From 2013-07-24 to 2013-08-06
23:36 Revision 788acb25 (github): Client|Resources|Texture: Cleanup
22:43 Revision cf035db6 (github): Fixed|Client|Resources: Hires texture suppression in release build
- It appears that when declaring flags with Qt it is vital to ensure
that one takes the additional step of declaring op... -
20:30 Bug #1131 (Closed): 'server-game-skill' doesn't function
- The title is all the description needed.
*Labels:* Multi... -
19:59 Revision 163a34d7 (github): Client|UI|ConsoleCommandWidget: Use style rule for maximum popup height
16:37 Revision 9133cb22 (github): Shell|GUI: Log local messages in the active connection window
- For instance, the possible completions from the command line.
16:19 Revision c08f555c (github): Shell|CommandLineWidget: Print possible completions when pressing Tab
- All the possible completions are printed in the log.
16:12 Revision ff4142e9 (github): Fixed|Client|UI|ConsoleCommandWidget: Completions popup height and position
- The completions popup now moves with the command line, and has a
maximum height that does not exceed the top of the v... -
16:10 Revision 037146e7 (github): Client|UI|PopupWidget: Allow setting popup anchor axes independently
15:42 Revision eb31dab2 (github): Fixed|libgui|GLState: Negative values in scissor rectangle
- Fixes the issue where the completions popup would show up blank if
its top goes outside the view.
Internally GLState... -
12:50 Revision f604eaf9 (github): Default Style|Client: Subtler border glow
12:00 Revision beead396 (github): Revert "Windows|qmake: Disable global optimizations (Og) in release build"
- This reverts commit 22792de1bc7317fd82dbdde4a7283a7c46e99058.
11:11 Revision e7c0ef58 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
11:09 Revision dbe4f594 (github): Builder|OS X: Identify OS X 10.5 as a build platform
11:04 Revision 1ae365f4 (github): Finished bump to version 1.12
- Forgot to update all the other version numbers previously.
11:04 Revision 72daa9d6 (github): Task Bar|Client|UI: Made the DE logo tiny bit smaller
11:00 Revision bca71f01 (github): Builder|OS X: Automatically update installer package metadata
- Prior to creating an installer package, the XML files are updated
with version information. (PackageMaker might pull ... -
09:49 Revision 48dce2ab (github): Fixed|Client|UI|LineEditWidget: Update geometry when autocompletion ends
- The underline must be removed even if the cursor doesn't move.
09:02 Revision 94b00329 (github): libshell|EditorHistory|Console: Empty commands not put in history
- Also, when dismissing unentered content from the console command
line, make sure it's the latest entry in the history... -
08:29 Revision f784d17f (github): Refactor|Client|Shadow Bias|BiasIllum: Return the current color from BiasIllum evaluate()
07:45 Revision 25e79dc0 (github): Refactor|Client|Map Renderer: Specify color coordinates to the render lists with de::VectorN<>
05:35 Revision ce24f24e (github): World|Map|BspNode: Cleanup (no use for a public instance reference)
05:29 Revision 8d515547 (github): World|Map|Line: Cleanup
22:41 Bug #1131: 'server-game-skill' doesn't function
- This issue has since been fixed for the upcoming 1.12 release.
Note that a skill level change will only take effec... -
22:41 Bug #1131: 'server-game-skill' doesn't function
- - **labels**: multiplayer skill level --> Multiplayer, Server, Skill Level
- **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
- **Prio... -
22:41 Bug #1128: Some of the textures and parts of GUI missing
- - **Priority**: 1 --> 5
22:39 Bug #1128: Some of the textures and parts of GUI missing
- ...Oh, there is '-notexcomp' already, just not in the manpage.
Though adding this to FAQ would be a good idea.
... -
22:41 Bug #1129: Various mobj Z movement clipping bugs
- Another little Z related thing. In Dday when a flying bad guy kills the player, it instantly jumps down to the floor,...
08:49 Bug #1129 (New): Various mobj Z movement clipping bugs
- Various bugs on Zclipping, cross posted from the forum as requested: -
22:41 Bug #1126: MD2 model render pop
- Indeed this calculation should divide by two. I'm not sure where the 3.5 comes from. Perhaps it was originally intend...
