From 2014-04-04 to 2014-04-17
22:20 Bug #1752 (Closed): Doomsday 1.14 crashes at startup when log level is set to verbose or x.verbose
- It shows this text in a messagebox:
> Application terminated due to exception:
> Uncaught exception during loop i... -
20:59 Revision 7a392a0e (github): Merge branch 'master' of
20:59 Revision 50e800db (github): Homepage|Forums: Further improved layouts, fixed minor style issues
- Also shortened some overly verbose text string constructions which
seemingly can't be changed easily within a phpBB t... -
15:47 Revision c91a3e43 (github): Cleanup
15:47 Revision d686f02d (github): Fixed|Input|Bindings: Activate "console" bcontext when console has focus
- Otherwise key modifiers might fire the gun, etc. when typing in the
console. -
15:44 Revision 194684ac (github): Fixed|Input|Bindings: Activate "console" bcontext when console has focus
- Otherwise key modifiers might fire the gun, etc. when typing in the
console. -
15:44 Revision ed543800 (github): Cleanup
15:24 Bug #1750 (In Progress): [Deathkings] New game crash while viewing ending
11:01 Bug #1750: [Deathkings] New game crash while viewing ending
- Further testing reveals it's HeXen DK exclusively. The original HeXen doesn't appear to crash.
10:54 Bug #1750: [Deathkings] New game crash while viewing ending
- Does this happen every time? Does it depend on which player class is active during the finale? At which point in the ...
14:43 Revision c77db95d (github): Fixed|Homepage|Style: Miscalculated panorama panel height
- Fixes the "black bar under panorama" issue at some window sizes.
14:20 Revision 10015f7c (github): Homepage|Build Repository: Static packages for Doomsday versions 1.10.4 - 1.13.2
10:46 Bug #1748 (Closed): Invalid time shown in Updater settings dialog
10:46 Bug #1751 (Closed): Shift key state not recognized by bindings when typing in console
08:56 Bug #1751 (Closed): Shift key state not recognized by bindings when typing in console
- It seems that the console command line widget is not letting the Shift key state be updated appropriately for binding...
10:45 Revision 94362344 (github): Fixed|Input|Bindings: Shift state not recognized when task bar is open
- An open task bar was eating all key modifier events, however this
interfered with the evaluation of binding condition... -
10:45 Revision a0c067c4 (github): Fixed|Builder|OS X: Preserve symlinks in zipped apps
10:44 Revision 66b13386 (github): Bumped version number to 1.14.1
10:39 Revision eb54aaa1 (github): Fixed|libdeng2|Time: Deserializing a Time instance
- IssueID #1748
10:38 Revision 3a10525d (github): Fixed|Input|Bindings: Shift state not recognized when task bar is open
- An open task bar was eating all key modifier events, however this
interfered with the evaluation of binding condition...
23:37 Bug #1750 (Closed): [Deathkings] New game crash while viewing ending
- If one tries to start a new game of HeXen while the game ending is running, it causes a seg fault.
21:48 Revision 6eaa27d0 (github): Builder: Zipped apps are included in the feed after build 1201
21:36 Revision 71d62c6d (github): Fixed|Builder|OS X: Preserve symlinks in zipped apps
20:34 Bug #1748 (Resolved): Invalid time shown in Updater settings dialog
15:15 Bug #1748 (Closed): Invalid time shown in Updater settings dialog
- The last checked time is probably stored as a high-performance time?
20:01 Feature #1749 (New): Built-in effects should come in resource packs
- All the effects and resources that Doomsday adds in the default, built-in distribution should be packaged in resource...
19:49 Revision e39e9de7 (github): Fixed|libdeng2|Time: Deserializing a Time instance
- IssueID #1748
16:38 Revision 10af4c88 (github): Homepage: Updated source package download page
12:20 Revision 112d6483 (github): Bumped version to 1.15.0 Unstable
12:10 Revision a02011c9 (github): Merge branch 'master' into stable
12:01 Revision b96c0e6d (github): Documentation|Readme: Updated Readme for 1.14, new issue tracker
11:39 Revision a5192047 (github): Changed release type to "Stable" for 1.14.0
22:08 Revision f10d4084 (github): Documentation|Console: Updated help strings, removed obsolete cvars
20:57 Bug #1740 (Closed): [HeXen] Star Bridge no longer solid
- This affected *all* collision checks in Hexen when checking if a mobj is on top of another mobj.
