Bug #589
Map cheat not reset in MP game
A long time oversight likely since the day Doomsday's in game multiplayer setup was implemented.
In Doomsday, as in the original Doom engine, the map cheat isn't reset when you start a new game. Given that in Doomsday, a multiplayer game can be started once the engine has been launched, this can be abused to cheat in a Doomsday multiplayer game.
Quite simply a user starts a single player game and enters the cheat before they host or join a multiplayer game. The cheat remains active in the following multiplayer game(s).
I am suggesting a game mode check be added that turns off the cheat if the user is not starting a single player game.
While I'm here I'll also throw in that the "ambient light level" and "light compression range" control panel options (under the light tab), could probably be abused in multiplayer as well.
Labels: Multiplayer
Updated by danij about 16 years ago
Fixed in svn rev #6234 for 1.9.0-beta6