16:21 Revision ef382f79 (github): Fixed|DocumentWidget: Wait for background tasks to stop in destructor
- The widget cannot be destroyed until the background tasks are finished
(if any are running at time of destruction). -
16:21 Revision df044de1 (github): Documentation|libdeng2|TaskPool: Information about usage
16:12 Revision 5daa1f2b (github): Task Bar|Console: Dismiss unentered command to history when task bar closed
- Now whichever method is used for closing the task bar, the contents
of the command line are put in the command histor... -
15:04 Revision 14291a5b (github): Console|Task Bar: Clear command line when closing with 'taskbar' cmd
- Allows one to clear the command line by double activation of the taskbar
binding. -
14:03 Revision 20da89d3 (github): Optimize|Client|FontLineWrapping: Better findMaxWrap; made thread-safe
- FontLineWrapping now uses a findMaxWrap() method that relies on
advance widths of individual characters rather than r... -
14:03 Revision 8d42670d (github): Fixed|Console: Bold style not undone in styled command printout
14:03 Revision 0e1c5650 (github): Client|UI|DocumentWidget: Prepare text as a background task, show indicator
- FontLineWrapping is now run in a background task, unblocking the UI
while the document content is being prepared for ... -
14:03 Revision a8d7e117 (github): libshell|AbstractLineEditor: Adjusted behavior of autocompletion
- The first press of Tab only sends the autocompletion notification if
there is no unambiguous completion available. Fu... -
14:03 Revision d4bb99aa (github): Fixed|FontLineWrapping: After wrapping, at least one blank line must exist
- ILineWrapping is supposed to be empty only before nothing has been
wrapped. An empty text string is supposed to produ... -
14:03 Revision 14619a97 (github): libshell|AbstractLineEditor: Added word deletion
- The same modifier that is used for word jumping can now be used
together with Backspace to delete the word behind the... -
14:03 Revision a844cee5 (github): Optimize|Console: Annotating a list of terms for autocompletion popup
- Reduced the number of times the known words are iterated
when composing the annotated list of possible completions. -
14:03 Revision b643d92c (github): Documentation|LogWidget|Client: Note about future refactoring
14:03 Revision e058d0e2 (github): Homepage: Updated source download page for 1.11.1
14:03 Revision 0f71cc5c (github): Homepage|OS X: Updated minimum supported version to Snow Leopard
14:03 Revision abb3ee9f (github): Optimize|Refactor|libgui|Font: Faster rich format subranges
- Profiling showed that majority of the time used by FontLineWrapping
was spent splitting RichFormat instances into sub... -
09:09 Bug #1130 (New): Mana bars on the statusbar ignore opacity
- Cross posted from forum as requested:
The... -
09:00 Bug #1130: Mana bars on the statusbar ignore opacity
- - **Priority**: 1 --> 5
05:19 Revision d7d696c1 (github): Client|Shadow Bias|Editor: Improved hand behavior when multiple elements are grabbed
- The editable properties of grabbed elements are now only changed if
the hand's editable value changes whilst grabbed.... -
05:03 Revision 8262f4bc (github): Fixed|Client|Shadow Bias|BiasTracker: Apply all bias source changes on a frame to trackers
- A refactoring oversight meant that only the first source change from
a BiasDigest was applied to a given tracker. -
01:05 Revision 16733326 (github): Merge branch 'master' into shadow-bias-c++
22:34 Revision 53a74cbf (github): Client|Shadow Bias: Cleanup
21:34 Revision ae58dace (github): Optimize|Client|Shadow Bias|BiasIllum: Perform bias source line-of-sight testing last
- Perform the potentially expensive LOS test in updateContribution only
once all simpler tests have passed (previously ... -
17:48 Revision 305bd5d7 (github): Client|Shadow Bias|IllumInfo: Retain InterpolateInfo when merging an in-progress bias interpolation
- Avoid unnecessarily free'ing and then immediately re-allocating this
data when merging an in-progress interpolation. -
16:49 Revision f1e76ae9 (github): Optimize|Client|Shadow Bias|BiasIllum: Allocate memory for bias interpolation when necessary
- Bias light sources do not animate and they aren't usually linked to
the sector light level. This means that allocatin... -
15:17 Revision 6f0f405f (github): Optimize|libdeng2|BitField: Ensure containers are used in const mode
- Qt will need to detach implicitly shared containers if they are
accessed in a non-const fashion. -
13:24 Revision 875d19f1 (github): Merge branch 'master' into shadow-bias-c++
13:02 Revision 6ee465d1 (github): ProgressWidget: Tweaking the end of the animation
- It may be that because ClientWindow is still switching to an
entirely different UI tree (busy=>normal), a blank frame... -
11:58 Revision d900321a (github): Client|Shadow Bias|BspLeaf|Segment: Respect the 'rend-dev-bias-affected' cvar
11:21 Revision efc929ac (github): Merge branch 'master' into shadow-bias-c++
20:11 Revision 79d8dd0e (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
20:10 Revision f0d0b112 (github): Builder|Windows: Use MSVS 2010 to build the release packages
- This has already been in use for some time now.
