From 2013-08-31 to 2013-09-13
22:07 Revision f9f9b29b (github): Fixed|PopupMenuWidget: Image color should be the same as text color
21:57 Revision 22582a79 (github): Default Style|ProgressWidget: Icon tweaks
19:19 Revision 4c412afe (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Dialog action button placement to opposite edge
- Dialog action buttons are now placed in a separate menu on the
opposite side of the dialog. However, there is only a ... -
19:19 Revision 08c4fb3c (github): Default Style: Added a 'gauge' icon
- This is useful for developer instruments, data inspection, and other
tools. -
19:19 Revision f9cf7834 (github): Default Style|Task Bar: Added a set of basic settings icons
- Some of these are a little draft quality...
17:26 Revision 4553fdef (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Convenience header for Lumobj
17:13 Revision 154dd239 (github): Map Renderer|Surface|Client: Automatically clear map surface decorations on material change
16:44 Revision 72f7461a (github): Merge branch 'master' of
09:24 Revision 29bd3084 (github): Cleanup
07:35 Revision ab951300 (github): Cleanup|Map Renderer|SurfaceDecorator: Reordered surfacedecorator.cpp
07:14 Revision fee3c086 (github): Documentation|SurfaceDecoration: Improved apidoc for SurfaceDecorator; minor cleanup
06:17 Revision cfb14fa2 (github): Map Renderer|Decoration|Client: A Decoration is a MapObject
06:06 Revision 4b55be55 (github): World|MapObject: All map objects have a map space origin
03:34 Revision e110fdd5 (github): Refactor: Relocated linknode_t from dd_share.h to m_nodepile.h
- The node piles are no longer visible at API level so linknode_t can
now be moved out of dd_share.h
It is most likely... -
02:49 Revision e0407fd9 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Excessive light for Hexen's Mage Frost Shard FX
- The old DDMF_LIGHTSCALESHIFT API flag was removed. Previously this
was used to dynamically scale a luminous object on... -
02:12 Revision e6609c06 (github): Map Renderer|Client: Free the temporary Lumobj produced by LightDecoration
00:32 Revision 5c60ef41 (github): Cleanup|Map Renderer|Client: Cleanup
00:27 Revision d180dc0f (github): Map Renderer|Lumobj|Client: Lumobj::Source::occlusion() missed the virtual specifier
00:18 Revision 8488bda5 (github): Map Renderer|LightDecoration|Client: Set the LightDecoration as the source of any Lumobjs it generates
00:11 Revision f34363fb (github): Typo
23:57 Revision 2b7e51da (github): Cleanup|Map Renderer|LightDecoration|Client: Cleanup
23:55 Revision fd9e8eb9 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Generate a light decoration flare (source) directly from Lumobj
- Moved more light properties into Lumobj. Also, a source can now be
attributed which provides occlusion information wh... -
17:53 Revision c1fa5aca (github): Fixed|Client: Fixing issues with Appearance Editor and SettingsRegister
- After the profiles have been written, the file is immediately flushed
so that subsequent reads will get the correct d... -
16:23 Revision db4c18c0 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: ChoiceWidget item order change vs. updating selected item
13:10 Revision 6142c076 (github): Cleanup: Server build warning; Video Settings mode label
13:10 Revision 987bad86 (github): UI|Client|Renderer Appearance: Regrouped some settings, use profile picker
- Revised the Renderer Appearance based on feedback. Profiles can be
switched now also inside the editor.
Added a "Cam... -
13:08 Revision 8d257184 (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Added widget for settings profile manipulation
- The ProfilePickerWidget takes any SettingsRegister and allows switching
and manipulating the profiles in the register... -
13:06 Revision 25f4b5cb (github): UI|Client: Popup nesting level affects appearance
- Deeply nested popups should be opaque to avoid visual clutter.
