



From 2009-01-01 to 2009-01-14


04:13 Feature #1481 (Rejected): Command to change to last weapon used
A key command to draw the last weapon used. Like the counter-strike "lastinv" command that is usually bound to q. Thi... hellrazer333
02:20 Feature #1402: Vertically Tiled Masked Textures
Logged In: YES
New sidedef flag.
Modified handling of decor lights (maybe fakeradio?).
02:20 Feature #1419: Map Rotates with player
Logged In: YES
Now that I think of it, that is correct, though I did manage
to find some interesti...


16:33 Bug #589 (Closed): Map cheat not reset in MP game
A long time oversight likely since the day Doomsday's in game multiplayer setup was implemented.
In Doomsday, as i...


04:47 Revision 66570428 (github): Added entries for the "conbg" ccmd to the games' conhelp.txt
04:46 Revision 26b7a9a2 (github): Fixed: When drawing the console if a background material is set, it would also be used on both the border and the shadow.
00:12 Bug #588 (Closed): Reversed look up and down controls
The Look up and down control options appear reversed. As in what you enter in look up makes you look down and what yo... vermil


20:33 Bug #587: [Render hack] Plutonia 2 map11: 3D bridge does not construct
Forgot to add. Tested in both 1.8.6 and Beta5. vermil
20:27 Bug #587 (Closed): [Render hack] Plutonia 2 map11: 3D bridge does not construct
On Map11, the fake 3D bridge just around the corner from the blue key pillar/door doesn't construct into its raised p... vermil


11:13 Feature #1480 (New): Include screenshot in savegames
It would be a nice addition to the interface if a small screenshot would be saved along with the savegame which then ... deus-ex
10:55 Feature #1479 (Closed): Savegame: autosuggest name for savegames
Can the savegame system be enhanced to have it suggest a name for empty savegame slots, where the name is composed of... deus-ex
10:39 Feature #1478 (Closed): Automap: show the map number
Please add an option to also display the map number (or episode/level for Doom) in the automap. The jHeretic port alr... deus-ex


19:29 Revision 8afaff4b (github): Standardized method for referencing materials in the DED reader. Fixed a couple of minor issues which only allowed textures in the MG_TEXTURES group to be used as XG line type, (de)act materials. Updated game definitions (run packres).
17:54 Revision 8432376d (github): When reading Texture Environment definitions, don't split the entries into lists by their materialtextype. Instead, simply use one list.
Allow specifying the Texture Environment for all materials (was just textures/flats). danij
17:41 Bug #586 (Closed): Automap crash in jHeretic/jHexen (if missing AUTOPAGE)
If the AUTOPAGE lump is missing, both jHeretic and jHexen will crash when attempting to display the automap since the... danij
17:07 Revision f7946ed7 (github): Fixed various bugs with the "setaxis" console command due to off-by-one errors when dealing with device axis ids (they are 1-based).
03:27 Revision 6c27e81b (github): Removed unnecessary (duplicate) Material definitions from doom2-plutlights.ded and doom2-tntlights.ded
03:25 Revision ac53683e (github): Deleted jDoom's details.ded as it is unused. We now have the DEW for documentation.
03:06 Revision 8d40da83 (github): Removed R_MaterialSetSkyMask(). Now that we have Material definitions this is unnecessary.
Moved the Material patch definitions for each game into a seperate DED file.
Created Material patch definitions for e...
02:25 Revision 75de6751 (github): Fixed bug #2158261: Missing glow on the neighbouring walls of a sector after one of it's plane surface materials change from a non-glowing to glowing material.
* When resolving references in a DMU Set call, only drill down as far the surface owner then take a ptr to it. Then c... danij
00:32 Bug #539: Missing plane glow after material change
Fixed in svn as of rev #6220. danij