18:47 Revision 7e0f6087 (github): Renderer: Increased particle texture maximum from 32 to 300
- Defined additional 'pt_tex' flags for the new enum values.
13:12 Revision 2f61b415 (github): Client|Busy Mode: Cleanup
- Removed a bunch of obsolete code.
13:07 Revision 88c8010b (github): Refactor|Busy Mode|BusyWidget: Transition screenshot moved to BusyWidget
- It is now BusyWidget's responsibility to grab the screenshot taken
for the busy mode background and end transition.
... -
13:03 Revision ed5fb2a7 (github): Client|UI|ProgressWidget: Adjusted shadow behind the wheel
13:02 Revision b5f2492f (github): libgui|GLTexture: Taking over an existing OpenGL texture object
08:13 Revision 4cafd919 (github): Client|Shadow Bias|BiasTracker: Cleanup
07:57 Revision 514fad24 (github): Documentation|Client|Shadow Bias|BiasSource: BiasSource apidoc cleanup/fixes
07:39 Revision fad42c10 (github): Documentation|Client|Shadow Bias|BiasIllum: BiasIllum apidoc cleanup/fixes
07:26 Revision b16261a1 (github): Documentation|Client|Shadow Bias|BiasIllum: Improved BiasIllum apidoc
07:00 Revision d4e21043 (github): Client|Shadow Bias|BiasIllum: Cleanup
06:37 Revision 1df87f6b (github): Refactor|Client|Shadow Bias|BiasTracker: Minor cleanup refactorings
02:41 Revision e210729d (github): Client|Shadow Bias|BspLeaf|Segment: Geometry groups; moved geometry-level logic out of BiasTracker
02:38 Revision 51afc7c7 (github): Client|Shadow Bias|BiasIllum: Copying bias illuminations and assigning a tracker
00:11 Revision 4ab6eb6d (github): Client|Shadow Bias: Added BiasSurface base class
16:56 Revision d1be1d49 (github): Client|Busy Mode: Replaced old busyvisual with a ProgressWidget
- Much of the old busyvisual is now obsolete. The busy transition is
still drawn as before with the old code.
Todo: Ne... -
16:53 Revision cd208685 (github): Client|UI|ProgressWidget: Defining a visual subrange for progress
- At the moment, this is used in a sequence of busy tasks.
10:17 Revision f70a7922 (github): Merge branch 'master' into shadow-bias-c++
09:46 Revision d31a267c (github): Client|UI|ProgressWidget: Drawing shadow behind wheel, improved layout with text
- The ProgressWidget can now place a status text beside the wheel.
The layout of the drawn wheel matches the old one in... -
09:43 Revision 8bcdfc29 (github): Fixed|LabelWidget|Client|UI: Image/text positioning, gap rule
- LabelWidget now uses a style rule to define the gap between an image
and a text in the label. Also, image fitting was... -
09:19 Revision 60baf2b1 (github): Client|UI|Console: Don't show autocompletion popup if only one suggestion
- There is little point in showing the popup if the only completion has
already been appended to the command line. -
09:18 Revision 9f0edda8 (github): Client|Default Style: Adjusted border glow/shadow strength
09:17 Revision 1bf3979c (github): libgui|VertexBuilder: Making a 2D ring or circle
05:05 Revision e6c22ba4 (github): Refactor|BspLeaf|Segment|BiasTracker: Various cleanup refactorings
04:29 Revision 613fd6cb (github): BiasIllum: Cleanup
04:19 Revision b924a9ba (github): Refactor: Renamed BiasSurface as BiasTracker
02:47 Revision fea7f998 (github): Refactor: Reworked BiasTracker into BiasDigest; cleanup
00:56 Revision b43b2c2e (github): Refactor: Renamed VertexIllum as BiasIllum; applied pimpl; relocated
- As one might determine from the rename it is no longer assumed that
the illumination data is used only with a map ver...