20:53 Revision 8877b737 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Fall through star bridge, etc. (mobj collision range)
- A trivial refactoring oversight.
IssueID #1740 -
14:13 Revision b5158aaa (github): libappfw: Faster fold panel indicator animation
12:12 Revision 870948f7 (github): SDK|Documentation: Compile .qch outside the normal apidoc dir
- The apidoc dir is being shared as a Dropbox folder (available via
DEW), but in the case of .qch we are only intereste... -
11:50 Revision 1369f07e (github): Fixed|Builder: Relative distrib path in builder config
11:32 Revision a8d22636 (github): Builder: Generate Qt Creator help file for the SDK
11:15 Revision 20f59c78 (github): Documentation: Fixed a couple of Doxygen issues
11:15 Revision 029b2872 (github): SDK|Documentation: Generate a .qch help file for the SDK
- API documentation inside Qt Creator for all the Doomsday libraries.
10:52 Revision 8fcdeed9 (github): Fixed|Renderer|BiasTracker: Complier warnings (missing explicit init in copy-ctor)
10:50 Revision 95a17445 (github): Fixed|libdeng2|Asset|Variable|Animation: Complier warnings (missing explicit init in copy-ctor)
10:49 Revision 63f7139e (github): Fixed|libgui|Font|Image: Complier warnings (missing explicit init in copy-ctor)
10:22 Revision d34248b3 (github): Fixed|Savegame Tool|Id1Translator: Benign compiler warning (limited type range comparison)
10:17 Revision 8b1491e7 (github): Fixed|libcommon|AnimDefs: Benign compiler warning (missing initializer)
01:12 Revision 3accc6f3 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
01:12 Revision fc4fdd71 (github): Fixed|libdeng2|SavedSession: Info::Element::Value interpretation
18:47 Revision 36e785c6 (github): Tutorial: Slight rephrasing of the notifications step
17:29 Revision 5c6b5d5f (github): Refactor|libappfw: Renamed NotificationWidget
- This is a notification area, not an individual notification.
17:23 Revision 9946567e (github): Refactor|libappfw|GuiWidget: Added a slot for deleting later
- Also added a guiFind() utility method and renamed the clipped()
method for clarity. -
17:23 Revision 98881068 (github): Fixed|libappfw: Handling notifications owned by other widgets
- If a notification is owned by a widget prior to showing,
NotificationWidget is supposed to only temporarily take owne... -
17:23 Revision 881aa04d (github): Tutorial: Introduce notifications
- Using dummy notification area and alert.
17:05 Revision 802bc333 (github): Fixed|libcommon: ANIMATED lump ZDoom extension incompatibility
- ZDoom interprets the first byte in a texture animation as a set of
flags rather than a boolean, adding a 'No Decals' ... -
14:26 Revision 215647d6 (github): Heretic|HUD: Don't warn about missing resources for unavailable ammo types
- Some ammo types are unavailable in shareware, so don't attempt to
declare their nonexistent HUD icon patches. -
13:03 Revision c621c98c (github): Heretic|Inventory: Prevent giving items unavailable in shareware
- Also, don't attempt to define their nonexistent patches, avoiding
spurious warnings during game startup. -
11:12 Revision 43301010 (github): libdeng2|SavedSession: Cleaned up MapStateReader construction
09:58 Revision 4951f554 (github): Shell|GUI: Reordered widgets in the Start Local Server dialog
- Game Options should appear as another tab in the future.
09:57 Revision b1861673 (github): Documentation|Readme: Removed mention of Deng Team test servers
07:57 Revision 045b35e6 (github): Builder|OS X: Package app ZIPs separately for different OS X versions
18:19 Revision c6818898 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
18:18 Revision 331291df (github): Network|Client: When leaving a server use S_MapChange for LSM reset
- A full S_Reset() is a bit harsh and besides which, doesn't actually
clear the logical sound hash presently. -
18:13 Revision f11e80cd (github): Fixed|UI|Ring Zero: Keep MP sessions menu up to date
17:50 Revision 8868d0ea (github): libdeng2|Socket: Added an error signal, improved closing
- Apparently closing the socket was blocking if the socket was
connecting to a host when Socket::close() was called. -
16:37 Revision 1a7dcc23 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
16:37 Revision 55b86744 (github): Builder|OS X: Zipped filenames should use the build number
15:41 Revision 2f043616 (github): Fixed|OS X: Build error with Qt 4.7
- In Qt 4.7, QThreadStorage requires a pointer type.
