From 2014-10-12 to 2014-10-25
23:42 Bug #1591 (In Progress): [BSP] Fully overlapped map geometry is not always split
21:06 Bug #1591: [BSP] Fully overlapped map geometry is not always split
- Closer inspection reveals there are actually two underlying issues here that result in geometry being split incorrect...
18:47 Revision 7e9791de (github): Renderer|Client: "Pixel Doubling" replaces the "Pixel Density" setting
- Should be more intuitive this way. Also moved the setting under the
"Camera Lens" group (which could now use some sub... -
17:33 Revision 8b40886c (github): World|bsp::Partitioner: Cleanup
16:07 Revision 1554c32d (github): liblegacy|Cleanup: Dumped the now unused v1 Kd Tree data structure
14:34 Revision fb13ecef (github): libgui|RowAtlasAllocator: Improved row-based atlas allocator
- This version is more intelligent in keeping track of empty space.
There is no longer a "rover", using which allocatio... -
12:02 Revision d3fd1830 (github): Merge branch 'master' into common-episode-definition
10:40 Revision 9ae4f778 (github): Fixed|Unix: Build failure (file name case sensitivity)
18:37 Revision dd6f9074 (github): Refactor|World|Map: Better/cleaner mechanism for SectorCluster iteration
15:13 Revision 8af3a8a6 (github): Merge branch 'master' into common-episode-definition
- Conflicts:
doomsday/client/sr... -
02:59 Revision 3d31e7ae (github): World|bsp::Partitioner: Cleanup
22:04 Revision f61537bc (github): Merge branch 'master' into convex-subspace
20:13 Revision 8bc2b8cc (github): Fixed|libcore|TaskPool: Completing a pool while it is being destroyed
- The allTasksDone() signal was emitted after unlocking, which meant that
a destructor waiting on the mutex would get a... -
19:32 Revision d97cbbb8 (github): Fixed|libcore|Lockable: Issue with the mutex lock counter
- When unlocking a Lockable, it was first unlocked and only then its
lock count was decremented. This meant that execut... -
15:54 Revision 93014e72 (github): ConvexSubspace merge fixes (a header path and variable renamed)
14:50 Revision e9bd5908 (github): World|ConvexSubspace: Cleanup
14:50 Revision b8cf44af (github): World|bsp::PartitionEvaluator: Cleanup
14:50 Revision 71d14956 (github): Optimize|World|bsp::Partitioner: Use a TaskPool for concurrent BSP costing
- bsp::PartitionEvaluator now uses a background TaskPool for concurrent
evaluation and costing of candidate partition l... -
14:50 Revision fde7884c (github): World|bsp::Partitioner: Cleanup
14:50 Revision 9ce90ba4 (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Extracted "PartitionCostEvaluator" from bsp::Partitioner
- Todo: Cleanup
14:50 Revision e5f8d687 (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Removed the "SuperBlockmap" container
- There is no longer a need for an object instance to contain the tree
data structure. -
14:50 Revision 66f051ba (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Moved more misplaced logic out of "SuperBlockmap"
14:50 Revision c31c634b (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Moved line segment collation out of "SuperBlockmap"
- This algorithm clearly belongs in bsp::Partitioner itself.