02:45 Revision df6096ad (github): Optimize|Map Renderer|SurfaceDecorator|Client: Batch surface redecoration by material
- Material preparation is potentially expensive, involving resource
searches and/or variant specification matched. To a... -
01:18 Revision 3a9fb466 (github): Map Renderer|SurfaceDecorator|Client: Cleanup
01:01 Revision be3d24de (github): Map Renderer|Decoration|SurfaceDecorator|Surface|Client: Cleanup
00:22 Revision 5303bfe3 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Removed redundant Surface::DecorSource
- Now that the need for surface decoration updates is tracked and the
updates done in a timely fashion -- the old Decor...
20:41 Revision 847a3a1f (github): World|Plane|Client: Continuously interpolate plane movement
- It would seem the plane height delta must be continuously updated to
ensure smooth movement. Naturally this means tha... -
19:10 Revision e41bdaf1 (github): World|Sector: Sector observes smoothed height changes of its floor/ceiling planes
- Also trimmed some unnecessary fat from Plane on server side.
18:20 Revision d1e9deda (github): Refactor|World|Plane|Surface: Disambiguate "visual height" wrt planes
- Since the introduction of mapped sector planes the "visual height"
of a plane could be interpreted with two very diff... -
17:00 Revision 2ece2ee5 (github): World|Surface|Client: Cleaned up surface decoration source creation
- Storage for decoration sources is now allocated from the regular
heap and free'd along with Surface. -
15:06 Revision 79ddeb4c (github): UI|Video Settings: Setting the window to a particular display mode size
15:05 Revision f3d30088 (github): UI|Cleanup: Accessing popup menu items via PopupMenuWidget
14:38 Revision 84d09866 (github): UI|libgui|BusyWidget: Grab only game view area for transition effect
- While this isn't yet perfect (busy mode shouldn't use a separate
root covering the entire view), now at least the tra...
19:34 Revision bcfd8c0b (github): Merge branch 'ui-framework'
- Conflicts:
doomsday/client/src/render/sprite.cpp -
18:59 Revision 4e473fd4 (github): Fixed|ClientApp: Create /home/configs if it doesn't exist
- ClientApp is responsible for setting up the basic folder structure.
17:39 Revision 95ffcf04 (github): Windows|Fixed: Build failures, fonts.dei syntax error
16:18 Bug #1134: [Hexen] Uncaught exception in Heresiarch's Seminary
- - **labels**: --> Hexen, Data
- **Priority**: 1 --> 8
16:17 Bug #1133: Menu selector is tiny in Hell Revealed 2
- - **Priority**: 1 --> 5
03:03 Bug #1133 (Closed): Menu selector is tiny in Hell Revealed 2
- Menu selector appears too small on doomsday when playing Hell Revealed 2 pwad, when it is supposed to show just like ...
15:11 Revision 1fff9c95 (github): UI|RendererSettings: UI and layout improvements
- Handle very long profile names and include the gear button
appropriately in the dialog layout. -
15:10 Revision 1e358c97 (github): UI|Client: Improved layout classes
- For special cases, it is helpful to add widgets to layout with
special widths or without affecting the total layout s... -
13:52 Revision d750839c (github): UI|Task Bar: Various tweaks to focus/mouse trap behavior
- When the sidebar is open, the task bar will behave a bit differently.
While the "taskbar" command will still always o... -
12:33 Revision c9408d56 (github): Fixed|Renderer Settings: Let dialogs close themselves before deleting
- On second thought, we can't create dialogs as local variables as
they must exist for the duration of the closing anim... -
12:32 Revision 7f4e352b (github): Fixed|SettingsRegister: Update Config immediately when profile changes
12:21 Revision 64b2cbdd (github): UI|Renderer Settings: Option to reset the entire profile; UI improvements
- The various popup dialogs now use buttons that clearly state the
action to be taken. -
12:04 Revision 7431cab7 (github): Console: Added interactive Doomsday Script mode for the command line
- Refactored a common base class called CommandWidget for command line
based widgets.