23:36 Revision 0b8c4f7c (github): BiasSurface: Cleanup; more apidocs
20:55 Revision 34c6c4cb (github): BiasSurface: Further revised the internal design of this component
- In this iteration vertex illumination is fully decoupled from the
"surface", whose main job now is tracking changes a... -
20:33 Revision a05c7355 (github): Client|Widgets: Drawing border glow as part of GuiWidget background
- The border glow is applied in PopupWidget and ConsoleCommandWidget.
20:31 Revision d0fb450e (github): Client|Default Style: Added the border glow definitions and image
17:09 Revision 92beb8f1 (github): Client|UI|ProgressWidget|Default Style: Basic implementation done
- The ProgressWidget geometry is generated based on the old busyvisual
The Default Style now contains colors for... -
09:28 Revision 2625b6b0 (github): Client|UI: Added ProgressWidget
- Work in progress... (pun not intended)
08:35 Revision 7ebafca3 (github): Renderer: Increased particle texture maximum from 32 to 300
- Defined additional 'pt_tex' flags for the new enum values.
02:30 Revision 3342336f (github): BiasSurface: Cleanup
01:35 Revision 188a2ee8 (github): BiasSurface: Apply the last source deletion time for each deletion
17:10 Revision 11113cee (github): Merge branch 'master' into shadow-bias-c++
16:46 Revision a3c2b617 (github): Refactor|BiasSurface: Revised BiasSurface::addAffected() with an easier to follow algorithm
15:45 Revision f8c48a85 (github): Client|UI|Default Style: Console command line autocompletion popup
- A DocumentWidget is used to display all the possible completions in
a popup.
Todo: Make it a background task to wrap... -
15:43 Revision 77c66053 (github): Refactor|Console: Searching for known words that match the pattern exactly
- AFAICS, there is no other way to locate a particular known word.
15:41 Revision 5575db0d (github): libgui|libdeng2|Client: Added a way to reset indent in rich format
- In the rich format, the indent reset is inserted as an empty range,
so that it can be applied as the last thing on a ... -
12:38 Revision 0f1656b9 (github): Fixed|libdeng2|RuleRectangle: Rule invalidation issue
- Related outputs of a rule rectangle (e.g., top affects height & bottom)
need to be invalidated regardless of whether ... -
12:30 Revision 6ba1f8c6 (github): Fixed|libgui|GLBuffer: Buffer not ready with an empty buffer
- If an empty buffer is defined, it is still valid for drawing. A buffer
needs to be cleared (released) to really be a ... -
12:29 Revision 02a52ee7 (github): libshell|AbstractLineEditor: Autocompletion notifications are optional
- Derived classes may choose to ignore autocompletion notifications
entirely. -
06:50 Revision b50db4e1 (github): BiasSurface: Interpolate contributions from deleted sources to black
05:14 Revision 7cd36607 (github): BiasSurface: Observe bias source deletion
- For the purpose of killing light contributions.
Todo: It should be possible to interpolate the contribution to black... -
03:35 Bug #1129: Various mobj Z movement clipping bugs
- That said, I've just tested the example I used for HeXen in 1.9.7 (the barrels at the bottom of sector 48 on HeXen DK...
03:24 Revision 3ac9e76b (github): BiasSurface|Optimize: Vertexes are no longer concerned where light contributions originate
- As 'latent' contributions are now managed at surface level there is
no longer a need for vertexes to be aware of the ... -
01:03 Revision d3f44e31 (github): BiasSurface|Optimize: Manage changes to light contributions without a tracker
- Internally BiasSurface now manages changes using only a single byte
of local storage (previously 256 bytes were requi...
23:38 Revision bfe52d98 (github): Refactor|BiasSurface: Integrated 'latent' light contribution concept at BiasSurface level
- As light contributions are no longer referenced by the index of the
BiasSource, they no longer erroneously propagate ... -
19:15 Revision 15f60efa (github): Refactor|BiasSurface: Disposed of the local 'affecting' array in evalLighting()
- This mechanism unnecessarily complicated this update algorithm. As
the intention is to skip updating unchanged lighti... -
18:53 Revision 12e310a7 (github): Client|UI|ConsoleCommandWidget: Working on autocompletion popup
- Doesn't quite work yet… As popup content, DocumentWidget isn't
visible. What gives? -
18:52 Revision c7d1c614 (github): Cleanup
18:51 Revision 2448d523 (github): Client|UI|LineEditWidget: Querying the editor cursor position
- Determining where exactly the cursor is on the canvas.
