Bug #2091
State Particles won't start for Afrit in some cases (Hexen)
State Particles won't start for Afrit in some cases (Hexen)
1) Run Hexen with Afrit and particles/blood FX from xarp http://dengine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1491
(I attached necessary files to issue, so you dont need whole xarp. just attached addons)
2) Start map01 with mage
3) Type "butcher" cheat
4) observe, that particles are spawned for afrit
5) Start map01 with mage
6) make some shoots with wand
7) Type "butcher" cheat
Actual result: no particles for afrit
Expedted result: particles should be spawned for afrit
Additional info:
Doomsday engine 1.15.0 (not reproduced in 1.14.5)
Affected states: FIRED_DEATH, FIRED_DEATH1
Current workaround while issue is not fixed:
add next strings after particle generator
Copy Generator { State = "FIRED_CORPSE1";};
Copy Generator { State = "FIRED_CORPSE4";};
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
- File FX-Blood.pk3 FX-Blood.pk3 added
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
- File XARP-particles.pk3 XARP-particles.pk3 added
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
- File XARP-shared.pk3 XARP-shared.pk3 added
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
- File XARP-shinemaps.pk3 XARP-shinemaps.pk3 added
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
Affected states: FIRED_DEATH, FIRED_DEATH1
should be:
Affected states: FIRED_DEATH1, FIRED_XDEATH1
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
Reproduced for Bishop, Reiver (Wraith) and Dragon:
Affected states for Bishop: BISHOP_DEATH1 (Map18 is best for testing)
Affected states for Reiver: WRAITH_DEATH1_1, WRAITH_DEATH2_1 (No particles is spawned for Reiver's death, doesnt matter how fast you will type butcher cheat (or even if you kill him by weapons) )
Affected states for Dragon: DRAGON_DEATH1 (No particles is spawned for Dragon's death for any case)
Workaround for Bishop: Copy Generator { State = "BISHOP_PUFF1"; }
No workarounds found for Reiver and Dragon
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Category set to Defect
- Target version set to Rendering