15:41 Revision 65faca6f (github): libappfw|GuiWidget: Manually saving/restoring widget tree state
- Sometimes it is beneficial to save/restore state at other times
in addition to widget de/initialization. -
15:41 Revision 22f26f16 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Update singleplayer session menu when game changes
- The currently loaded game is disabled in the menu, so it has to be
enabled when returning to ring zero. -
15:41 Revision c7c1dedd (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Games dialog sort order should match Home Screen order
- The Ring Zero game selection menu hangs around in the background,
so its state must be manually saved so the Games di... -
15:36 Revision ec4fc371 (github): Network|Client|libcommon: Reset game side local world state when leaving a server
15:14 Revision 25927911 (github): Network|Client: Reset the logical sound manager when leaving a server
- The sound manager allocates storage from the Zone with the PU_MAP
purge level, so it will be purged automatically whe... -
14:27 Revision 3d3a3809 (github): Fixed|Multiplayer|All Games|Client: On map changes, end before beginning a new game session
14:19 Revision d0793c05 (github): Network|Client: Fully reset the local WorldSystem when leaving a server
13:34 Revision 224e90d7 (github): Builder|OS X: Package apps as additionally as plain ZIPs
- OS X apps can be distributed as-is, so this is the simplest way to
install Doomsday or Doomsday Shell. Both apps are ... -
12:37 Revision 612c9090 (github): Fixed|Multiplayer|All Games|libcommon: GameRuleset mismanagement in a networked game
- The game rule configuration was being changed twice when starting a
networked server, once before the session began a... -
12:10 Revision fcc51c0b (github): Fixed|Server|All Games: "endgame" on server side cannot end the game session
- Presently in a networked game there is no concept of an ongoing game
session, so attempting to use the singleplayer g... -
12:06 Revision 6efcbf4e (github): Network|Client: Improved warning about discarded known packet types if Not Ready
09:21 Revision fae56bc4 (github): Fixed|Tutorial: Minor visual highlight glitch
- Todo: The actual cause could be a one frame delay in geometry updating?
20:59 Revision 99b06bd1 (github): Tutorial: Introducing the Home Screen
20:17 Revision 57ca8049 (github): Refactor|libappfw: Animating procedural images, fold panel indicator
- If a procedural image is animating, it will return indication of
that from its update() method.
The fold panel indic... -
20:15 Revision ccdac3c4 (github): libgui|VertexBuilder: Applying a transformation
19:32 Revision 405941be (github): libappfw|GuiRootWidget: Utility for moving a widget on top
19:24 Revision a62d897e (github): UI|Client|GamesDialog: Cannot switch to the currently loaded game
19:17 Revision 5cc9b850 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Games dialog opens a network settings dialog
- The Games dialog should only open a network settings dialog when
showing the multiplayer sessions. -
17:03 Revision 0b8fc5ec (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Fixed game session menu issues
- Architecture of the session selection menus was refactored to use
a common base class called SessionMenuWidget. Also,... -
17:03 Revision f243e07f (github): Fixed|Server: Crash when starting and when shutting down
- ServerApp's ResourceSystem was not being constructed or destroyed
at the correct time (it has a dependency on Games).... -
17:03 Revision fe35536f (github): Shell|GUI: Better label for checkbox
12:21 Revision e592630e (github): All Games: "endgame" supports bypassing user confirmation
- If the "confirm" argument is given then the game will end immediately,
bypassing the usual user confirmation step. -
12:18 Revision da59e2b0 (github): Fixed|Console|All Games: "savegame" handling of user descriptions
- A user description argument specified to the savegame command was not
used to replace the existing description when o... -
10:27 Revision aa935f9a (github): UI|Client: Include current map time if known when showing SavedSession info
10:04 Revision 815d4883 (github): Hexen: Include mapTime and present players info in saved session metadata
09:13 Revision 4af405b3 (github): Console|Resources: Generalized "inspectsavegame", moved into the engine
- The inspectsavegame command can now be used to inspect the savegames
of any game at any time (e.g., while in Ring Zer... -
07:56 Revision 79911ea0 (github): Cleanup|libcommon: Removed last remnants of the old autosave mechanism
15:23 Revision 489cb9fa (github): libcommon|GameSession: Defer GameRuleset application until the session begins
- Still applied immediately while in progress, though.