14:50 Revision af79382a (github): World|bsp::Partitioner: Cleanup
14:49 Revision b3675da7 (github): World|bsp::Partitioner: Fixed a refactoring oversight
14:49 Revision b1f5dbb2 (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Reimplemented the "SuperBlockmap" node tree with de::BinaryTree
- Todo:
- Verify everything still works correctly
- Revise API for line segment insertion
- Cleanup and rename -
14:49 Revision 51a69835 (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Moved remaining KdTree logic into "SuperBlockmap"
- This class now only depends on the old KdTree in liblegacy for its
integral binary tree... -
14:49 Revision 4278a8bd (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Moved KdTree node splitting logic into "SuperBlockmap"
14:49 Revision a24753a9 (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Separated binary tree management from "SuperBlockmap"
14:49 Revision cd775c90 (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Continued BSP "SuperBlockmap" remodeling
14:49 Revision 0677d190 (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Began BSP "SuperBlockmap" remodeling
14:49 Revision e322dcca (github): Refactor|World|bsp::Partitioner: Cleanup
14:49 Revision 211da51f (github): World|bsp::Partitioner: Began cleaning up BspTree ownership
14:49 Revision 7b7fb0d6 (github): World|Map: Cleanup
14:49 Revision 856d3753 (github): World|Map: Map now provides only const access to the internal BspTree
14:49 Revision 5ea74ce0 (github): libcore|BinaryTree: Added subtree type counting and summary methods to BinaryTree
14:49 Revision c65d4bd9 (github): World: Use a subspaceContactList
14:49 Revision c74da808 (github): Refactor|Renderer: Use a subspacesVisible QBitArray
- Removes the need for a BspElement to record a unique indexInMap.
14:49 Revision 0f559450 (github): World|Map: Removed the now unnecessary BspElement LUTs
14:48 Revision 1adbfe04 (github): World: Cleanup
- Todo: Partitioner BSP tree ownership cleanup.
Todo: Test a failed BSP build, allocation release, etc... -
14:48 Revision 7fa45469 (github): World|BspLeaf|BspNode: Base BspLeaf and BspNode on BspElement
14:47 Revision 6d1f5934 (github): World: Reimplemented BSP tree with de::BinaryTree
- de::Map now takes ownership of what was Partitioner's internal tree
for use as the final BSP tree, rather than claimi... -
14:47 Revision 6996d810 (github): Refactor|World: Began BSP tree remodeling
- The first step is to eliminate MapElement as a common base.
14:47 Revision 39518872 (github): World|BspLeaf: Simplified BspLeaf (no need for pimpl here)
14:47 Revision 9c149918 (github): Map API: BspLeaf replaced with ConvexSubspace
- ConvexSubspace replaces BspLeaf as the public representation for a
convex subspace in the BSP tree. BspLeaf and BspNo... -
14:47 Revision 5ead90a4 (github): World|BspLeaf: Cleanup, updated API docs
14:47 Revision 71f74ce9 (github): World: Link Faces in the half-edge DS to ConvexSubspace
- Rather than linking to BspLeaf, we can now set this up with a more
logical scheme with Faces linking to ConvexSubspac... -
14:46 Revision f501d7ec (github): World|Map: Use a ConvexSubspace Blockmap (was BspLeaf)
14:46 Revision 40c8e16c (github): Renderer: Cleanup
14:44 Revision 68968469 (github): Renderer: ContactSpreader and VLight APIs use ConvexSubspace
14:41 Revision 7714c6fb (github): Renderer: Switched various APIs to work with ConvexSubspace
14:40 Revision dfe2151a (github): Renderer: Current ConvexSubspace is now a draw state variable
- Previously a BspLeaf. (It is now impossible to attempt drawing with
a degenerate BSP leaf). -
14:40 Revision 901c9069 (github): Server: Updated to include the new sources
14:40 Revision 4e4ff792 (github): Refactor|World|SectorCluster: SectorCluster is a set of (one or more) ConvexSubspace
14:40 Revision 0095b59a (github): Refactor|World|BspLeaf|ConvexSubspace: Moved Polyobj link set from BspLeaf to ConvexSubspace
14:40 Revision 3ca47ae4 (github): Refactor|World|BspLeaf: Extracted ConvexSubspace from BspLeaf
- To avoid collision and name overloading, the BSP builder's component
of the same name was renamed as ConvexSubspacePr... -
14:40 Revision 16e7fa7b (github): Typo in previous commit (renamed in recent refactoring)
14:39 Revision 73216a9f (github): Renderer|SectorCluster|Shard: Improving SoC between SectorCluster/Shard
- Shard is no longer aware of which map element it was generated for.
