From 2018-11-06 to 2018-11-19
19:28 Revision 3632a3f9 (github): Fixed|Renderer: Demons and Spectres get mixed up
- Model frame interpolation links were set up incorrectly.
IssueID #2283 -
19:27 Bug #2283 (Resolved): Pink Demons become Spectres
- This is a regression in the model metadata setup. Selectors were not considered when determining the frame progressio...
15:18 Bug #2017 (Progressed): Build .pack/PK3 packages using CMake, with dependency tracking and automatic rebuilding
- Automatic .pack rebuilding is on its way.
09:43 Feature #1575: Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition" (including "No Rest for the Living")
- Drako wrote:
> In fact BFG edition of Doom 2 has names of maps 31 and 32 changed (to "Keen" and "IDKFA"). It seems i... -
02:07 Feature #1575: Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition" (including "No Rest for the Living")
- In fact BFG edition of Doom 2 has names of maps 31 and 32 changed (to "Keen" and "IDKFA"). It seems it will be better...
19:18 Revision d73b06ed (github): FS|Packages: Unload package if source file changes
- If the source file of a loaded package changes or is deleted altogether, the package gets automatically unloaded.
19:18 Revision 1199b8ca (github): Fixed|Renderer: Improved field of view
- The field of view is now specified as the horizontal FOV without any extra special cases. This fixes a problem with v...
19:15 Revision 4dca6fec (github): Renderer|VR: Fixed row-interleaved stereo rendering
19:15 Revision f36c41da (github): Fixed|libcore: Improved perspective matrix
15:03 Revision 18f59f99 (github): UI|Cleanup: Cleanup and minor tweaks
13:30 Revision 017cbc0b (github): Build failure
12:30 Bug #2297 (Resolved): UI confused when window moved between screens that have different pixel density
- commit:ec4aee38bd handles image sizing in this situation.
08:07 Bug #2297 (In Progress): UI confused when window moved between screens that have different pixel density
08:06 Bug #2297: UI confused when window moved between screens that have different pixel density
- There is a remaining issue with UI images having the wrong sizes after the pixel ratio change.
07:36 Bug #2297 (Closed): UI confused when window moved between screens that have different pixel density
- When there are multiple screens available, it is possible that the Doomsday window is moved between screens whose pix...
12:30 Revision ec4aee38 (github): UI|Client|Tests: Point/pixel conversions and image sizing
12:29 Revision 32a94dc6 (github): Widgets|libappfw: Improved point/pixel conversions
- There is now a clear way to convert between points and pixels.
LabelWidget’s override size for images is a Rule so i... -
12:28 Revision be44767e (github): libgui|Image: Image point ratio parameter
- An Image can specify a ratio for converting image pixels to layout points.
“@2x” images will automatically get a 0.5... -
12:07 Revision 8171ba4f (github): Widgets|libcore: Added a rule pair utility
08:06 Bug #2293 (Closed): md2tool fails to read model files
08:06 Bug #2296 (Closed): FreeDoom IWAD detection problems
08:05 Feature #2238 (Closed): Configure game rules in custom profiles
08:05 Feature #2247 (Closed): Upgrade to new FMOD Low Level Programmer API
07:42 Feature #2247 (Resolved): Upgrade to new FMOD Low Level Programmer API
08:05 Feature #2177 (Closed): Savegames are not completely separated between profiles
08:04 Feature #1575: Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition" (including "No Rest for the Living")
- Thanks for the MAPINFO update, I've included it in the next build of 2.1.
05:35 Feature #1575: Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition" (including "No Rest for the Living")
- I did some testing of Doom 2 BFG. I played for about half an hour an noticed only one minor thing. There is a secret ...
08:03 Revision bfad5c63 (github): Fixed|Doom: Added missing secret exit for MAP33 (BFG Edition)
- IssueID #1575
07:45 Feature #2295: Support XBOX version of Doom
- See Drako's comment about editing MAPINFO:
07:40 Revision e5af53c7 (github): libgui|UI: Changing window pixel ratio
- GLWindow will notify observers when the pixel ratio changes.
Renamed the term “DPI factor” to “pixel ratio”.
IssueI... -
07:38 Revision 09a3f959 (github): Cleanup
07:37 Revision adff2f60 (github): Scripting|libcore: Accessing native/imported modules
- A more convenient API.
06:24 Feature #2279: Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)
- skyjake: "When it comes to "E1M10", I think Doomsday will not be able to handle that correctly at the moment (the mis...
21:11 Revision 0976a77f (github): Windows|Fixed: Build failure
20:58 Revision ae8c1544 (github): Fixed: Build failure
20:54 Revision 11751714 (github): UI|Home: Visual tweak
20:53 Revision 470a5999 (github): Fixed|Widgets: LabelWidget font size change
20:12 Revision 60220f05 (github): UI|Client: UI style reloading; cleanup
- There were certain hard-coded lengths that were converted to use Rules, so updating them is easier/possible.
