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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated % Done
1502 Doomsday Engine Feature New High Load any supported image format from WAD lump 2016-03-27 08:06

2170 Doomsday Engine Feature Progressed Normal Improved sequence-based model animation mechanism skyjake 2016-08-07 09:01

1923 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal PNG textures render as solid black (embedded in WAD) 2016-10-27 12:51

2192 Doomsday Engine Feature New Low Procedural images generated based on a text file (.deimage) skyjake 2017-03-04 09:25

1606 Doomsday Engine Bug Progressed Normal M_THERMM and HUD message font replacement 2017-04-03 14:40

1869 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Support 'shadowed' texture resources in animated textures 2017-04-03 18:40

1500 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Support for ZDoom ZIP-as-WAD feature 2018-11-05 10:16

2295 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Support XBOX version of Doom 2018-11-18 07:45

2017 Doomsday Engine Bug Progressed Normal Build .pack/PK3 packages using CMake, with dependency tracking and automatic rebuilding skyjake 2018-11-19 15:18

2209 Doomsday Engine Bug New High Materials do not get correctly reset when loading/unloading data files while a game is loaded skyjake 2019-10-14 10:31

2185 Doomsday Engine Feature In Progress High Package repositories skyjake 2019-10-14 10:43

1601 Doomsday Engine Feature In Progress Urgent Package management skyjake 2019-10-14 10:44

1389 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [InFine] Check if resource originates from an IWAD 2019-11-29 18:38

1646 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Stereo 3D enhancements 2019-11-29 19:22

1726 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Remapping the colours on a texture via material def 2019-11-29 19:26

1749 Doomsday Engine Feature New High Built-in effects should come in resource packs skyjake 2019-11-29 20:15

1762 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Game hierarchy 2019-11-29 20:18

1649 Doomsday Engine Feature New Low Option to disable HUD/menu font upscaling 2019-11-29 20:26

1865 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Align 3D model's head with the target's direction 2019-11-29 21:06

1867 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Extract patch/sprite offsets from PNG 'grAb' chunk (ZDoom) 2019-11-29 21:07

1979 Doomsday Engine Feature Feedback Normal Additional sound formats 2019-11-29 21:15

1647 Doomsday Engine Feature Progressed High Replace FS1 with FS2-based resource management skyjake 2019-11-29 21:33

2331 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Server doesn't check wads (connecting via command line) 2019-11-29 22:31

2324 Doomsday Engine Bug New Normal Sky texture issue upon MOD loading/unloading in game 2019-11-29 22:31

2333 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Extend info about server wads (filename, checksum) 2019-11-29 22:35

1640 Doomsday Engine Feature Progressed Normal Support for id Tech 1 audio/graphic resource hacks 2019-11-29 23:06

1840 Doomsday Engine Feature Progressed Normal Support ZDoom-extended MAPINFO format 2019-11-29 23:06

1929 Doomsday Engine Bug Progressed Normal Sprite priority handling 2019-11-29 23:06

1768 Doomsday Engine Feature Progressed High Boom compatibility 2019-11-29 23:29

2334 Doomsday Engine Bug New High Client should load server's data files when connecting via command line skyjake 2019-12-01 22:34

2350 Doomsday Engine Bug New Low [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1 skyjake 2020-01-03 06:48

2382 Doomsday Engine Bug New High Recognizing IWAD/PWAD files with more accuracy (using CRC-32) skyjake 2020-12-08 08:26

2403 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal User-provided particle texture flipbook (atlas) skyjake 2020-12-08 08:27


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