18:49 Revision 6ae3c47c (github): libshell|AbstractLineEditor: Added notifications about autocompletion
18:48 Revision 2cd4155a (github): Documentation|Fixed|libdeng2: Apidoc issue in Time
18:48 Revision 41bee2ee (github): Refactor|Console: Compiling a list of console words with possible values
- This output is for the command line autocompletion.
Refactored the old console routines to allow producing styled te... -
17:35 Revision db484e3e (github): Merge branch 'master' into shadow-bias-c++
11:54 Revision cb301fa5 (github): Client|Default Style|OS X: Use Menlo as the default monospace font
11:53 Revision 4600b543 (github): Fixed|DocumentWidget: Changing style on the fly
10:48 Revision 15b45991 (github): Client|UI|DocumentWidget: Finished basic implementation
- DocumentWidget now allocates and draws only the visible range of lines.
Clipping is applied to the drawn text. The sc... -
10:46 Revision 6fc32b98 (github): Client|UI|GuiWidget: Added method for calculating normalized content rectangle
10:45 Revision 0490c3e2 (github): Client|UI|ScrollAreaWidget: Indicator origin, geometry updates
- When the indicator is animating, geometry update requests occur
automatically. Also it is now possible to define the ... -
10:43 Revision 683c0e19 (github): Fixed|FontLineWrapping: A double newline stops wrapping operation
10:42 Revision 92fa4d6d (github): libgui|GLState: Added missing assignment operator
10:42 Revision de1f2307 (github): Task Bar|Console: Adjusted 'taskbar' command behavior when task bar open
- If the task bar is open but the command line is unfocused, 'taskbar'
will set focus to the command line rather than c... -
08:43 Revision c92cec6b (github): Client|UI|DocumentWidget: Working on drawing text
05:19 Revision c80b0db8 (github): Fix typo in comment
05:16 Revision d212c578 (github): Fixed|Shadow Bias|BiasSurface: Latent bias lighting contributions when surface loses all sources
- When recalculating per-vertex bias lighting the special case of a
surface suddenly loosing all light contributions wa... -
01:45 Revision fe16a5b9 (github): BiasSource|Optimize: Do not observe sector lighting changes in the void
- While origin of the source lies in the void tracking of sector light
level changes is now disabled as this resulted i...
22:31 Revision 47c0930d (github): Refactor|Shadow Bias: Moved bias source affection updates out of BiasSurface
- Affection is the contribution of light from source to "surface" in
the same map. To determine affection demands knowl... -
17:59 Revision 47e1bf65 (github): Client|UI: Added DocumentWidget for larger blocks of text
- While LabelWidget is good for small static UI texts, DocumentWidget
is designed to handle longer texts that typically... -
13:50 Revision ce445e2b (github): Codex|Fixed: Further HTML5 correctness
- The pages now pass (X)HTML5 validation without errors.
13:32 Revision 147f6060 (github): Fixed|Cleanup|Codex: Page footer, unnecessary sys.exit
13:08 Revision 930f8982 (github): Codex|Fixed: HTML5 correctness, CSS instead of deprecated attributes, br tags
- Also rounding the authorship percentages better now.
08:50 Revision 45627f78 (github): Codex: Set the file encoding to UTF-8 in produced HTML pages
06:20 Revision 4011d61e (github): Homepage: Fix typos
05:35 Revision c2d410d0 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
05:35 Revision 54e19dac (github): Homepage: Usability improvements to the 'Most active servers' listing
- Translated the more obscure terms in the server info to a more human-
friendly form, on client side.
Plus some langu... -
05:35 Revision 221451c3 (github): Homepage|Build Repository: Link commit tags in the Build Repository to the Codex
- Plus various minor style and markup improvements.
05:35 Revision 82eb61a6 (github): Homepage|Fixed: Do not assume the newest package is the latest version
20:51 Revision 4eeec343 (github): Codex: More related tags
18:50 Revision c91c20e1 (github): Codex: Added breakdown of authorship for each tag
- Showing percentage of commit authors.