ClientS... -
20:10 Revision 7c0c84e6 (github): Widgets|libappfw: UI style reloading
- If the DPI changes, the UI style needs to be updated. The length rules use a common DPI factor so they don’t need to ...
19:58 Revision 514e8870 (github): libgui: Font refresh; GLWindow observes screen change
- FontBank can now reload fonts based on the fonts definitions. The Font objects will not be recreated. The existing fo...
19:54 Revision def6a210 (github): Widgets|libcore: Common DPI rule; waiting for assets
19:19 Revision 7642f1e8 (github): Scripting|libcore: “import” overwrites existing variable
20:48 Revision 9ce794b9 (github): Fixed: Audio system shutdown
- Data created by unloaded plugins must also be deleted.
20:30 Revision 148b06a8 (github): Cleanup
20:15 Revision cc89d6a9 (github): Audio: Selecting the FMOD output driver
- The low-level API allows selecting which of the available audio outputs is used. The output also implicitly determine...
20:12 Revision 82a28686 (github): UI|Widgets: Word wrap long choice widget items
18:32 Feature #2280 (Closed): Disable audio in background
21:32 Revision 6fbe344f (github): Fixed|Audio: Map music stops when map reloaded
- If the correct music is already playing, it isn’t an error if the same music is requested to be played.
21:31 Revision 008e5f81 (github): Fixed|libdoomsday: Clean up the temp directory after exit
- Don’t leave temporary files and directories hanging around for no reason.
19:07 Revision c2838d1c (github): Fixed build error
18:19 Revision 659e39d6 (github): UI|Client: Foldable Audio Backend settings; other fixes
- The Audio Backend section of Audio Settings is now a foldable group.
Some UI dialogs had zero-sized widgets in the t... -
18:17 Revision fe62631d (github): Widgets|Debug|libappfw: UI framework improvements
- Print a warning about incomplete layout rules.
18:15 Revision 54f8861c (github): Widgets: Cleanup
10:25 Revision f3bdfcce (github): Widgets|libcore: Checking for layout rectangle validity
10:22 Revision 4e2778e9 (github): Cleanup: Version number text
09:10 Feature #2279: Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)
- Bumped to 2.2.
09:10 Feature #2279 (In Progress): Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)
05:38 Feature #2279: Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)
- (winx64 build 2872)
Ultimate Doom BFG uncensored wad works as expected (newprofile-> Game: Ultimate Doom (BFG Editio...
20:32 Feature #2238 (Resolved): Configure game rules in custom profiles
- Games can now define gameplay options whose values can be set per-profile in the game library.
This currently supp... -
20:29 Revision 47475727 (github): UI|Home: Foldable subgroups in profile edit dialog
20:28 Revision 311ea734 (github): Cleanup
09:13 Revision 6f0a5508 (github): UI|Widgets: Working on dialog layout
22:10 Revision ac627bed (github): UI|Client: Working on game profile options UI
- Foldable option groups are not fully functional yet.
22:10 Revision 5742bba0 (github): All Games: Check for gameplay options in profile
- Instead of just checking command line options, also check option values in the game profile.
22:09 Revision 0db640a1 (github): libdoomsday: Games may define additional options
- A game profile stores values for the options in a Record.
22:08 Revision 8df3e0d2 (github): Widgets|libappfw: Widget improvements
- All dialogs now have a scroll indicator enabled by default.
22:07 Revision 45a14fce (github): Widgets|Scripting: Added Widget namespaces
- Each Widget can have its own Record of local variables.
14:30 Revision 0314714a (github): Fixed|Widgets: Animation fails to update
- A paused animation was incorrectly considered “done”, so an AnimationRule stopped observing it.
14:28 Revision 47aa5f9f (github): Fixed|libdoomsday: Potential crash during startup
- The UI shouldn’t be accessing the games while they are being defined/updated.
14:27 Revision 628ab867 (github): UI|Home: Default filter in game data file selection
- By default, show all the recognized game data files.
09:58 Feature #2279: Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)
- In the next build, you can see all the recognised game IWADs in the Mods list if you enter "gamedata" as the search w...
04:03 Feature #2279: Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)
- It seems to me that the uncensoored files created by the above-mentioned tool are not detected automatically. The fil...
09:57 Revision b4209cc8 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
09:57 Revision 425f4bf1 (github): libappfw: Updated header file
09:46 Revision 6f768e1f (github): UI|Home: Showing special tags via Mods tab menu
- The Mods tab menu now has a couple of helpful items for showing the predefined tags, such as recognized game data fil...
09:44 Bug #2296 (Resolved): FreeDoom IWAD detection problems
- Added detection of FreeDoom 0.11.3.
08:35 Bug #2296: FreeDoom IWAD detection problems
- Dday doesn't detect the latest version of Freedoom (the wad has been updated since Dday added support for the version...
