 100
It seems that using Linetype 100 which is a walk over trigger that opens tagged sectors like a turbo door and then cl... vermil
02:29 Bug #705 (Closed): Heretic/HeXen: Minor inventory glitches
Emptying your supply of any item in HeXen leaves a blank spot in the left most panel in your inventory when you next ... vermil
02:22 Bug #704 (Closed): HeXen: Centaur two shields
Gibbed Centaur currently spawn two shields instead of a sword and shield. Probably just a typo.
*Labels:* jHexen
02:21 Bug #703 (Closed): HeXen: Maulotaur charge attack
When a Maulotaur finishes it's charge attack in HeXen it re-fades in sans smoke cloud, as if it has just been summone... vermil
02:19 Bug #702 (Closed): HeXen: Cleric Poison clouds move
Cleric Poison clouds move eastward at a fairly fast speed when they are spawned. They should remain completely statio... vermil
02:17 Bug #701 (Closed): Heretic: Incorrect menu and door sounds
Heretic's menu's should be playing "dorcls" when you select something or close the main menu. Currently they play "ch... vermil
02:13 Bug #700 (Closed): Heretic: No teleporter sparkles
The summary says all. The red or blue sparkles mobjs that are placed on every teleporter don't seem to be working. vermil


23:39 Revision 58f25fca (github): Changed: Allow any material on any world surface when loading DOOM/Hexen format maps.
23:36 Revision 10b20eff (github): Clean up.
23:34 Revision 1c7ea50f (github): Fixed: SIGSEGV when attempting to create states from incomplete definitions or which reference unknown sprite frames.
23:30 Revision 55627471 (github): Fixed: Server-side buffer overflow when trying to transmit a "huge" InFine script to clients.
Improved: Added some rudimentary mod authoring, debug aids to InFine scripts. If a referenced graphic is missing, it ... danij


21:41 Bug #699 (Closed): Call it noclip without cheat
if you want to know what i mean, watch my youtube video
it's annoyin...


19:24 Bug #698 (Closed): 1.9.0-beta6.3 - Segmentation Violation
After loading Doomsday 1.9.0-beta6.3, received a "Segmentation Violation" error when trying to load saved games from ... kginney
19:24 Bug #698: 1.9.0-beta6.3 - Segmentation Violation

13:22 Revision a48540ab (github): Fixed: The view border sometimes visible when the when not in a map.
13:07 Revision fa616eb7 (github): Fixed: Missing stats from the jHeretic intermission.
11:13 Revision cdfd5761 (github): Fixed: Serious issue which would lead to a fatal error when trying to load a map in jHeretic.
Looks like we need to re-release 1.9.0-beta6.3 and then give some serious thought to changing our development practic... danij
02:48 Bug #697 (Closed): Mouse Strafing Extremely Slow
Don't know how long this has been around, but I just noticed it now. In Doom, holding down the right mouse button and... sonicdoommario


