



From 2008-12-23 to 2009-01-05


19:29 Revision 8afaff4b (github): Standardized method for referencing materials in the DED reader. Fixed a couple of minor issues which only allowed textures in the MG_TEXTURES group to be used as XG line type, (de)act materials. Updated game definitions (run packres).
17:54 Revision 8432376d (github): When reading Texture Environment definitions, don't split the entries into lists by their materialtextype. Instead, simply use one list.
Allow specifying the Texture Environment for all materials (was just textures/flats). danij
17:41 Bug #586 (Closed): Automap crash in jHeretic/jHexen (if missing AUTOPAGE)
If the AUTOPAGE lump is missing, both jHeretic and jHexen will crash when attempting to display the automap since the... danij
17:07 Revision f7946ed7 (github): Fixed various bugs with the "setaxis" console command due to off-by-one errors when dealing with device axis ids (they are 1-based).
03:27 Revision 6c27e81b (github): Removed unnecessary (duplicate) Material definitions from doom2-plutlights.ded and doom2-tntlights.ded
03:25 Revision ac53683e (github): Deleted jDoom's details.ded as it is unused. We now have the DEW for documentation.
03:06 Revision 8d40da83 (github): Removed R_MaterialSetSkyMask(). Now that we have Material definitions this is unnecessary.
Moved the Material patch definitions for each game into a seperate DED file.
Created Material patch definitions for e...
02:25 Revision 75de6751 (github): Fixed bug #2158261: Missing glow on the neighbouring walls of a sector after one of it's plane surface materials change from a non-glowing to glowing material.
* When resolving references in a DMU Set call, only drill down as far the surface owner then take a ptr to it. Then c... danij
00:32 Bug #539: Missing plane glow after material change
Fixed in svn as of rev #6220. danij


23:57 Revision f235d674 (github): Added a sanity check to R_MaterialCreate() to ensure we aren't creating materials without a texture.
23:41 Revision da4ba76f (github): Continued work on the materials system. Don't forget to rebuild resources (packres) as the games' DED files have changed:
* Material definitions are now read in release builds.
* Enhanced Material definitions so they can be used to patch a...
21:32 Revision 61b32699 (github): Added missing prototype for R_UpdateTexturesAndFlats() to r_data.h
21:09 Revision 3c528c83 (github): Fixed music playback on Mac OS X. The problem was that SDL_Mixer was being used instead of QuickTime, and evidently MIDI playback on SDL_Mixer is broken.
Also, when converting from MUS to MIDI, the temporary file uses the ".mid" extension so that QuickTime knows what to ... skyjake
20:21 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
That sounds reasonable. Currently it's just hardcoded to use the QuickTime music interface always on OS X, but a plug... skyjake
19:24 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
Shouldn't music playback via Quicktime be moved into a seperate audio driver plugin?
I was thinking that it would ...
19:09 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
Solution: don't use SDL_Mixer for MIDI playback. skyjake
18:22 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
The good news is that the generated MIDI file seems OK: on Quicktime Player it sounds correct. The problem seems to b... skyjake
16:26 Bug #584: Wrong instruments in MUS music
MUS to MIDI conversion is now handled by the engine so other than playback differences between the various audio driv... danij
15:35 Bug #584 (Closed): Wrong instruments in MUS music
At least in OS X (Quicktime), MUS music has become broken at some point (has worked in the past). Now some of the ins... skyjake
19:28 Revision 9af8ab28 (github): Continued work on the materials system as some of the bugs reported with the unofficial svn rev #6160 release will be fixed in the process:
* Get the materials manager up and running as early as possible, just before the definitions are read in Def_Read().
19:26 Bug #223: Unix: Tilde expansion issues
Absolutely, I wouldn't dream of touching this now that we are so close to releasing beta6. danij
19:15 Bug #223: Unix: Tilde expansion issues
Replacing filename_t with a ddstring-based implementation would be great, although such a big change that it should w... skyjake
16:57 Bug #223: Unix: Tilde expansion issues
After some initial investigation it would appear that the problem mentioned in this report is merely the tip of the i... danij
19:05 Revision 067c03f0 (github): Only update gameState (and announce in _DEBUG builds) when the state actually changes.
19:04 Revision 35298521 (github): Fixed minor alignment issue when drawing the m_doom patch in the menu.
18:01 Revision 0d17ce05 (github): Fixed all games: During the transition between the GS_INTERMISSION and GS_INFINE game states there is a single gametic where neither the player's view is drawn (gamestate != GS_MAP) or the (de)briefing is visible (an fi script command hasn't yet executed yet the gamestate has already changed to GS_INFINE. The result of which is a visible viewborder and HOM for a split second. We now catch this and clear the screen to black.
Todo: This is not the best solution. Perhaps we should delay changing the gamestate until the first fi command is exe... danij
17:24 Bug #582: P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
Step one of the solution to this has been fixed in svn rev #6215.
Next step; let user-created Group animation sequ...
16:51 Bug #466: MUS Music skips on loop
Now that the conversion is handled within the engine and only occurs when the current song changes this should now be... danij
16:41 Bug #585: Access violation in dpdehread when playing
Plutonia 2 can be downloaded from the official site: danij
16:40 Bug #585 (Closed): Access violation in dpdehread when playing
When attempting to play the new Plutonia 2 mega WAD with svn trunk (IWAD must be plutonia.wad) dpdehreader currently ... danij