23:57 Revision f235d674 (github): Added a sanity check to R_MaterialCreate() to ensure we aren't creating materials without a texture.
23:41 Revision da4ba76f (github): Continued work on the materials system. Don't forget to rebuild resources (packres) as the games' DED files have changed:
* Material definitions are now read in release builds.
* Enhanced Material definitions so they can be used to patch a...
21:32 Revision 61b32699 (github): Added missing prototype for R_UpdateTexturesAndFlats() to r_data.h
21:09 Revision 3c528c83 (github): Fixed music playback on Mac OS X. The problem was that SDL_Mixer was being used instead of QuickTime, and evidently MIDI playback on SDL_Mixer is broken.
Also, when converting from MUS to MIDI, the temporary file uses the ".mid" extension so that QuickTime knows what to ... skyjake
20:21 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
That sounds reasonable. Currently it's just hardcoded to use the QuickTime music interface always on OS X, but a plug... skyjake
19:24 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
Shouldn't music playback via Quicktime be moved into a seperate audio driver plugin?
I was thinking that it would ...
19:09 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
Solution: don't use SDL_Mixer for MIDI playback. skyjake
18:22 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
The good news is that the generated MIDI file seems OK: on Quicktime Player it sounds correct. The problem seems to b... skyjake
16:26 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
MUS to MIDI conversion is now handled by the engine so other than playback differences between the various audio driv... danij
15:35 Bug #584 (Closed): Wrong instruments in MUS music
At least in OS X (Quicktime), MUS music has become broken at some point (has worked in the past). Now some of the ins... skyjake
19:28 Revision 9af8ab28 (github): Continued work on the materials system as some of the bugs reported with the unofficial svn rev #6160 release will be fixed in the process:
* Get the materials manager up and running as early as possible, just before the definitions are read in Def_Read().
19:26 Bug #223: Unix: Tilde expansion issues
Absolutely, I wouldn't dream of touching this now that we are so close to releasing beta6. danij
19:15 Bug #223: Unix: Tilde expansion issues
Replacing filename_t with a ddstring-based implementation would be great, although such a big change that it should w... skyjake
16:57 Bug #223: Unix: Tilde expansion issues
After some initial investigation it would appear that the problem mentioned in this report is merely the tip of the i... danij
19:05 Revision 067c03f0 (github): Only update gameState (and announce in _DEBUG builds) when the state actually changes.
19:04 Revision 35298521 (github): Fixed minor alignment issue when drawing the m_doom patch in the menu.
18:01 Revision 0d17ce05 (github): Fixed all games: During the transition between the GS_INTERMISSION and GS_INFINE game states there is a single gametic where neither the player's view is drawn (gamestate != GS_MAP) or the (de)briefing is visible (an fi script command hasn't yet executed yet the gamestate has already changed to GS_INFINE. The result of which is a visible viewborder and HOM for a split second. We now catch this and clear the screen to black.
Todo: This is not the best solution. Perhaps we should delay changing the gamestate until the first fi command is exe... danij
17:24 Bug #582: P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
Step one of the solution to this has been fixed in svn rev #6215.
Next step; let user-created Group animation sequ...
16:51 Bug #466: MUS Music skips on loop
Now that the conversion is handled within the engine and only occurs when the current song changes this should now be... danij
16:41 Bug #585: Access violation in dpdehread when playing
Plutonia 2 can be downloaded from the official site: danij
16:40 Bug #585 (Closed): Access violation in dpdehread when playing
When attempting to play the new Plutonia 2 mega WAD with svn trunk (IWAD must be plutonia.wad) dpdehreader currently ... danij


00:22 Bug #582: P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
After some initial investigation the problem here is that this mod has been packaged in a way that depends upon the o... danij


20:08 Revision 2cfcc095 (github): Fixed bug in the texturedef parser that could result in invalid defs being used in the construction of materials.
Added: Ccmd "listmaterials" print a list of registered materials to the console (mainly for debug atm). A group filte... danij
16:40 Revision 9edba5af (github): Removed the temporary ds8 plugin as an option from the audio driver loader.
16:37 Revision 1358d2d2 (github): Removed the temporary ds8 plugin from doomsday.sln
16:34 Revision 28570d08 (github): Merged the DirectSound 8 stuff into dsdirectsound.


17:06 Revision 7eed62a1 (github): Added: Console command "pausemusic".
16:02 Revision 1f4b6a72 (github): Clarified API documentation of the ddstring functions.
15:13 Revision 612ffd51 (github): Fixed numerous memory leaks in the bindings system due to ddstrings not being free'd. Str_Free doesn't actually free all memory used with ddstring_t, it only frees the text string itself and zeros the ddstring_t so it can be reused. Str_Delete is the way to destroy the lot.
Perhaps the string interface naming needs a rethink? danij
13:18 Bug #582: P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
Kurikai has helpfully uploaded this mod to
12:25 Bug #582 (Closed): P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
When using some PWADs such as that included in Liquids.pk3 (I'll attach it when I find a copy) jDoom will error out w... danij
12:29 Bug #583 (Closed): Position of particles spawned using the spherical method
Particle generators that use the spherical spawn method are positioned incorrectly. Probably a fixed/float mix up som... danij
11:12 Bug #541: Jittery view bobbing
In addition, the view bob distance, speed and rate does not seem to change regardless of the player's speed. While wa... danij

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