SectorCluster provides a mechanism for looking up... -
14:37 Revision 3c0ad3ad (github): Refactor|World|SectorCluster: Renamed SectorCluster-internal BoundaryInfo as BoundaryData
- The term "Info" has an established meaning in libdeng2.
14:36 Revision ea12f50c (github): Renderer|Shard: Cleanup
13:54 Revision ce52b49f (github): Merge branch 'master' into common-episode-definition
19:38 Revision a5937cb6 (github): libappfw|LogWidget: Cleanup
19:27 Revision b121967c (github): Performance|libappfw|LogWidget: Improved/faster log entry processing
- One of the major performance bottlenecks was that entries were being
processed even when the log was not really visib... -
19:22 Revision ee85daf1 (github): libappfw: Redesigned TextDrawable with better multitasking
- This new implementation of TextDrawable can cleanly have multiple
ongoing wrapping tasks, can be deleted immediately ... -
19:15 Revision 55b0f65b (github): libgui|Atlas: Minor performance tuning
- Avoid repeating defragmentation operations. Don't print tons of log
messages about the atlas being full. -
19:12 Revision 5b00c792 (github): libcore|Lockable: Check that mutexes are unlocked before destruction
- The caller's responsibility is to ensure that locked mutexes are not
deleted. -
19:11 Revision 8c9d2fa9 (github): libcore|TaskPool: Redesigned shutdown procedure
- Previously TaskPool's destructor waited until all the tasks were
finished. Now, the public TaskPool is deleted immedi... -
12:39 Revision 3fb8058e (github): Merge branch 'master' into common-episode-definition
23:10 Revision d426cee7 (github): Fixed|Console|libdoomsday: Timing the execution buffer
- If there were lots of scheduled commands, an inordinate amount of
time was spent looping in the execution buffer. Now... -
23:07 Revision e39befce (github): Fixed|libcore|Animation: Updating current time
- Before these changes, the current time being just a reference, it
may have gotten changed from another thread during ... -
15:35 Feature #1887 (Closed): Migrate project build system to CMake 3
- CMake is much improved compared to the last time Doomsday used CMake for building the project. Nowadays we should be ...
15:17 Feature #1886 (In Progress): Use SDL 2 for window management, display modes, color correction, and keyboard/mouse/gamepad input
- SDL 2 has quite good support for low-level functionality that is essential to games. Particularly, it supports native...
15:14 Feature #1741 (Closed): Upgrade to SDL 2
10:09 Revision 0b083979 (github): Documentation|libcore: Elaborated on TaskPool's "done" status
09:58 Revision 1a752b32 (github): OS X|Client: Always show pixel density in Video Settings
19:53 Bug #1885 (New): [Multiplayer] Incorrect player numbers in scoreboard between maps
- The between map scoreboard doesn't appear to take into account that the server is player1.
The first actual player... -
19:52 Bug #1884 (Closed): Current MP game not automatically disconnected when connecting to a new server (unable to switch between servers on the same IP address)
- One can't join a different server on the same IP address.
Dday doesn't switch servers and the alert log incorrectl... -
19:50 Bug #1883 (New): [MP] no teleporter sound when spawning/respawning
- At least in Doom2, there is no spawn sound when one enters or respawns in a multiplayer game.
18:36 Bug #1879: [Windows] Doomsday randomly fails to start when/after loading shader definitions
- As is my understanding, Dday currently has 4 separate start up issues; AA, shader, Snowberry and mobj list.
