Feature #1441
[MP] Option: weaponstay deathmatch
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% Done:
I want you to make weaponstay deathmatch (like DM3 in Doom Legacy). What I mean: weapons stay, like in DM1, ammo respawns, like in DM2. Useful when you want to give everybody a gun instead of forcing him to run with a pistol.
Labels: Multiplayer
Related issues
Updated by skyjake almost 18 years ago
- summary: Weaponstay deathmatch --> [MP] Weaponstay deathmatch
Updated by danij over 12 years ago
- assigned_to: Daniel Swanson --> nobody
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to Multiplayer
- Subject changed from [MP] Weaponstay deathmatch to [MP] Option: weaponstay deathmatch
- Category set to Enhancement
Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Target version set to Multiplayer