15:01 Revision 3371af7c (github): libcommon|GameSession: Revert changes inadvertently included in previous commit
14:54 Revision 4395bce9 (github): libcommon: Apply complete GameRulesets as a unit to the GameSession
- The GameSession API now prevents the current game rules from being
modified unless a whole GameRuleset is applied as ... -
14:32 Revision dfbec421 (github): libcommon: Remember the GameRuleset post game init as the "default" set
- Rather than using the game rules of the current game session as a
"staging area", it is better to record rulesets sep... -
13:29 Revision f435d64e (github): Savegame Tool|NativeTranslator: Extract more metadata from legacy Hexen savegames
- The present player list and time in the current map is now extracted
from old Hexen savegames and included in the met... -
13:14 Revision a10a11b6 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
11:51 Revision 7d24d75e (github): libappfw: Added VariableSliderWidget
- Also, SliderWidget's range labels now use the slider's precision.
11:15 Revision 0003efae (github): Oculus Rift|libappfw: Setting the yaw zero angle
10:36 Revision d6895344 (github): Cleanup|libdeng2: Use CommandLine::ArgWithParams
09:23 Revision 02d795b0 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Check for main window's existence
09:21 Revision 773d7fdd (github): UI|Client: Don't raise alerts when console history open
- The console history will show the alert anyway, so it is unnecessary
to alert the user about it redundantly. -
08:58 Revision 947843fe (github): Fixed|libdeng2|Record: Use copy behavior for copied subrecords
- When making a copy, use the same copy behavior for all subrecords.
Otherwise subrecords would be fully copied even th... -
01:25 Revision 1ce8628c (github): Fixed|Savegame Tool: Off-by-one error in naming of converted Hexen map state files
- Note that any previously converted savegames will need to be removed
so that the originals will be reconverted.
Also... -
00:53 Revision 0f34dbdc (github): libcommon|GameSession: Ensure "game-skill" reflects the current skill mode
00:39 Revision 048322ca (github): Fixed|libcommon: Applied undefined game rules loading legacy savegame
- If the game plugin is not unloaded when the game mode changes then
the rules will be left in an undefined state prior... -
00:02 Revision 260b7467 (github): libcommon: GameSession owns the current game rules
22:36 Revision d7abc6fe (github): Merge branch 'master' of
22:26 Revision 2dd07120 (github): Renderer|FX: Reduce halo brightness as bloom intensity grows
- To avoid over-saturating halos, halo brightness is reduced as a
factor of bloom intensity. -
21:59 Revision fc581787 (github): FX|Renderer: Added a method to query if bloom is enabled
- No need to check the cvar.
20:47 Revision fd7f50b9 (github): Fixed|OS X: Incorrect working directory with a developer build
- If Doomsday was started without "-userdir", no one ensured that the
working directory was set to the App's native hom... -
20:25 Revision 0bcf0526 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Potential crash after saving a game
- Must remove SavegameSelectionWidget from observer audience before
deleting it. -
20:15 Revision 6255b1cc (github): libcommon: Cleanup
19:03 Revision 66c4e89d (github): libcommon: Handle GA_QUIT as a one time event
- Previously this game action was left on the "stack", thereby treating
this as a pseudo-game state. Now the quit game ... -
17:59 Feature #1746 (Closed): Enable C++11
- C++11 has plenty of goodies, for instance lambdas and @auto@ being some of the most helpful ones. Especially when mig...
11:11 Revision b7fa8dbf (github): OS X|qmake: Added build option "deng_c++11"
- Enabling C++11 in the clang build.