17:48 Revision 7f88a017 (github): Codex: Fine-tuning related tags
17:46 Revision fc93aba7 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
16:32 Revision 5eebdbf2 (github): Codex: Improved tag grouping with wildcards, additional related tags
11:53 Revision 9f726663 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
11:51 Revision 8b3cd8e1 (github): Codex: Added related tags (manually chosen)
09:20 Revision 7e36933e (github): Fixed|libcommon: "HUD Display" menu item not linked to 'map-huddisplay'
08:33 Revision 83fc6b8d (github): libdeng2|Range: Added isEmpty() method
08:33 Revision c0de527b (github): Client|UI|GLTextComposer: Better way to set partial range of lines
- GLTextComposer also needs to allocate only the visible lines, so just
doing the geometry is not enough.
20:27 Revision ba33772f (github): Client|UI|GLTextComposer: Making vertices for a partial range of lines
- This will be useful when GLTextComposer is used with long content.
13:31 Revision 0710c9c5 (github): Codex: Fine-tuned tag search algorithm
- By default, levenshtein is case sensitive, so certain matches don't
work quite like they should, particularly because... -
11:07 Revision 4759e7c9 (github): Fixed|Codex: Sanitize search term in find_tag.php
10:40 Revision 78961b91 (github): Fixed|Codex: Prohibit search terms with 60+ characters
10:21 Revision c8e4afdc (github): Codex: Added a 'style' parameter for the find_tag.php redirector
- The style can be 'grouped', or if omitted defaults to chronological.
09:41 Revision 1d74baef (github): Fixed|Builder: Typo
09:41 Revision 8f433163 (github): Builder|Codex: Added the Doomsday Codex generator script
- This is used for generating
07:48 Revision 58c1f378 (github): Refactor|BiasSurface: Addressed current map assumptions; cleanup
07:20 Revision 817da965 (github): Optimize|Client: Defer initialization of Bias surface and vertex data
- If the Bias lighting model is not enabled it is a waste of time and
resources to initialize the surface and vertex il... -
06:03 Revision 024406dd (github): Merge branch 'master' into shadow-bias-c++
- Conflicts:
doomsday/client/src/re... -
03:45 Bug #1129: Various mobj Z movement clipping bugs
- - **Priority**: 1 --> 5
03:43 Bug #1126: MD2 model render pop
- models.cpp:973:
> // Half the distance from bottom left to top right.
> float radius = (def->scale[VX] * (max[VX]... -
02:49 Revision 978cc68c (github): Heretic|Hexen: Additional default control bindings for WASD setup
- * Backslash - jump
* z/c - cycle backwards/forwards through the inventory
* x - use the equipped inventory item
* b -... -
02:39 Revision b3266ddb (github): Heretic|Hexen: Additional default control bindings for WASD setup
- * Backslash - jump
* z/c - cycle backwards/forwards through the inventory
* x - use the equipped inventory item
* b -...
23:37 Revision 80dfd451 (github): Fixed|Heretic: Time bombs spawned at incorrect height; improved look of explosions
- The handling of floor clipping has changed quite a bit since vanilla
however the time bomb spawn offset had not been ... -
23:36 Revision 641ad205 (github): Fixed|Heretic: Time bombs spawned at incorrect height; improved look of explosions
- The handling of floor clipping has changed quite a bit since vanilla
however the time bomb spawn offset had not been ... -
23:34 Revision 083da680 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
23:33 Revision c2adf865 (github): Fixed|Heretic: Time bombs spawned at incorrect height; improved look of explosions
- The handling of floor clipping has changed quite a bit since vanilla
however the time bomb spawn offset had not been ... -
23:17 Bug #1128 (Closed): Some of the textures and parts of GUI missing
- On a different machine than in the earlier bug, 1.11 starts for a change, but is horribly glitched.
The easiest to... -
22:07 Bug #1126: MD2 model render pop
- - **labels**: md2 pop --> Renderer, Visual Glitch, 3D Models
13:53 Revision 7c7e9959 (github): Client: OpenGL 2.0 or later is now required
- This can still be bypassed with -noglcheck, though.
13:31 Revision fc089669 (github): Client: OpenGL 2.0 or later is now required
- This can still be bypassed with -noglcheck, though.