ConsoleCommandWidget handles the... -
11:58 Revision 3351ba2c (github): libdeng2|Script|Widgets: Use monospace for 'print' output
- Also added a RuleRectangle method for copying another rectangle's
input rules, although this should be used in specia... -
11:57 Revision cc645113 (github): libgui|Client: Added rich style 'm' to choose a monospace font
05:31 Feature #1586: Load/manage add-ons from the home screen
- - **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
- **Milestone**: Eventually --> Pre 2.0
- **Priority**: 1 --> 7
02:31 Feature #1586 (Closed): Load/manage add-ons from the home screen
- Hello, will there be a field to load pwads while on the ring zero ui (nice user interface there!)? Possibly that's th...
05:31 Feature #1585: [Map Hack] Extra plane (e.g., Hell Revealed II MAP01)
- - **labels**: hr2, bridge -->
- **summary**: Alternative bridge map hack support --> [Map Hack] Extra plane (e.g., H... -
02:22 Feature #1585 (Progressed): [Map Hack] Extra plane (e.g., Hell Revealed II MAP01)
- Hello, there is a pwad named Hell Revealed II which happens to use a different kind of bridge on map01, this time wit...
03:17 Revision 6324a649 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
03:16 Revision d003ec0c (github): Map Renderer|SurfaceDecorator|Client: SurfaceDecorator is responsibility for applying material changes
- When the properties of a material are changed directly or animated,
SurfaceDecorator assumes responsibility for sched...
22:27 Revision 8c6655c8 (github): Homepage: Updated favicon
22:26 Revision c8a68752 (github): Client|libdeng2: Persistently store setting profiles
- SettingsRegister can now optionally be configured to work in
persistent mode, where the profiles and their values are... -
22:23 Revision 84af052f (github): Fixed|UI: Widget improvements, ui::Data non-const access to items
- Fixed issues in ChoiceWidget where the state of the button was not
updated in every situation (adding/removing/updati... -
22:21 Revision a7e5a976 (github): UI|MessageDialog: Added InputDialog for querying text from user
- Also, both MessageDialog and InputDialog can now be constructed
as local variables; they will reinitialize themselves... -
22:15 Revision 9ef47b81 (github): Homepage|Forums: Updated forum favicon to the new style DE logo
19:41 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- - **Priority**: 1 --> 5
16:57 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- Version 1.11.0: FPS - Avg: 25.886 - Min: 16 - Max: 52 (no leg, runs "fast" and smooth.)
Version 1.11.2: FPS - Avg:... -
16:49 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- I will later post the videos
13:43 Revision 43b3b633 (github): Windows: Rebuilt app icons with a full set of sizes
- Maybe this will fix the issue of the icons not appearing on some
versions of Windows? -
09:53 Revision 0f9518d9 (github): Refactor|UI|ButtonWidget: Buttons have a separate text color for the Hover state
- This makes life easier for PopupMenuWidget and the FoldPanelWidget
titles look better (the normal button frames were ... -
08:44 Revision d53487af (github): Fixed|Map Renderer|Client: Build error (refactoring oversight)
08:19 Revision c8d090a5 (github): wip 1
06:03 Revision 0dd08b53 (github): Map Renderer|Client: Continued working on SurfaceDecorator
05:43 Revision 571f67df (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Each map has a SurfaceDecorator
04:23 Revision 042aae1e (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Relocated Decoration to new source files
03:35 Revision 53f5ee15 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Continued work on Decoration
02:57 Revision 22458587 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Beginning OO transformation of light decoration management
20:33 Revision 1fe5f6da (github): Refactor|Client|Server|libdeng2: Current game and audiences moved to de::App
- Added de::game::Game as the base class for actual games. The de::game
namespace was used because de::Game is currentl... -
16:30 Revision ca7a1865 (github): UI|Task Bar: Hide renderer etc. config items when a game not loaded
- There is no point in adjusting the renderer settings etc. in Ring
Zero because the settings will anyway be immediatel... -
16:07 Revision 2eed8085 (github): UI|FoldPanelWidget: Use the button border on titles
- All interactive clickable elements should behave the same way.
16:00 Revision 2993ce5d (github): UI|Renderer Appearance: Draw a scroll indicator
- ScrollAreaWidget can now draw a scroll indicator independently.