10:13 Revision d25f3f1e (github): Merge branch 'master' into gl2-model
09:34 Feature #1605 (Closed): Tutorial
09:29 Revision 653c046a (github): Tutorial: Added introduction to renderer appearance
20:41 Revision ebea0ed6 (github): Optimize|libgui: Reserve less memory for GL vertex building
- Todo: Allocations could be avoided by using some form of
frame-persistent data arrays. -
20:22 Feature #1745: Performance optimization
- * Gridmap traversal (#1639) => uses relational structure for spatial indexing represented with pointer chains (derefe...
20:21 Feature #1745 (Progressed): Performance optimization
- This issue is a shortlist of possible/pertinent optimizations that could be applied for better performance and/or mem...
18:39 Revision a20d8edc (github): libappfw: Added a line edit widget for Variable editing
- Edits the value of a Variable as a text string.
18:39 Revision f0b0333f (github): Client|Master Server: Master cvars replaced with a Config variable
- The three cvars for master server address, path, and port were
replaced with Config.masterServer.apiUrl that contains... -
18:39 Revision c23a0da0 (github): UI|Client: Order of game subsets in the Games dialog
- The Saved Games subset should appear below available games, because
this view is shown when the user selects "Switch ... -
18:19 Revision b1a1b208 (github): Documentation|libcommon|SaveSlots: Minor SaveSlots API doc fixes
17:38 Revision b139e389 (github): libcommon|SaveSlots: Removed slot id mnemonic for old autosave mechanism
17:28 Revision 976ef2e7 (github): Cleanup|libcommon|SaveSlots: Moved logic for G_SaveSlotIdFromUserInput into SaveSlots
16:32 Revision 5aff3436 (github): libcommon|SaveSlots: Cleanup
16:30 Revision 38b9553c (github): Refactor|libcommon|SaveSlots: Eliminate API for reverse SaveSlot lookup by SavedSession
- SaveSlots should support reverse lookup of a save slot by SavedSession
pointer/address as this confuses the design of... -
13:41 Revision 07996035 (github): Savegame Converter: Cleanup
12:17 Revision a174bdc2 (github): libgui|Sound: Added Play and Change audiences
10:28 Revision e318bbe5 (github): libgui: Cleanup
09:09 Revision 9a5bfa7a (github): libdeng2|libgui|InfoBank: Paths are relative to the Info source path
- If a relative path is specified in an InfoBank, it is now resolved
relative to its Info source. -
09:07 Revision 21401ed1 (github): libdeng2|ScriptedInfo: Source location of blocks
- The special variable "__source__" is used for storing the Info source
location of each block. -
09:06 Revision 992f3dd7 (github): Refactor|libdeng2|Info: Element source location, pimpl for Info::Element
- The source path of each element is stored in addition to the line
number. -
08:10 Revision 69bc505a (github): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into gl2-model
03:59 Revision 7e863a49 (github): Optimize|libdeng2|Lockable: Use automatic storage with Lockable
- Lockable, as used by Guard, should not use the current pimpl idiom
implementation as this allocates storage for the p...
22:00 Bug #1744 (New): [Heretic] Waterfall sounds switch from left to right (centered in vanilla)
- In Dday, at the start of E3M8, the waterfall sounds switch from left to right, albeit consistently, rather than sound...
20:21 Revision 6ace3b07 (github): Documentation|libdeng2: Note about Shared's thread safety
20:11 Revision a5101149 (github): UI|Ring Zero: Adjusted menu width, better scrollbar placement
16:25 Revision 5511841a (github): Refactor|libdeng2|Info: Info keeps track of the source path
- When an Info document is parsed from a file, Info itself keeps track of
the source path so that @includes can be done... -
14:05 Revision 789bb295 (github): Hexen: Wrong magic number in end game condition tests
- Map numbers are the work of Korax himself.
13:24 Bug #1737 (Closed): [Hexen] Crash starting end game finale
12:45 Bug #1737 (In Progress): [Hexen] Crash starting end game finale
13:23 Revision 2a2821a3 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Crash starting end game finale
- IssueID #1737
12:32 Bug #1710 (Closed): game-fastmonsters 0/1 doesn't work
- Changing game rules using cvars is not the right approach. Game rule management will be folded into game session prof...