22:41 Revision 67c51c22 (github): Updated Snowberry's build.bat with the correct default path to python26 and to include msvcp90 rather than msvcp71
22:14 Revision 3629fa7c (github): Bump version numbers of all plugins.
21:33 Revision 470391b6 (github): Version number upgrades.
18:36 Revision bd530bad (github): Changed: Rather than draw an untextured quad if a texture for a given particle cannot be found, use the default "zeroth" texture instead.
Began reworking the particle texture management in preparation for wrapping them with gltexture and to removed the fi... danij
18:27 Revision ef664586 (github): Fixed: Subtle render list/ GL state issue which led to shiny surfaces not being drawn with their corresponding mask texture.
\todo: We seem to be changing GL state far more frequently than necessary when lots of shiny surfaces are visible. I ... danij
18:18 Revision 55c71b86 (github): Changed: Ensure shiny textures are uploaded with texture compression disabled (banding is very noticeable).
18:16 Revision baa3c647 (github): Only pass RL_AddPoly texture coordinates that it needs for a given primitive.
17:12 Feature #1494: InFine script for "MapTitle" display
While I'm talking about this. The ability for the map/auto map titles and author line to support infine like features... vermil
16:43 Feature #1494 (Rejected): InFine script for "MapTitle" display
As the title suggests.
I would like to say have my map's name displayed on the auto map, but not when I start my m...
16:47 Feature #1492: Ability for end level xg class to skip the intermission
Given the new flag added to MapInfo, I'm going to close this RFE as we don't really want the end level class deciding... danij
14:38 Bug #651: The texture compression option does not work
In debugging this report I noticed that regardless of whether I asked for compressed or uncompressed textures I was s... danij
13:00 Revision 38cf331c (github): Fixed various compilation issues thrown when compiling with SUN Studio. Thanks yagisan.
10:44 Bug #696: [jHeretic] Clip through a wall if an object is near.
That bug is also present in Heretic, tested it in E1M1 at those "yellow-key-pillars" in the starting room. xxmiltenxx
10:40 Bug #696 (Closed): [jHeretic] Clip through a wall if an object is near.
If an object is standing near a wall and a part is outside of a wall (mostly torches, for example those in Winnowing ... xxmiltenxx
04:05 Revision 1aeaf9c7 (github): Fixed a comment.
03:57 Revision 0ee28c27 (github): Fixed: "Monsters become active at start of some maps" (see here
Optimize: Adapted Killough's method for LOS checks. Original implementation sourced from Eternity but then heavily re... danij
01:11 Revision 3192b7bb (github): Clean up. Removed some redundancy.
00:57 Bug #638: Monsters become active at start of some maps
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3 danij


20:29 Revision 26d14218 (github): Began work on addressing issues with the various LOS algorithms currently in use.
* Moved P_CheckSight and all REJECT handling game-side. P_CheckSight now wraps the engine-side P_CheckLineSight.
* Re...
20:09 Revision 9eae51b5 (github): Clean up.
14:21 Bug #638: Monsters become active at start of some maps
Further investigation shows that cause of this problem is that P_SightPathTraverse is not actually getting a chance t... danij
12:43 Revision 387307ab (github): Fixed: "jHexen: Door sounds mixed up" (see here
09:43 Bug #612: jHexen: Door sounds mixed up
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3 danij


19:51 Revision 843a56b9 (github): Fixed: "Map cheat behaviour change" (see here
16:52 Bug #685: Map cheat behaviour change
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3 danij
14:51 Revision bcb31224 (github): Fixed (jHexen): Puzzle pieces not placeable.
13:58 Revision 57c086da (github): Use the correct font patch lump names for Heretic/Hexen.
13:10 Revision 5a7d8dde (github): Added missing font character patch lumps to jHexen.
13:05 Revision 54b6927b (github): Added missing font character patch lumps to jHeretic.
11:55 Bug #688: Hexen: Stuck while entering a portal in Seven Portals
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3 danij
11:53 Bug #694: Hexen: multiple issues
All of these issues have now been fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3 danij
00:04 Bug #694: Hexen: multiple issues
I think I've found the problem that you are referring to by "Portals don't work". Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3 danij
10:13 Bug #695: auto lowering of flying mobjs not checking the way is clear
This is a known issue and has previously been reported (see danij
10:00 Bug #695 (Closed): auto lowering of flying mobjs not checking the way is clear
In the Doom engine games a flying foe is automatically lowered to the player’s camera as they approach.
In Beta6.2...
09:08 Revision de45ea0f (github): Updated InFine with respect to the font patch changes (no need to force strings to upper case or guess the width of the space character).
08:59 Revision 750ca102 (github): Changed (all games): Use the standard ASCII codepage for fonts, remapping the existing character patches at start up.
Fixed (all games): Drawing of the game font in the console incorrect.
Todo: Create character patches missing in jHer...
03:04 Revision c1da8bfd (github): Fixed (jHexen): Portals don't work - they have been turned into black holes that you cannot escape.
Fixed (jHexen): Inventory items not loaded from saved games. danij