00:22 Bug #582: P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
After some initial investigation the problem here is that this mod has been packaged in a way that depends upon the o... danij


20:08 Revision 2cfcc095 (github): Fixed bug in the texturedef parser that could result in invalid defs being used in the construction of materials.
Added: Ccmd "listmaterials" print a list of registered materials to the console (mainly for debug atm). A group filte... danij
16:40 Revision 9edba5af (github): Removed the temporary ds8 plugin as an option from the audio driver loader.
16:37 Revision 1358d2d2 (github): Removed the temporary ds8 plugin from doomsday.sln
16:34 Revision 28570d08 (github): Merged the DirectSound 8 stuff into dsdirectsound.


17:06 Revision 7eed62a1 (github): Added: Console command "pausemusic".
16:02 Revision 1f4b6a72 (github): Clarified API documentation of the ddstring functions.
15:13 Revision 612ffd51 (github): Fixed numerous memory leaks in the bindings system due to ddstrings not being free'd. Str_Free doesn't actually free all memory used with ddstring_t, it only frees the text string itself and zeros the ddstring_t so it can be reused. Str_Delete is the way to destroy the lot.
Perhaps the string interface naming needs a rethink? danij
13:18 Bug #582: P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
Kurikai has helpfully uploaded this mod to
12:25 Bug #582 (Closed): P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
When using some PWADs such as that included in Liquids.pk3 (I'll attach it when I find a copy) jDoom will error out w... danij
12:29 Bug #583 (Closed): Position of particles spawned using the spherical method
Particle generators that use the spherical spawn method are positioned incorrectly. Probably a fixed/float mix up som... danij
11:12 Bug #541: Jittery view bobbing
In addition, the view bob distance, speed and rate does not seem to change regardless of the player's speed. While wa... danij


15:21 Revision c0995525 (github): Removed some surplus space.
15:21 Revision d35add1b (github): Staged bindings weren't done at all in the Controls menu. Now they are, and mouse/joystick buttons are also staged appropriately.
A problem was also fixed with drawing the mouse/joystick button bindings: they were interpreted as axes by the drawin... skyjake
15:01 Revision c03a5b62 (github): Walking and sidestepping weren't staged in the default bindings. Now movement feels better?
14:58 Revision 2517be64 (github): Updated files.


17:29 Revision 787ac11c (github): Added new src files to the codeblocks and vs8 dswinmm projects. Fixed filename of midistream.cpp
17:25 Revision 784210c9 (github): Wrapped the win32-specific, MIDI streaming in dswinmm in a new class - WinMIDIStreamer.
15:54 Revision 316fa90f (github): Applied yagisan's patch to fix FTBFS issues when using cmake to build under *nix.
15:52 Revision f63bcd54 (github): Applied yagisan's patch to fix FTBFS issues when using cmake to build under *nix.
13:42 Revision b397650c (github): Minor tweaks to the dswinmm plugin needed now we compile as C++.
13:41 Revision 17191ac6 (github): Updated vs8 doomsday.vcproj re src file name/path changes.
13:36 Revision d364d388 (github): Switched the dswinmm plugin to C++. Renamed source files accordingly.
02:13 Revision 661d6f9d (github): Merged the Ext and Mus audio driver interfaces.
Removed the "playext" ccmd as now redundant (use "playmusic" instead).
Added: If the loaded audio driver does not sup...
00:24 Bug #426: Client can't do any damage with weapon, then crashes
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta6 danij
00:24 Bug #425: Crash on client - anytime trying to fire weapon
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta6 danij
00:18 Bug #568: Broken MIDI playback
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta6 danij