I'm cu... -
17:34 Revision a7e6e3da (github): Renderer|LensFX: Added a resizing filter (pixel density)
- fx::Resize changes the size of the frame buffer to produce a pixelated
appearance, either for performance or aestheti... -
17:26 Revision 5d1b2d63 (github): UI|Updater: Use alternate accent color for annotation labels
17:26 Revision bc1591c8 (github): Refactor|App|Client: More convenient method for accessing a Config variable
15:29 Revision 70488ff9 (github): Cleanup
12:53 Revision 84a39ca8 (github): Resources: Load packages specified with the -pkg option
- The "-pkg" option specifies one or more packages to load at startup
and keep loaded indefinitely, regardless of loade... -
04:39 Bug #1882: 1.15.0 Build #1385 Multiplayer options game server list
- Yes actually they are, although at the moment I don't have them running ~ just put a new hdd in the server. ;)
But... -
03:54 Bug #1881: 350+ exceptions thrown during initial startup (prior to loading a game)
- skyjake wrote:
> Any breakdown on the type of exceptions being thrown?
Qt Creator will list all the exceptions th...
21:22 Bug #1880: Key repeat rate is dependent on the user's configuration at OS level
- Keyboard turning uses repeaters and will therefore feel completely different to vanilla because the rate and delay ar...
20:06 Bug #1880: Key repeat rate is dependent on the user's configuration at OS level
- This change was introduced in "version 1.11":
20:10 Bug #1881: 350+ exceptions thrown during initial startup (prior to loading a game)
- Any breakdown on the type of exceptions being thrown?
20:00 Bug #1882: 1.15.0 Build #1385 Multiplayer options game server list
- Are these your own servers? Currently there is a known issue where a server is reported twice if Doomsday finds it bo...
11:43 Bug #1882 (Closed): 1.15.0 Build #1385 Multiplayer options game server list
- On Windows 8.1..
DE in-game multiplayer options, game server listing, the running servers tend to want to show up in... -
18:22 Revision 9d11a171 (github): Oculus Rift|Windows|qmake: ATL no longer needed with LibOVR 0.4.2
11:34 Revision 21d05e4d (github): libcore: Better generic "for" pattern for C++11 style iterator methods
09:58 Revision f5cbca31 (github): Fixed|Client|Manifest: Added missing header
00:38 Bug #1881 (Closed): 350+ exceptions thrown during initial startup (prior to loading a game)
- Clearly excessive. The majority of these are not truly exceptional circumstances so therefore should not be handled u...
23:50 Bug #1880 (New): Key repeat rate is dependent on the user's configuration at OS level
- In-game key repeat rates are entirely dependent upon how one configures their OS. Obviously this is a very serious is...
23:47 Bug #1879 (Closed): [Windows] Doomsday randomly fails to start when/after loading shader definitions
- Startup will sometimes fail at the following point, with no explanation in the log as to what is going on:
RenderSys... -
15:14 Revision d5a8c2e7 (github): Fixed|Windows: Bunch of benign warnings in the release build
14:51 Revision eb1b90cb (github): Resources|Manifest: Also use FS2 to locate files
- While FS1 is still used primarily like before, this now allows looking
up the file anywhere in FS2, too. With this ch... -
14:47 Revision 820e360e (github): Unix|Client: Let de::App determine the base path
14:46 Revision e9b09e7b (github): libcore|FS: Added methods for iterating all found files
- Supports lambda functions.
06:49 Bug #965 (Closed): [XG] Plane texture class gives new flat a tint of 0
06:20 Bug #965 (In Progress): [XG] Plane texture class gives new flat a tint of 0
06:45 Revision a756222b (github): Fixed|XG: Surface tint color changed when triggering XG 'plane_material' lines
- Due to a refactoring oversight back in 2007, the logic of the XG
plane_material line class was changed to always chan... -
03:53 Bug #906 (Closed): [XG] Power class if health below
03:49 Bug #906 (In Progress): [XG] Power class if health below
03:52 Revision 2480539a (github): Fixed|XG: Player armor set to limit when triggering XG 'power' class lines
- Due to refactoring oversight back in 2009, the logic of the XG power
line class was changed to the effect that the pl...