This is not enabled by default, though.
Also dimmed ... -
14:40 Revision 37e8f6f8 (github): UI|Renderer Appearance|FoldPanelWidget: Tweaked appearance
13:42 Revision 1cdfdb40 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Inverted texture projection list population
- First produce a TexProjection and then copy it into the possibly
newly created projection list. -
11:13 Revision 0cf3b278 (github): Fixed|Map Renderer|Client: Distance light attenuation causing sprites to fullbright
- Rend_AttenuateLightLevel() failed to ensure that the resultant light
level was clamping to the valid 0..1 range. -
10:48 Revision 569e2fa2 (github): UI|Renderer Appearance: Reseting individual setting groups to defaults
- Each foldable group of setting can be reseted separately. The default
values of the cvars were added to ClientApp's
r... -
10:46 Revision 5000be0b (github): UI|Task Bar: Removed "Control Panel" from the config menu
10:45 Revision 621edceb (github): UI|Client: Widget improvements
- - Panel eats mouse clicks not handled by children.
- FoldPanel closes immediately.
- Slider dots made slightly dimmer. -
10:44 Revision 0d2810e2 (github): UI|Client|GridLayout: Allow defining a fixed width for a column
- The fixed width defined for a column is used in the layout calculations
without affecting the size of the widgets in ... -
10:43 Revision 0b4d31e4 (github): UI|Client: Improved shared interface for console variable widgets
10:41 Revision 49cda990 (github): Fixed|libdeng2: IndirectRule's value becomes zero when unset
- When the source rule of the indirect rule was removed, the indirect
rule did not invalidate itself. Instead, the last... -
09:53 Revision 4fb766ae (github): Typo
09:25 Revision 26cd6160 (github): Fixed|Map Renderer|Client: Light decorations disappear instantly at distance; cleanup
07:49 Revision 78875003 (github): Fixed|Map Renderer|Client: Secondary lens flare dimming
- It appears this has been broken for some time. Presumably everyone
must use the default "realistic" mode these days. -
04:07 Revision 705a3679 (github): Map Renderer|Client: R_BeginFrame() must be done before projecting light decorations
03:14 Revision d84d602c (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Continued cleaning up halo and light decoration projection
01:41 Revision 6866c6dc (github): Cleanup|Map Renderer|Client: Cleaned up world surface drawing a little
22:44 Revision b8ef067c (github): Cleanup|Server: Cleanup
22:43 Revision 5c5531f3 (github): Cleanup|Map Renderer|Client: Cleanup
21:12 Revision 5454eb13 (github): Map Renderer|Client: Removed old non-projective method for mobj shadows
20:20 Revision 4747de5f (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Consolidated dynamic wall and plane texture projection
19:42 Revision 53fcbc11 (github): Map Renderer|Client: Adjusted minimum mobj lumobj radius; cleanup
19:16 Revision 09ac3087 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Standardized API for texture projection
18:45 Revision b3d328ac (github): UI|Client: Removed old Control Panel, settings now in the Appearance editor
- Added a new panel-derived widget called FoldPanelWidget that supports
embedded, folding groups. This is used for sett... -
17:32 Revision d4c101be (github): Map Renderer|Client: Use same mechanism for mobj shadow projection as dynlights
12:12 Revision 93839c94 (github): Fixed|Documentation|Doxygen: Incorrect source file names
11:59 Revision 47ff17f9 (github): UI|LegacyWidget: Use the LegacyWidget size as game view size
- Rather than assuming the game view covers the entire window and
therefore is only resized when viewResized() occurs, ... -
11:52 Revision 2e0e8003 (github): Fixed|Map Renderer|Lumobj|Client: Minimum luminous object radius compatibility
- Values in Light and Decoration definitions are again interpreted the
way they used be (prior consolidation of this in... -
10:28 Revision ae0b8e5c (github): UI|Client|Renderer Settings: Moved wireframe and rend-tex under Developer
- Not very useful for normal users.