03:39 Bug #2296 (Closed): FreeDoom IWAD detection problems
- freedoom wads are only detected if placed in doomsday\data folder
chex3.wad is not detected (size 19 191 031 downlo... -
09:44 Revision 61c017ba (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Recognized FreeDoom version 0.11.3
- IssueID #2296
09:28 Revision cadd9e2c (github): UI|Client: Improved package list searching
- One can now enter any of the hidden tags (such as “gamedata” or “core”) to see those packages, too, even though they ...
17:51 Feature #2241 (New): Configure games via Home UI (advanced users, cf. autoexec.cfg)
17:50 Feature #2238 (In Progress): Configure game rules in custom profiles
17:47 Feature #2279 (Resolved): Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)
- Detection rules added. My assumption is that this doesn't need a new game mode, so a custom profile with "doom1-bfg" ...
16:10 Revision 68131e55 (github): Doom|Resources: Added detection rules for patched BFG IWADs
- A custom game profile can use these with the BFG game modes.
IssueID #2279 -
13:44 Revision 6b6df883 (github): Windows|FMOD: Check for the default name of FMOD API install folder
12:02 Feature #1575: Support Doom 2 IWAD in "Doom 3 BFG Edition" (including "No Rest for the Living")
- More play testing should be done before this issue is closed.
08:21 Revision d75ad7de (github): UI|Home: Hovering on profile Play button
- Show the action description only when hovering on the action button for clearer causality.
08:20 Revision 1ce44e55 (github): libcore: Friendlier friendly time format
08:00 Revision a00d371b (github): Fixed|Doom: Inconsistent games IDs
- Freedoom and BFG variants of Doom 1 sould also use the “doom1-“ identifier.
07:46 Feature #2295 (New): Support XBOX version of Doom
- Drako wrote:
> I did some testing with DOOM.WAD and IWADConverter. I converted doom.wad to the XBOX version. It cont...
22:45 Feature #2280 (Resolved): Disable audio in background
22:44 Revision af6df1af (github): Audio|Client: Option for pausing music when focus lost
- Added a new option to Audio Settings for pausing music when window loses focus.
Reorganized the Audio Settings dialo... -
22:42 Revision 1d742fc1 (github): Cleanup
22:42 Revision 8bdafe87 (github): Widgets|libappfw: Nicer way of creating subheading labels
21:28 Revision 7e359630 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Loading a savegame from the Home screen
- The selected save item got deselected while the UI was being updated during the busy mode, and the save was not loaded.
21:14 Revision 4b90b9a6 (github): Cleanup: Avoid undefined behavior
- Cannot dereference nullptrs.
21:14 Revision 6a05b5e4 (github): Cleanup
19:37 Feature #2177 (Resolved): Savegames are not completely separated between profiles
19:17 Revision 5b2ad745 (github): UI|SaveGames: Creating a custom save folder
- Older custom profiles naturally don’t yet have a custom save folder, so offer to create one in the context menu.
Als... -
18:46 Revision 5143d824 (github): SaveGame|UI: Custom profiles have their own save folders
- Each custom profile is assigned a unique empty save folder when the profile is created.
SaveGames can be queried for... -
18:42 Revision 46154378 (github): Cleanup
18:42 Revision 759ad135 (github): FS|libcore: Deleting directories; cleanup
- DirectoryFeed did not have the ability to delete directories even when requested.
18:40 Revision 3631daba (github): Cleanup|Math: Random number functions
18:38 Revision 0bedb480 (github): Homepage: Old forums URL
22:32 Revision f9aeec0f (github): Cleanup
22:23 Revision 228b1b06 (github): FS|libcore: Accessing native files
- Improved the utility method for accessing a native file anywhere in the file system. It can now create new files in a...
22:21 Revision 84e09e43 (github): libcore|Math: Better random number generator
17:35 Revision 9cf1e77c (github): Refactor|Cleanup|SaveGames: Determining save folder
- GameProfile is now used as the authority when determining where to place save files.
AbstractSession::Profile was re... -
17:33 Revision 6af021cb (github): Cleanup
16:56 Feature #2177 (In Progress): Savegames are not completely separated between profiles
- This should be addressed before the 2.1 release. Basically, every profile needs to have a unique save folder.
The ...
20:26 Revision 5884ff42 (github): md2tool|Fixed: Error when reading data from file
- The `Load()` function always reported an error if one tried to load zero bytes.
IssueID #2293 -
20:19 Bug #2293 (Closed): md2tool fails to read model files
- md2tool has a regression where it fails to load a valid MD2 model file:...
09:24 Bug #2285 (In Progress): Extreme lag with LAN discovery of multiple (12) local servers
09:24 Feature #2279 (New): Detect uncensored WADs of BFG edition (including No Rest for the Living)
09:24 Feature #2247 (Progressed): Upgrade to new FMOD Low Level Programmer API
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