23:48 Revision f924f9b6 (github): Fixed|InFine: Compiler warnings (un/signed comparison; string literals)
23:34 Revision 762081f2 (github): libcore|Xcode: Fixed a bunch of benign integer conversion warnings
23:34 Revision 8d75e620 (github): OS X|Xcode|qmake: Script for generating an Xcode workspace
- The Qt 5.3 qmake is incredibly broken when it comes to generating
Xcode projects, but this commit adds a script that ... -
18:00 Feature #1877: [Updater] Use Sparkle for automatic updates (on OS X)
- Being completely unfamiliar with the requirements of the Mac OS platform I'll bow to your better judgement here.
H... -
17:53 Feature #1877: [Updater] Use Sparkle for automatic updates (on OS X)
- This topic is highly platform-specific. On OS X, we are dealing with self-contained application bundles that are simp...
17:08 Feature #1877: [Updater] Use Sparkle for automatic updates (on OS X)
- Well, most of those bullet points are already covered by Doomsday's own updater mechanism. The existing updater is:
... -
10:07 Feature #1877: [Updater] Use Sparkle for automatic updates (on OS X)
- I suppose the main benefit would be on the Mac where our own updater is pretty wonkily implemented (generated scripts...
17:35 Revision 6685d75c (github): Merge branch 'master' into common-episode-definition
12:34 Feature #1878 (Closed): [MP] Hosted files/pwads etc need client download and auto load/unload files
- 1. Could DE at some point have a /getwad feature added? ~ or at least something like it.
2. Or perhaps the ability t... -
06:46 Revision 6b2a8dbf (github): InFine|FinaleInterpreter: Cleanup
06:23 Revision 13267248 (github): InFine|FinalePageWidget: FinalePageWidget has ownership of child FinaleWidgets
06:21 Revision 2bb76231 (github): InFine|FinalePageWidget: FinalePageWidget has ownership of child FinaleWidgets
03:39 Revision d1b83d99 (github): InFine: Prepare for removing the global FinaleWidget LUT
03:28 Revision 38927443 (github): Refactor|UI|GameUIWidget: Moved UI2_Drawer() into GameUIWidget
02:47 Revision ab063b60 (github): InFine: Removed the global FinalePageWidget LUT
- Such pages are considered a subcomponent of the FinaleInterpreter
and as such there is no need for a global LUT.
Add... -
01:21 Revision f56b9404 (github): InFine: Cleanup
01:08 Revision a7a59435 (github): Cleanup|InFine: Removed unnecessary header dependencies
00:33 Revision d2f56d9f (github): Refactor|InFine: Moved InFine system components to new source files
21:38 Revision 0350bed2 (github): Refactor|InFine: Reimplemented InFine script widget model in C++
- All InFine script objects are now based on FinaleWidget.
- Give FinalePageWidget ownership of the widgets.
- C... -
21:13 Feature #1877: [Updater] Use Sparkle for automatic updates (on OS X)
- What are the practical benefits to using (Win)Sparkle compared to Doomsday's built-in Updater mechanism? I'm fairly h...
15:05 Feature #1877: [Updater] Use Sparkle for automatic updates (on OS X)
- There is also "WinSparkle": for Windows.
11:54 Feature #1877 (New): [Updater] Use Sparkle for automatic updates (on OS X)
- "Sparkle": is a popular OS X framework for handling automatic updates. Replacing Doomsday'...
07:18 Revision 62c4b729 (github): Merge branch 'master' into common-episode-definition
- Conflicts:
doomsday/plugins/common/src/p_xgline.cpp -
07:13 Revision 5ed1f116 (github): Fixed|GCC|libdoomsday|DED: Benign compiler warning (potential use of uninitialized var)
06:55 Revision edad8e6b (github): Fix build (typo)
05:40 Revision 22912b01 (github): Typo
05:09 Revision cd502f73 (github): Merge branch 'master' into common-episode-definition
- Conflicts:
doomsday/plugins/common/src/p_xgline.cpp -
04:45 Revision acc208a9 (github): XG|libcommon: Use libcore's C++ API for logging XG development messages
Also available in: Atom