10:19 Revision fc408680 (github): Fixed|GL: Apply viewport changes immediately
- Since the rest of the legacy renderer uses the immediate GL state,
we must apply changes to GLState immediately. Norm... -
10:17 Revision 7c9f64ad (github): Client: Manage GL viewport exclusively with libgui GLState
- This allows LegacyWidget to use its own viewport without disrupting
the rest of the UI. -
09:08 Revision 04368552 (github): UI|Client: Minor Video Settings dialog tweak
09:07 Revision 9b3530a2 (github): Refactor|Client: Game view size is taken from LegacyWidget
- The objective is to make LegacyWidget resizable within the window.
Todo: GL viewport needs to be set separately for ... -
07:34 Revision 56838db0 (github): Typos
07:30 Revision fe5d331d (github): Fixed|Map Renderer|Sector|Client: HOM at start of ksutra.wad MAP03
- Dynamic mapping of sector planes should only be done if there is open
space between the floor and ceiling. -
07:08 Revision 5335c9c0 (github): Cleanup|Map Renderer|Client: Minor clean up of surface light decoration plotting
03:35 Revision 966a8450 (github): Cleanup|Map Renderer|Lumobj|Client: Cleanup
03:29 Revision 5b20e1d4 (github): Map Renderer|Lumobj|Client: Cleaned up Lumobj instantiation
02:35 Revision ee034f26 (github): Refactor|Lumobj: Extracted MapObject from Lumobj
- Todo for later: Mobj, Polyobj, SoundEmitter, etc... should all use
this as their base. -
01:13 Revision 3012ed3d (github): Map Renderer|Client: Cleanup
01:13 Revision 7fa23c23 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Cleaned up dynamic light projection
01:10 Revision 2d937137 (github): Map Renderer|Client: Revised mechanism for generating Lumobjs from sprites
- This logic is now split into two distinct phases:
Phase 1 involves the generation of Lumobjs from a sprite and at th... -
01:02 Revision c35bfd5b (github): Map Renderer|Client: Reimplemented Lumobj and management thereof
- Lumobj is now implemented as a C++ class and the lumobj module itself
has been split up.
A Lumobj is first instantia... -
00:51 Revision d07b4d3a (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Updated model drawing wrt VectorLight API changes
00:50 Revision 4203c998 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Relocated viewer scope data and functions from lumobj.cpp
- As the "viewer" is presently an implicit concept, this data and any
relevant functionality was moved to r_main.cpp -
00:45 Revision 5e48229c (github): World|Map: Removed the "glowing surface" set from Map
- In the revised design the map no longer needs to maintain this info.
00:40 Revision 203f3fa2 (github): Map Renderer|Client: Replaced interpretation of plane glows to VectorLights; cleanup
- Rendering of plane glows is being revised so that Lumobj aren't used.
00:34 Revision 72b4b78f (github): World|BspLeaf|Client: Added mechanism for linking Lumobjs to BspLeafs
- Will replace the old mechanism for which in lumobj.cpp
23:01 Revision 968134b5 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
22:06 Revision 99cbbfd7 (github): Renderer: Adjusted the automatic widescreen FOV adjustment
- The goal is that a specific FOV value will provide roughly the same
experience regardless of the aspect ratio. -
21:46 Revision 7eeffac9 (github): Windows|Fixed: Build failure (system header conflict)
20:26 Revision 801e7d64 (github): UI|Client: Video Settings fullscreen mode, Close button
- The "Mode" setting was replaced with a "Fullscreen Mode", which
only affects the fullscreen mode.
Adding a Close but... -
19:00 Revision f759fb00 (github): Refactor|Client: Applied SettingsRegister for audio and video settings
18:38 Revision eb281932 (github): Refactor|Client: Added SettingsRegister, renderer & input settings
- SettingsRegister provides several important functions:
- Stores/provides access to the default values of settings.
-... -
09:30 Revision 2b1f599c (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Added PanelWidget as base class of PopupWidget
- Panels are containers that may be opened or closed. PopupWidget now
extends PanelWidget with anchor positioning and i...