13:25 Revision 5ffb594e (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
13:24 Revision 0ab2f741 (github): Console|Unix: Use Unicode for Shift and arrows in 'help' command
13:08 Revision 453e470c (github): Server|Fixed: Transmission of malformed DT_SIDE deltas
- As the sections of a Line::Side are now optional the lineFlags field
of a dt_side_t was not handled properly when com... -
12:02 Revision 2cbb27b7 (github): Server|Fixed: Transmission of malformed DT_SIDE deltas
- As the sections of a Line::Side are now optional the lineFlags field
of a dt_side_t was not handled properly when com... -
10:32 Bug #1125: Handling missing OpenGL support during launch
- - **Priority**: 1 --> 5
08:08 Revision 2168f6eb (github): Documentation|Client: More comments added to FontLineWrapping
- Wrapping rich text is not the most straightforward of tasks.
04:41 Revision 60830fae (github): libdoom: Handle the 'kill' command as a cheat in multiplayer
04:41 Revision 5d5ef4b5 (github): Cleanup
04:41 Revision 971f2df6 (github): libheretic: Further multiplayer cheat code entry fixes
04:41 Revision 59215b90 (github): Fixed|libheretic: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- See: b9fdf4fcc9086627c0b9c30d3a3d52ebc471c3ba
04:41 Revision 1b8dbf63 (github): Fix typo
04:41 Revision 2ec3d7d2 (github): Fixed|libheretic: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- See: b9fdf4fcc9086627c0b9c30d3a3d52ebc471c3ba
Todo: The cheats 'gimme', 'iddqd' and 'idkfa' require various new
feat... -
04:41 Revision 165cea63 (github): Fixed|libdoom: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- There were numerous logic issues in the cheat code handling which
interpreted cheats entered via the console differen... -
03:45 Revision cf0c90a1 (github): libheretic: Fix merge error
03:12 Revision e82ed371 (github): libdoom: Handle the 'kill' command as a cheat in multiplayer
03:12 Revision cb5c1958 (github): Cleanup
03:12 Revision 6e28583b (github): libheretic: Further multiplayer cheat code entry fixes
03:12 Revision 44dfa5da (github): Fixed|libheretic: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- See: b9fdf4fcc9086627c0b9c30d3a3d52ebc471c3ba
03:11 Revision 7e905bbe (github): Fix typo
03:11 Revision 02e789a8 (github): Fixed|libheretic: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- See: b9fdf4fcc9086627c0b9c30d3a3d52ebc471c3ba
Todo: The cheats 'gimme', 'iddqd' and 'idkfa' require various new
feat... -
03:09 Revision d8cc2f45 (github): Fixed|libdoom: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- There were numerous logic issues in the cheat code handling which
interpreted cheats entered via the console differen... -
03:09 Revision 448fc0d7 (github): Server|All Games: Notify clients when 'server-game-cheat' changes
- When an admin enables or disables cheats on a server all clients
are now notified of the change.
Plus cleanup. -
02:52 Revision 27b0609a (github): libdoom: Handle the 'kill' command as a cheat in multiplayer
01:17 Revision eaa18541 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
01:17 Revision 4a3f1ef5 (github): Cleanup
01:16 Revision 93405758 (github): libheretic: Further multiplayer cheat code entry fixes
01:15 Revision 1f1f4688 (github): Fixed|libheretic: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- See: b9fdf4fcc9086627c0b9c30d3a3d52ebc471c3ba
20:45 Revision aa3b9bf3 (github): Fixed|Console|Windows: Don't use Unicode in 'help'
- Apparently MSVC doesn't like Unicode character literals.
Todo for later: How to make this work on MSVC? -
20:05 Bug #1125: Handling missing OpenGL support during launch
- Well, I must mention, that back in 1.10, I was already running with '-noglcheck', but nothing seemed *noticeably* bro...
16:50 Bug #1125: Handling missing OpenGL support during launch
- That certainly sounds like your OpenGL version is older than the required 2.0. Since you are running with -noglcheck,...
14:58 Bug #1125: Handling missing OpenGL support during launch
- > So you are saying everything was linked against the correct libraries?
No, I didn't said that. Regardless, even ... -
10:56 Bug #1125: Handling missing OpenGL support during launch
- > Err...though I don't think so, if that was the case, it would still be a build system bug, as it should ensure the ...
01:25 Bug #1125 (New): Handling missing OpenGL support during launch
- First of all, Allura as commit browser utterly sucks.