12:04 Revision e9dc2e52 (github): libgui: Cleanup
11:16 Revision f1e3fd60 (github): libgui|ModelDrawable: Instanced drawing for models
- However, bone matrices are still shared by each instance, as there is no
room for them as vertex attributes (they pro... -
11:14 Revision 05c995c0 (github): libgui: Drawing buffers with instancing, dynamic attrib locations
- Added support for the ARB_draw_instanced and ARB_instanced_arrays
extensions to allow efficiently drawing multiple co... -
10:27 Revision 0b1ac4a3 (github): Deh Reader: Blacklist more Text string replacements (suppress benign warnings)
- Mainly file name format strings, error/log messages and a couple of
UI texts which Hacx was trying to replace.
The b... -
09:42 Revision 52909fd3 (github): Deh Reader: Cleanup
22:47 Revision 8942c229 (github): Cleanup|Savegame Converter: Use de::CommandLine::executeAndWait()
21:17 Revision ddafed57 (github): Fixed|UI|Ring Zero: Minor layout issues in game selection menus
- Setting initial grid width using up-to-date margins, and cell height
has a minimum of 3 lines of space. -
21:10 Revision 94817cbb (github): libappfw|LabelWidget: Content size available as rules
20:07 Revision 4e1f63f4 (github): Client|Plugin: Thread-safety for calling plugin hooks
- Keep track of the active plugin ID per thread.
18:52 Revision c40ae6b6 (github): libdeng2|CommandLine: Additional robustness for executeAndWait()
18:47 Revision 15caee49 (github): libdeng2|CommandLine: Execute a process and wait
- Optionally can retrieve standard output from the process.
17:09 Revision 06971a40 (github): Resources: Perform legacy savegame conversion in the background
- Improved conversion mechanism using a background TaskPool. Each
savegame conversion is handled using a separate concu... -
14:37 Revision 82ea2f6e (github): libdeng2|Vector: Squared length for 2-component vectors
14:37 Revision dd398d53 (github): libgui|ModelDrawable: Set up bounds at load time
- The bounding box of the model can be determined at load time from vertex
positions. -
11:00 Revision 9a3ed783 (github): libappfw: Cleanup
11:00 Revision e9c4f9c9 (github): libdeng2|Vector: Added a setLength() method
08:50 Revision 75d91de0 (github): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into libgui-audio
08:42 Feature #1700 (Closed): Warning/error alerts
16:50 Revision 31598c9e (github): libdeng2|SavedSession: Automatic management of the shared Session::SavedIndex
- SavedSessions are now automatically inserted and removed from the
shared Session::SavedIndex, when populated and befo... -
14:13 Revision 26a50828 (github): UI|Client: Don't warn about map errors in non-custom maps
- Addresses the problem of Heretic and Hexen raising a lot of map error
alerts even though the user cannot do anything ... -
14:12 Revision 61e46664 (github): Refactor|Map: Added Map::isCustom()
- A C++ way to call P_MapIsCustom().
13:21 Revision 4e16436f (github): Client|ResourceSystem: Invalid sprite frame names should not cause alert
- Now the log entries about invalid sprite frames are logged as NOTE,
meaning they will still be highlighted in the log... -
11:43 Revision a2428f9f (github): Fixed|libcommon: Compiler warning
02:44 Revision c1d30ed2 (github): Fixed|libcommon|GameSession: Mistake in logic after unifying game session model
- When serializing the current state of a hub map on exit, player
mobjs should be excluded, else they'll be duplicated ... -
00:28 Revision 27217c3d (github): Fixed|libdeng2|NativeFile: Build error
22:19 Revision c4c63512 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
22:19 Revision b25d9022 (github): Fixed|Cleanup|libcommon: File system usage in GameSession
- This commit addresses FS2 usage issues in GameSession and applies
some cleanup.