22:17 Revision 4aa2e316 (github): Fixed audio driver entry point import in importExternal(), was not grabbing DS_SFX_Load().
19:29 Revision 56d9835a (github): Fixed segfault during shutdown if for whatever reason it was not possible to load the audio driver.
19:04 Revision 771f70d1 (github): Fixed potential segfault in Sfx_Init() - if the current audio driver does not provide an interface for SFX playback.
19:03 Revision 04762347 (github): Fixed error message in S_InitDriver()
18:59 Revision c5f848a7 (github): Fixed segfault during shutdown if the engine-internal sdl_mixer audio driver is used.
18:57 Revision 4a6c84f3 (github): Fixed *nix/osx: Attempting to play a CDAudio track via the "playmusic" console command would stop the currently playing music even though CDAudio playback is not implemented for these platforms.
18:40 Revision 7850d1b9 (github): Reorganised audio driver load, init, shutdown and release. The chosen driver is now loaded and released from s_main.c with the individual interfaces initialized and shutdown via Sfx_Init() and Mus_Init() for SFX and music respectively. The audio driver is now shutdown only after all interfaces have been released.
18:09 Revision 08879b76 (github): Fixed audio driver shutdown.
17:35 Revision 1a40890e (github): Updated names for of global variables to the audio driver interfaces.
16:05 Revision 7c07a004 (github): Updated include paths re file name changes to the audio driver headers.
15:44 Revision af35fc60 (github): Revised file names, all sys_sfxd_*.c/h renamed to sys_audiod_*.c/h as they now share a base level, audio interface.
15:36 Revision cb3f1c3c (github): Completed shifting around the src files for the audio driver interface and plugins. Doomsday and all plugins now build under Windows. With luck build should be successful under *nix too. The XCode project will need updating (I didn't want to break it so have left it alone) and there will probably be a linking error to resolve as I noticed that the QuickTime interface uses the same function names as existing engine-side routines.
15:26 Revision 172010a0 (github): Updated the vs8 solution and project files re file name and path changes, added new project for dswinmm and deleted the dssdlmixer project.
15:23 Revision e0b48895 (github): Updated the vcbuild script, removed dssdlmixer and added the new dswinmm. Updated linker options for doomsday.exe so we link with sdl_mixer.lib
15:21 Revision 6614954f (github): Deleted dscompat_cl.rsp and updated the new dsdirectsound_cl.rsp re file name changes.
15:19 Revision c78defa1 (github): Updated the CodeBlocks workspace re changes to the audio driver interface, added a new project for dswinmm, deleted the dssdlmixer project.
15:15 Revision 3fd1027c (github): Updated CMakeLists.txt; SDL_mixer now required by the engine (if not a dedicated build) rather than in a plugin. Hopefully I didn't break anything as I don't actually use cmake.
15:13 Revision d3101155 (github): Moved Win32 specific audio interfaces for MIDI and CDAudio (redbook) playback via Windows Multimedia into a new dswinmm plugin.
15:01 Revision 9a046875 (github): Updated dsopenal and dsdirectsound re changes to the audio driver interface.
14:59 Revision e7b0e4fd (github): Delete dsSDLMixer plugin (is being moved into the engine).
14:56 Revision 6a3a4a44 (github): Fixed problem in ST_drawHUDSprite which assumed psprite textures were always resized to a power of two. Which may not be the case now that we can take advantage of this.
14:49 Revision f8bb0a65 (github): Renamed sys_musd.h to sys_audiod_mus.h
Renamed sys_sfxd.h to sys_audiod_sfx.h danij
14:48 Revision 345c7785 (github): Begin refactoring the sfx and music driver, plugin architecture. Moved sfxdriver_t into sys_audiod.h (new) and minor changes to the interfaces.


18:20 Revision 8d38ba36 (github): Updated Snowberry's doomsday.conf
* Name change of dscompat to dsdirectsound (default).
* Removed the ds8 option (merged with dsdirectsound).
* Added o...
18:11 Revision 9ad87713 (github): Updated dsdirectsound source files re name changes and file paths.
18:09 Revision 81b57bb5 (github): Renamed dscompat source files re name changes and file paths.
18:06 Revision 9f86513a (github): Updated the vc2008 solution and project files re name change of dscompat to dsdirectsound.
17:59 Revision 773a02ad (github): Updated the vcbuild script re name change of dscompat to dsdirectsound.
17:48 Revision a9364927 (github): Updated the CodeBlocks dsdirectsound project re name changes and file paths.
17:44 Revision ff5edbb1 (github): Renamed the dscompat CodeBlocks project to dsdirectsound
17:41 Revision 9e84ddbb (github): Renamed plugin dir ds6 to directsound.


22:13 Feature #1474: Customization options for object shadows
It would seem I was mistaken. The Shadow Radius property is within the Model definition and there is no other way to ... danij
21:25 Feature #1477 (Closed): Outside level infine game mode controllable
I hope that the summary makes sense.
This RFE is asking for the ability to set "before" and "after" map infine alo...


17:49 Revision 900690dc (github): Completed the encapsulation of the blockmap within the engine.
* Replaced the linkmobj blockrings using links within the linedef blockmap blocks (maybe split into two blockmaps lat... danij


05:38 Revision 5f0bd673 (github): Fixed couple of minor bugs in the menu that must have inadvertently crept in due to me working with several local branches atm.
* ccmd "menuback" once again works.
* "quit game" menu option in jHexen now quits as expected (as opposed to displayi...
01:57 Bug #581: Map fog disabled and re-enabled when menu is open and closed
No, this really isn't a bug. From your description of what is happening in both this and the other bug report it is q... danij

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