


Feature #1575

Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition" (including "No Rest for the Living")

Added by vermil over 12 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

3rd party compatibility
Target version:
Start date:
% Done:




Check support for the modified Doom2 Iwad in 'Doom3 BFG Edition' commercial release. As it's been modified.

It can also be found on Steam.

Also, since the BFG Edition includes the previously Xbox exclusive 'No Rest for the Living', I'd like to take the opportunity to request official support in Dday for it.

Related issues

Related to Feature #2279: Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)Closed2018-08-20

Follows Feature #1836: External map progression, episode and hub definitionsClosed2014-07-182014-07-18

Associated revisions

Revision e1e20806 (diff)
Added by skyjake almost 8 years ago

Doom: Added support for Doom I/II IWADs from the Doom 3: BFG Edition

Added three new games:
- Ultimate DOOM (BFG Edition)
- DOOM 2: Hell on Earth (BFG Edition)
- No Rest for the Living

Todo: Compare with the original versions, apply fine-tuning as needed.

IssueID #1575

Revision bfad5c63 (diff)
Added by skyjake over 6 years ago

Fixed|Doom: Added missing secret exit for MAP33 (BFG Edition)

IssueID #1575

Revision f9cee51e (diff)
Added by skyjake over 6 years ago

Doom: Endgame of No Rest for the Living

IssueID #1575


#1 Updated by vermil about 12 years ago

Indeed, it appears the Doom2 wad included with the BFG edition is derived from the XBLA Iwad rather than the PC wad.

The differences noticed by the community, between PC the Doom2 Iwad, so far, are:
  • No titlepic lump. Obviously this one will produce a fatal crash in Dday.
  • Wolf3D textures with Nazi symbols have been replaced duplicates of textures without Nazi symbols. For instance, the WOLF2 patch lump featuring Nazi symbols has been removed and the texture definition for ZZWOLF2 that originally pointed at it, has been made to use WOLF1 instead)
  • Map31 and 32 have been edited to replace SS Guards with Zombie men.
  • The SS Guard sprites have been removed; the SS Guard sounds still exist though.
  • Map31 and 32 have been renamed 'IDKFA' and 'Keen' respectively.
  • The secret exit linedef on Map02 is still present. Obviously, without proper coding behind the scences, this will take the player back to the start of the last level they started from an intermission screen (or Map01 otherwise).
  • The XBLA exclusive Map33 that the above secret exit line took the player to on said port, is present in the Iwad.
  • The Med Kit, Stim Pack and Berserk packs have had their sprites altered to remove the Red Crosses and instead feature pill symbols.
  • A new quit dialog has been added for the BFG edition, for which new lumps have been added to the Iwad for.

#2 Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago

  • Tags set to Doom
  • Subject changed from Check support for the modified Doom2 Iwad in 'Doom3 BFG Edition' commercial release to Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition"
  • Category set to 3rd party compatibility

Sounds like it would make sense to add a new game mode "doom2-bfg" for this purpose.

#3 Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High

#4 Updated by vermil over 11 years ago

This page contains a comprehensive list of changes to Doom1 and Doom2 in the BFG Edition versus Vanilla Doom.

Importantly, it should be noted that there are map differences on Map02, Map31 and 32 of Doom2 BFG and that Doom2 BFG also features a Map33, meaning multiplayer between BFG and non BFG users will run into difficulties.

#5 Updated by danij over 10 years ago

  • Follows Feature #1836: External map progression, episode and hub definitions added

#6 Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago

  • Due date deleted (2014-07-19)

#7 Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago

  • Assignee set to skyjake
  • Target version set to 2.1 (Late 2018)

#8 Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago

  • Subject changed from Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition" to Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition" (including "No Rest for the Living")

#9 Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#10 Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #2279: Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living) added

#11 Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago

More play testing should be done before this issue is closed.

#12 Updated by Drako over 6 years ago

I did some testing of Doom 2 BFG. I played for about half an hour an noticed only one minor thing. There is a secret exit in MAP02 (see which should lead to MAP33 but (in the build winx64 2872) send the player to MAP03. I managed to fix that by editing doom2.mapinfo in the following way:

map MAP02 lookup HUSTR_2
next MAP03
secretnext MAP33
warptrans 2
sky1 SKY1 0
par 90
music D_STALKS
titlepatch CWILV01


map MAP33 "Betray"
next MAP03
warptrans 33
sky1 SKY3 0
par 120
music D_READ_M
titlepatch CWILV32

It seems that the above change can be made permanent in doomsday builds, since it should not mess up the standard doom 2 episode.

#13 Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago

Thanks for the MAPINFO update, I've included it in the next build of 2.1.

#14 Updated by Drako over 6 years ago

In fact BFG edition of Doom 2 has names of maps 31 and 32 changed (to "Keen" and "IDKFA"). It seems it will be better to create a separate mapinfo filie (doom2bfg.mapinfo) containing everything from doom2.mapinfo and with the following changes

map MAP02 lookup HUSTR_2
next MAP03
secretnext MAP33
warptrans 2
sky1 SKY1 0
par 90
music D_STALKS
titlepatch CWILV01


map MAP31 lookup HUSTR_31b
next MAP16
secretnext MAP32
warptrans 31
sky1 SKY3 0
par 120
music D_EVIL
titlepatch CWILV30

map MAP32 lookup HUSTR_32b
next MAP16
warptrans 32
sky1 SKY3 0
par 30
music D_ULTIMA
titlepatch CWILV31

map MAP33 HUSTR_33
next MAP03
warptrans 33
sky1 SKY3 0
par 120
music D_READ_M
titlepatch CWILV32

and add the following definitions to the defs\jdomm\text.ded file

Text {
ID = "HUSTR_31b";
Text = "Map 31: IDKFA";

Text {
ID = "HUSTR_32b";
Text = "Map 32: Keen";

Text {
ID = "HUSTR_33";
Text = "Map 33: Betray";

#15 Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago

Drako wrote:

In fact BFG edition of Doom 2 has names of maps 31 and 32 changed (to "Keen" and "IDKFA"). It seems it will be better to create a separate mapinfo filie (doom2bfg.mapinfo) containing everything from doom2.mapinfo and with the following changes

I've already recently added such a .mapinfo file:

I can change the names of maps 31 and 32 as well for the BFG edition.

#16 Updated by Drako over 6 years ago

I have created a pull request to incorporate the above changes to master

#17 Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago


#18 Updated by Drako over 6 years ago

It seems that the No Rest for the Living finale text should be added somewhere - see C6TEXT from

#19 Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago

According to Doom Wiki, the Doom II endgame comes after map 8, so I added that in addition to the finale text.

#20 Updated by Drako over 6 years ago

In No Rest for the Living before map07 text C1TEXT (see file defs\jdoom\doom2\finales.ded line 95) from Doom 2 appears. It should not appear.

#21 Updated by Drako over 6 years ago

I have just created a pull request to fix the above.

#22 Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago


#23 Updated by skyjake about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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