23:00 Revision 12b8066f (github): Merge branch 'master' of
20:33 Revision 5e663951 (github): UI|Task Bar|Client: Added Renderer Settings
- The Renderer Settings dialog contains renderer options that are not
strictly related to the visual appearance of the ... -
19:55 Revision 85666079 (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Various widget improvements
18:57 Revision 27c79db7 (github): Renderer: Automatically adjust FOV for view aspect ratio
- The FOV angle is now interpreted to be the horizontal FOV angle for
a view with 4:3 aspect ratio (matching the origin... -
18:52 Revision 5dad337a (github): UI|Client: Added Stylist and DialogContentStylist
- A Stylist is an object that configures widgets with a particular
context in mind. DialogContentStylist adjusts margin... -
10:58 Revision 4440644a (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Convenient constructor for LabelWidget with text
- A static constructor method that sets the label text and optionally
adds it to a parent widget.
Also, CVarSliderWidg... -
09:36 Revision 3e3f7ab7 (github): UI|Client|PopupWidget: Clamp left edge to view's edge
- When a popup opens to the left, make sure it doesn't go outside
the view. -
09:04 Revision a7044738 (github): Cleanup
08:59 Revision c33f1834 (github): UI|Task Bar: Split off configuration settings from DE menu
- There is now a separate "gear" menu for configuration settings,
freeing up the DE menu for high-level app functionality. -
01:02 Revision 8520aaf9 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
21:19 Revision cd68959a (github): UI|Control Panel|Client: Added Input Settings, removed old "Input" page
- A new config variable (Config.input.mouse.syncSensitivity) controls
whether the X and Y axis sensitivities are always... -
15:53 Bug #1068: Hi-res texture vs custom textures bug
14:53 Feature #1584 (Closed): [Deathkings] Option for monster respawn rate
- Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel respawns monsters in single player mode in a constant manner (excessive monster...
14:42 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- Yes 1.11.0 is still "fast"! Anti-aliasing and no other configuration is influencing the difference. I will be emailin...
00:14 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- > from version 1.11.1 onwards
There was also a [1.11.0]( -
00:07 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- Compared all versions starting from 1.10.3. All settings alike. The problem occurs at slow graphics from version 1.11...
00:04 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- -by the questions follows. 'config' of the two versions, attached.
-I did test and disable FSAA does not solve the p... -
13:18 Revision 09fc196f (github): UI|Control Panel|Client: Added Network Settings, removed old Network/Console pages
- However, the Network Settings dialog is presently quite empty as the
only relevant surviving option is 'net-dev'. In ...
23:51 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- File in attachment:
Doomsday Engine 1.11.2 (Slow graphics)
Doomsday Engine 1.10.3 (Fast graphics)
*Attachment... -
17:37 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- nothing has changed for me the default in both versions.
the 'vid_fsaa' is 1 by default in both
17:05 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- nothing has changed for me the default in both versions.
the vss is 1 by default in both -
17:03 Bug #1132 (Closed): Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
- *was playing in version v1.10.3 - Fast graphics. great fps
*Graphics slow and low fps! long leg!
Best regards
... -
22:16 Revision 15a90690 (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Added CVarChoiceWidget, used it in Audio Settings
- A more convenient way to modify cvars with a limited number of valid
values. -
21:59 Revision e5f146b7 (github): UI|Control Panel|Client: Removed the Control Panel's "Audio" page
- These options are now present in the DE menu, under "Audio Settings".
21:49 Revision 912eef92 (github): UI|Client: Added "Preferred Music" option, apply resampling rate changes
21:31 Revision 080302f9 (github): Typo
21:28 Revision 96f1ab20 (github): Documentation|Client|DialogWidget: Widget structure description
21:10 Revision 8f163c1c (github): Merge branch 'master' of
21:08 Revision 398a1b2d (github): Fixed|libgui: Canvas recreation does not cause focus to be lost
- Fixes the problem where toggling FSAA would pause the game due to
the canvas losing and then regaining focus. -
20:31 Revision e044f58e (github): i18n|Client: Tested translations on client app
- However, lupdate has a problem with strings inside pimpl classes.