19:53 Bug #694: Hexen: multiple issues
Loading of the player inventory from save games is now fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3.
>> Cannot move beyond the e...
16:23 Bug #694 (Closed): Hexen: multiple issues
Here is a summary of the issues I have found in Hexen using Doomsday 1.9.0-beta 6.2 (some of these errors have alread... kginney


09:08 Revision 37e4765b (github): Continued work on cleaning up the texture manager. External flare textures are now managed via the gltexture interface.
02:46 Revision 5f5a3c96 (github): Shut up static analysis warning about a potential address return of a stack memory address in GLTexture_Prepare (not actually possible).
01:54 Revision a0361063 (github): Fixed: Flags in a Sky definition ignored.
Also, cleaned up DED_ReadData a bit. danij
01:21 Revision a18040ec (github): Fixed jDoom: "Post map infine broken and intermission not working above 32" (see here
01:18 Revision bd4a1894 (github): Fixed (jdoom/jheretic): Use of uninitialized variable when loading an original game save file.
01:14 Revision 23bae842 (github): Fixed (dpdehread): SIGSEGV when attempting to set a map par time, if the search-by-map-name returns empty handed. Thanks yagisan.
01:11 Revision e23fbff2 (github): Shut up static analysis warning about a potential use of an uninitialized variable in drawSegsOfPolyobject (not actually possible).
01:10 Revision 4c4ffab7 (github): Fixed potential use of an uninitialized variable in XS_GetPlane.
01:08 Revision baf6c064 (github): Fixed potential use of an uninitialized variable in jHexen's P_ArchiveSounds and P_UnArchiveSounds.
01:05 Revision bbdf7972 (github): Fixed potential use of an uninitialized variable in the SDL window manager.
01:03 Revision ed328198 (github): Shut up static analysis warning about a potential NULL dereference in P_TraverseIntercepts (not actually possible).
01:00 Revision f44bcaf5 (github): Fixed: Remote vulnerability in Cl_ReadSoundDelta2 due to malformed packets. Thanks yagisan.
00:54 Revision 098ccdcf (github): Shut up static analysis warning about a potential NULL dereference (not actually possible).


22:20 Bug #689: Post map infine broken and intermission not working above 32
Both issues have now been fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3 danij
21:52 Bug #693: Keybord and mouse controlls delayed
Maybe maybe not. First of all I don't have ANY un-necessary process running.
21:32 Bug #693: Keybord and mouse controlls delayed
This sounds like this common issue (not a bug in Doomsday):
19:01 Bug #693 (Closed): Keybord and mouse controlls delayed
Once game has started (jheretic or jhexen) the controls are delayed. Video is at 100+ fps so I don't think it is vid... alakayonk
11:22 Revision fba2a818 (github): Make use of the gltexture_t interface with lightmaps.
08:55 Revision e2489e73 (github): When taking a copy of the file extension in findResource don't force it lowercase (unnecessary).
08:55 Bug #692 (Closed): A_SkelMissile not taking vertical offset into account
Missiles fired by A_SkelMissile, both normal and homing, are being aimed and tracking (respectively) as though they a... vermil
08:53 Revision 0cb46688 (github): Further enhanced the resource locator; can now append an optional suffix to the file path being searched for if said path already specifies a file extension.
08:04 Revision 088790eb (github): Fixed a couple of typos in the previous commit.
07:23 Revision 1cc92182 (github): Fixed: "External resource loader - File names with extensions" (see here
Also in this commit:
* Merged model search path handling into the resource locator.
* A filehash is now built for eac...
06:31 Revision 503c32c3 (github): Fixed: Surface decorations on twosided sidedef upper/lower sections sometimes visible when they should not be.
03:43 Bug #598: External resource loader - File names with extensions
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3 danij

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