This might be already fixed in the repo, but as it is, I can't... -
19:45 Revision c7d6d1c2 (github): Console: Further improved 'help' output with Unicode characters
- Also, on OS X use the Unicode Shift/Command symbols instead of
spelling them out (as is convention). -
19:35 Revision 645911f7 (github): Fixed|Client|FontLineWrapping: Wrapping tabbed lines
- Now the line wrapper correctly takes tab stops into account when
determining wrapped rich text lines.
Also added som... -
15:41 Revision c594f2ff (github): Refactor|Client|FontLineWrapping: Working on wrapping of tab stops
- Previously GLTextComposer was solely responsible for tab stops,
however obviously the line has less room for text if ... -
11:30 Bug #1127 (Closed): [Linux] Linking error when old libs exist in /usr/lib
- When building the engine, ld uses the binaries found in /usr/bin instead of build dir.
I have found that this is b... -
10:51 Bug #1127: [Linux] Linking error when old libs exist in /usr/lib
- - **labels**: --> qmake, Builder
- **status**: open --> accepted
- **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
- **Priority**: 3... -
10:20 Bug #1126: MD2 model render pop
- - **Priority**: 1 --> 5
09:28 Bug #1126 (New): MD2 model render pop
- MD2 models pop into view when centre is hidden by BSP
Especially effecting long models such as custom pipes and be... -
07:39 Revision 5087b9b3 (github): Fixed|Client|libshell: Minor issues with word jump behavior
05:47 Revision b111a67d (github): Console: Improved 'help' command
- List shortcut keys for autocompletion, navigating through the input
command history and clearing the line to the righ... -
05:16 Revision e8c58ea5 (github): Fix typo
04:56 Revision f5e46773 (github): Fixed|libheretic: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- See: b9fdf4fcc9086627c0b9c30d3a3d52ebc471c3ba
Todo: The cheats 'gimme', 'iddqd' and 'idkfa' require various new
22:39 Revision bc0d0247 (github): libcommon: Fix bool/boolean type mixup in hu_stuff.cpp
21:09 Revision 9793cbf6 (github): Fixed|libshell|AbstractLineEditor: Word jumping right to the end of the line
20:34 Revision 90981536 (github): Client|LineEditWidget: Use key modifiers (word jumping)
20:33 Revision 887dc30c (github): Refactor|libshell: Word jumping and key modifiers in AbstractLineEditor
12:48 Revision 5817be29 (github): Fixed|libcommon: "HUD Display" menu item not linked to 'map-huddisplay'
12:23 Revision 648d251c (github): Fixed|libcommon: Missing intermission in Doom2 map30
- The intermission should come before the debriefing finale.
Also renamed G_WorldDone() to G_IntermissionDone() to mor... -
11:48 Revision 8e1d7858 (github): Fixed|libcommon: Missing intermission in Doom2 map30
- The intermission should come before the debriefing finale.
Also renamed G_WorldDone() to G_IntermissionDone() to mor... -
11:42 Revision 0d4bc30a (github): Fixed|libcommon: Missing intermission in Doom2 map30
- The intermission should come before the debriefing finale.
Also renamed G_WorldDone() to G_IntermissionDone() to mor... -
10:59 Revision d16df59a (github): libcommon|Automap: More map title position improvements
- Use the common HUD/menu scaling factor so that the title stays at
the bottom of the view. -
10:25 Revision a89f782a (github): libcommon|Automap: Further map title position improvements
- Respect 'hud-face' in Doom, and hide the automap title if the inventory
is open in fullscreen in Heretic/Hexen. -
09:31 Revision fb02e1a2 (github): libdoom|libheretic|libhexen: Improved map title positioning in automap
- With 'map-title-position' 1, the title is now positioned above the
status bar, if it is visible, or in the bottom of ... -
09:02 Revision 90bf0e42 (github): Refactor|libcommon: Reuse existing title patch finder; added R_StatusBarSize
09:01 Revision 515de323 (github): Fixed|libcommon: Fixed character encoding issue in p_mapsetup.c
09:00 Revision be760c6a (github): libdoom64: Doesn't have a status bar
09:00 Revision 68ea0486 (github): All Games|Automap: Removed the defunct old MapName widget
07:35 Revision b9fdf4fc (github): Fixed|libdoom: Cheats not working in multiplayer
- There were numerous logic issues in the cheat code handling which
interpreted cheats entered via the console differen...
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