Bug #1884
Current MP game not automatically disconnected when connecting to a new server (unable to switch between servers on the same IP address)
One can't join a different server on the same IP address.
Dday doesn't switch servers and the alert log incorrectly informs one that they are already connected.
Associated revisions
Updated by skyjake about 10 years ago
- Tags set to Multiplayer, Client
- Subject changed from [Multi] Unable to switch between servers on the same IP address to Unable to switch between servers on the same IP address
- Category set to Defect
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to skyjake
- Target version set to 1.15
Updated by skyjake about 10 years ago
The IP address is actually not the problem. The problem is that only a game mode change will automatically disconnect from the current game. The correct behavior would be to always disconnect the current MP game before initiating a new connection.
Updated by skyjake about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Unable to switch between servers on the same IP address to Current MP game not automatically disconnected when connecting to a new server (unable to switch between servers on the same IP address)
Updated by skyjake about 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by skyjake about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Fixed|Multiplayer: Joining fails with a message "already joined"
If the game mode did not change, nobody was making sure that the
current MP game was disconnected.
IssueID #1884