



From 2015-06-10 to 2015-06-23


22:07 Bug #2096 (New): [Heretic] [HeXen] hud number one offset
A long long standing issue in modern Dday that theleo_ua has just reminded me of:
18:20 Bug #2091: State Particles won't start for Afrit in some cases (Hexen)
Reproduced for Bishop, Reiver (Wraith) and Dragon:
Affected states for Bishop: BISHOP_DEATH1 (Map18 is best for te...
16:39 Feature #1994 (In Progress): Model asset for player weapons (model.weapon.*)
14:54 Bug #2095 (Resolved): [Ubuntu] "doomsday-stable" package on Launchpad is pretty much empty
Yep, the install was going to the wrong directory ("doomsday" instead of "doomsday-stable"). skyjake
13:31 Bug #2095: [Ubuntu] "doomsday-stable" package on Launchpad is pretty much empty
This is pretty strange. According to the "build log": skyjake


21:06 Bug #2083 (Closed): [Hexen] Spurious warning messages about music ("ignoring unknown music in TranslatedMapinfos")
15:11 Bug #2083 (In Progress): [Hexen] Spurious warning messages about music ("ignoring unknown music in TranslatedMapinfos")
15:08 Bug #2083: [Hexen] Spurious warning messages about music ("ignoring unknown music in TranslatedMapinfos")
Since the music warnings can't be fully fixed in 1.15.1, I'll just make prevent them from being printed when processi... skyjake
21:06 Bug #2095 (Closed): [Ubuntu] "doomsday-stable" package on Launchpad is pretty much empty
The stable 1.15 build 1616 built on Launchpad is incorrect: it doesn't contain any binaries or even data files. The s... skyjake
16:02 Bug #2094 (New): Incorrect "Pillar-Door Statue" model direction in some cases in Heretic
Incorrect "Pillar-Door Statue" model direction in some cases in Heretic
1) Run heretic with attached mods Decor-de...
15:11 Feature #2093 (New): Processing definitions generated from MAPINFO in ZDoom vs. Hexen mode
Processing of the information in the MAPINFO lump depends on whether the lump is from Hexen or from ZDoom. The requir... skyjake


09:21 Bug #2083: [Hexen] Spurious warning messages about music ("ignoring unknown music in TranslatedMapinfos")
The sprite name warnings are the result of these resources being misplaced in the Hexen IWAD(s) - they are marked up ... danij
05:17 Bug #2083: [Hexen] Spurious warning messages about music ("ignoring unknown music in TranslatedMapinfos")
Also, as you can see in attached doomsday.out, there are additional warnings for sprites:
ResourceSystem: Ignoring...


18:00 Bug #2083: [Hexen] Spurious warning messages about music ("ignoring unknown music in TranslatedMapinfos")
The warnings are printed because the definitions translated from MAPINFO are parsed before the game's music definitions. skyjake


22:26 Feature #2092 (Closed): [Unix] Add .desktop files for apps in the installation
The unstable 2.0 builds currently do not include _.desktop_ files for the client and the Shell. A CMake macro should ... skyjake
20:42 Bug #2091: State Particles won't start for Afrit in some cases (Hexen)
>>Affected states: FIRED_DEATH, FIRED_DEATH1
should be:
Affected states: FIRED_DEATH1, FIRED_XDEATH1
20:38 Bug #2091 (New): State Particles won't start for Afrit in some cases (Hexen)
State Particles won't start for Afrit in some cases (Hexen)
1) Run Hexen with Afrit and particles/blood FX from xa...


14:27 Bug #2080 (Closed): [Updater] Crash when parsing the version number information
14:25 Bug #2080 (Resolved): [Updater] Crash when parsing the version number information
14:16 Bug #2080 (In Progress): [Updater] Crash when parsing the version number information


22:25 Bug #2090 (New): Missile with no death state error
A long standing issue that occurs almost every time a missile with a null death state impacts something
Dday 1.8.6...
18:43 Bug #2088 (Closed): [Hexen] Crash when spawning a missile
18:32 Bug #2088 (Closed): [Hexen] Crash when spawning a missile
Under certain circumstances, although rarely, @P_SpawnMissile@ is called with a null target.
One theory could be t...
18:42 Bug #2089 (Closed): Potential memory access violations
18:35 Bug #2089 (Closed): Potential memory access violations
Run Address Sanitizer (available in Clang 3.7) to discover if there are problems accessing memory outside legal bounds. skyjake
10:03 Bug #2083: [Hexen] Spurious warning messages about music ("ignoring unknown music in TranslatedMapinfos")
Perhaps this should be a Developer warning, since the user can't do much about it. skyjake


17:15 Bug #2087: 4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
Raised: theleo_ua
15:19 Bug #2087: 4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
There may have been replacements for those graphics in an older version of the XARP, but they aren't in the latest ve... vermil
15:13 Bug #2087: 4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
previous comment has some mistakes:
vermil, you are right, i'm very sorry for this, but xarp has other hires UI im...
15:11 Bug #2087: 4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
vermil, you are right, i'm very sorry for this, but xarp has othet hires UI images. Lets compare 1.8.6 and 1.15.1 beh... theleo_ua
13:49 Bug #2087 (Rejected): 4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
12:29 Bug #2087 (Closed): 4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
12:12 Bug #2087: 4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
I'm afraid this isn't a bug in Dday.
The XARP, as of writing, doesn't have replacements for the UI graphics in que...
11:38 Bug #2087 (Rejected): 4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
1) run hexen with xarp addon:
11:11 Bug #2086 (Closed): Armorexp.wav is not played when knight statue is killed
Armorexp.wav is not played when knight statue is killed
1) Go to map22 (start spot)
2) kill knight statue
01:42 Bug #2077: Odd lighting glitch in latest builds
This issue should now be fixed as of c225aae - please re-test let me know if you still encounter this problem. danij


19:53 Bug #2063 (Rejected): GLFramebuffer > GLTarget: Segmentation Violation [Intel]
Our plan is to require OpenGL 3.3 in the future, and your driver should work with that.
However, unfortunately we ...
19:43 Bug #2063: GLFramebuffer > GLTarget: Segmentation Violation [Intel]
Would it be possible when you change the OpenGL requirements in the future to also leave the version such as 10.1810.... Harley51

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