- Folder::replaceFile() does not req... -
22:07 Revision 558958d9 (github): libdeng2|SavedSession: Only populate when certain about changes
- Population should only occur when there is certain knowledge that
the source data has change without FS2 being aware ... -
21:19 Revision f6c0611b (github): Cleanup|libdeng2|Session: Use file system utils
20:36 Revision 1aee5e78 (github): Cleanup
20:17 Revision 49455e54 (github): Refactor|Savegame Tool: Use file system utils
- Setting up a folder with a specific feed is now easier. Earlier
contents will be cleaned out of the way (without touc... -
20:03 Revision 9cc96cf3 (github): Refactor: Use improved FS2 flushing, file system utils
- It is no longer necessary or advisable to change a file to ReadOnly
mode after writing it. Instead, the file should j... -
19:32 Revision 9c1d00d7 (github): Cleanup|libdeng2: Removed unnecessary File::setMode() calls
- All files created by new/replaceFile() have write access.
19:31 Revision 393c192c (github): Fixed|libdeng2|File: Build issue
- Ambiguity between File::d and Folder::d.
19:27 Revision 1c7688f8 (github): Tests: Trying out new FS2 features
- Printing a list of files, accessing archive contents via file tree,
copying a ZIP file. -
19:24 Revision 0aa0310f (github): libdeng2|NativeFile: Revised internal native file access
- The major change in this commit is that flushing a NativeFile will
cause the native file handle to be closed after th... -
19:19 Revision 7c4612be (github): Refactor|libdeng2|FS: Added file list printer, applied pimpl idiom
19:18 Revision 9e6df6a3 (github): libdeng2|FS: Added file system utilities
- (Re)making a folder with a single specific feed, and copying a file
and possibly interpreting the resulting copy. -
18:59 Revision ee5b2db7 (github): libdeng2|FS: Improvements for accessing Archive through file system
- ArchiveEntryFile now has a meaningful flush() method that causes the
entire archive to be written to the source file ... -
11:41 Revision 0a7bf420 (github): Deh Reader: Cleanup
11:35 Revision 00301d40 (github): Typo
11:27 Revision 7a8b3da2 (github): libdeng2|Session|libcommon|GameSession: game::Session::Profile records the game identity key
- The unique identity key for the current game session is now available
from the profile. -
01:46 Revision 792a3a23 (github): libdeng2|Session: game::Session provides access to the resource file list
- game::Session now provides access to the Profile for the current game
session. This profile includes the list of reso...
23:54 Revision b453bb7b (github): Cleanup: Session resource file collation
16:34 Revision 13944d3b (github): Fixed|libdeng2|Archive: Listing contents of empty folders in Archive
- Archives don't actually contain folders, so attempting to list the
contents of _any_ nonexistent path should not thro... -
15:17 Bug #1736 (Closed): [HeXen] sky back layer not rendering
14:59 Bug #1736 (Resolved): [HeXen] sky back layer not rendering
04:31 Bug #1736 (In Progress): [HeXen] sky back layer not rendering
14:16 Revision 725aecaf (github): libgui|Sound: Added more 3D audio properties
14:10 Revision 5a55f5d2 (github): Fixed|Renderer|Client: Drawing of sky domes with multiple layers
- IssueID #1736
14:07 Revision 29cf8474 (github): Fixed|libcommon|GameRuleset: Translation of boolean game rules, "fast" etc...
14:06 Revision 2e79bb8d (github): libdeng2: Extracted game::Session base class from common::GameSession
- The game::Session base class grants the engine some limited visibility
of and access to the logical game side session... -
13:24 Bug #1743: Particles shut off shortly after level start (at least in Boomsky megawad) in Doom
- Allow me to clarify a couple of points:
Firstly, I completely agree with your reasoning, Vermil, as to why a total... -
11:51 Bug #1743: Particles shut off shortly after level start (at least in Boomsky megawad) in Doom
- Getting rid of that limit could also help. Dani talks about ho that would require rewriting the whole system from the...
09:55 Bug #1743: Particles shut off shortly after level start (at least in Boomsky megawad) in Doom
- A visual display of active generators has its place, but all it tells the typical user is that they have turned off, ...
09:19 Revision e136d593 (github): Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into libgui-audio
08:59 Revision 29814920 (github): Fixed|Client: Mistake in logic after old GUI code removal
- "!stopTime" is always true now that stopTime has been removed.
04:41 Bug #1729 (In Progress): Repeat loading of DEHACKED patches specified on the command line following a game change
00:08 Bug #1740: [HeXen] Star Bridge no longer solid
- Sorry, I made a few typos and mistakes in my recent post. It should say: "Lower the pillars with the cave key and ent...
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