Bug #706
Heretic: Linetype 100
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It seems that using Linetype 100 which is a walk over trigger that opens tagged sectors like a turbo door and then closes them a few seconds later, is broken in Beta6.3.
Firstly it causes any door linetypes on the sectors it has affected to permanently turn into turbo doors as well. In the original game the door linetypes on the sectors it affects become turbo doors only until the door closes.
Secondly, the door doesn't close automatically. In the original game the sectors tagged to Linetype 100 will close automatically after a few seconds.
A couple of examples of linetype 100 can be found on E3M3 behind either Green Door.
Labels: jHeretic Gameplay
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.4