What to do? -
18:55 Revision 1b9f45ba (github): Fixed|Refactor|UI|Client: Widget improvements
- - Use CVarToggleWidget in Video Settings
- Menu eats mouse position events (to avoid "leaking" them to widgets
unde... -
18:54 Revision 2dc80925 (github): UI|Task Bar|Client: Added the Audio Settings dialog
- The Audio Settings dialog replicates the options from the Control
Panel's Audio page.
Also added a specialized toggl... -
13:17 Revision 9b68e503 (github): UI|Client|DialogWidget: Added an optional heading for dialogs
- Any dialog can now have a heading. MessageDialog still uses its own
title label to display an even larger title.
Tod... -
04:11 Revision 48f8acd4 (github): Server: Cleanup
04:10 Revision be604059 (github): Map Renderer|Client: Cleanup
19:49 Revision 6cb00463 (github): Cleanup
19:38 Revision 91e74e1f (github): Merge branch 'ui-framework'
19:03 Revision 8974556b (github): UI|Control Panel|Client: Removed the Control Panel's "Video" page
- These options are now present in the DE menu, under "Video Settings".
18:46 Revision ccc5d065 (github): UI|Task Bar: Revised DE menu items
- The "Check for Updates" menu item was removed. Now manual update
checks can be made via the Updater Settings dialog.
... -
18:43 Revision 9dc4024c (github): UI|Client: Popup menu content scrolling
- When a popup menu is too tall to fit into view, the menu will
scroll accordingly. -
15:03 Revision 34ea8b08 (github): UI|Client|SliderWidget: Minor visual tweak (alt dot brightness)
13:31 Revision 1faa5e7f (github): UI|Client: Added the color adjustment dialog in ClientWindow
- ClientWindow owns a color adjustment dialog, and it can be shown at
any time.
The ranges of vid-gamma, vid-contrast ... -
13:29 Revision db6cb698 (github): UI|Default Style|Client: Color adjustment dialog; cvar slider; style tweaks
- The color adjustment dialog is for the monitor color adjustments.
- CVarSliderWidget presently works only the float ... -
05:09 Revision dcc788ef (github): Map Renderer: Mobjs whose origin lies behind a visual plane do not emit light
- Todo for later: This situation usually arises where the mapper has
utilized a "deep water" hack. It would be nice if ...
21:39 Revision 11a611d8 (github): Fixed|UI|Client|PopupWidget: Make sure geometry is up-to-date before drawing
17:01 Revision 5e647398 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Initial viewResized event to mewly added children
- Hitherto widgets have received a viewResized event only when the
actual Canvas size has changed. This has only accide... -
16:57 Revision f5c9e2c3 (github): UI|Client|GuiWidget: Tracking button clicks of any mouse button
- Not hardcoded to the Left button.
16:51 Revision 536a31c4 (github): Fixed|qmake|Client: Typo in convenience header file names
16:51 Revision a8abcc3a (github): UI|Client|GuiRootWidget: Slightly thinner widget background frame
11:01 Revision d8f3c6bb (github): Client: Fix build (missing include)
10:56 Revision 243a3a35 (github): Refactor|Server: Removed r_things.cpp/h from the server project
10:12 Revision 046bcf6c (github): Refactor|Map Renderer: Continued splitting up r_things.cpp; cleanup
09:46 Revision aab58eed (github): Map Renderer|Client: Cleanup
09:11 Revision d8e9b2a9 (github): Refactor|Client: Relocated various functions from r_things.cpp to better homes
08:18 Revision 953fea4a (github): Refactor: Moved logical sprite management to the resource domain
04:36 Revision 873d0f8f (github): Cleanup|Map Renderer|Client: Unraveled r_things.cpp dependencies
- Clearly this code doesn't know which domain it belongs to.
Logical sprites (frames, rotations, ...) should be consid... -
03:44 Revision 4fc43925 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Moved "vissprite" management out of r_things.h/cpp
02:23 Revision 2fac8b39 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Continued cleaning up sprite projection
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