Bug #2087
4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
4th weapon UI is not displayed as hi-res in some cases (hexen)
1) run hexen with xarp addon: http://dengine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1491
2) observe, that 4th weapon UI is displayed correctly (see attached hexen-000.png)
3) apply NRA cheat
Actual result: now 4th weapon UI is displayed as vanilla sprite (see attached hexen-001.png)
Expected result: should be displayed as hi-res UI
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
- File hexen-001.png hexen-001.png added
Updated by vermil over 9 years ago
I'm afraid this isn't a bug in Dday.
The XARP, as of writing, doesn't have replacements for the UI graphics in question.
Updated by vermil over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Updated by skyjake over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Rejected
- Target version deleted (
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
vermil, you are right, i'm very sorry for this, but xarp has othet hires UI images. Lets compare 1.8.6 and 1.15.1 behavior with xarp UI:
1.8.6: http://storage4.static.itmages.ru/i/15/0611/h_1434022499_2636699_ab701c56d8.png
1.15.0: http://storage1.static.itmages.ru/i/15/0611/h_1434024512_9470360_5d6ea7675d.png
Is this because "incorrect images in xarp" or something is broken in doomsday? If second, we can create another issue for this
Updated by theleo_ua over 9 years ago
previous comment has some mistakes:
vermil, you are right, i'm very sorry for this, but xarp has other hires UI images. Lets compare 1.8.6 and 1.15.0 behavior with xarp UI:
1.8.6: http://storage1.static.itmages.ru/i/15/0611/h_1434024512_9470360_5d6ea7675d.png
1.15.0: http://storage4.static.itmages.ru/i/15/0611/h_1434022499_2636699_ab701c56d8.png
Is this because "incorrect images in xarp" or something is broken in doomsday? If second, we can create another issue for this
Updated by vermil over 9 years ago
There may have been replacements for those graphics in an older version of the XARP, but they aren't in the latest version of the pack (0.12).
Raise this in the XARP forum thread and maybe they will be added to the latest version?