



From 2011-05-03 to 2011-05-16


17:01 Feature #1534: Alternative for decoration light pattern skip
Allright, I'll try that instead.. I guess this will also make that other light decoration idea redundant. jimigrey
16:00 Feature #1538 (Closed): XG: (de)activation event option when changing line types
A way to send an (de)activation event immediately after changing a line type.
*Labels:* XG
16:00 Feature #1537 (New): [XG] Activation event option when changing line types
A way to send an (de)activation event immediately after changing a line type.
*Labels:* XG
13:48 Revision 4b829ae0 (github): Client: Fixing player animation (1 of 2)
The first issue was that the player angles weren't sent to the
server in the PKT_COORD packet.
13:47 Revision 1fa57380 (github): Incremented server protocol version number
To break compatibility with previous versions. skyjake
11:16 Revision 6658d3d2 (github): Check when the build number is not defined


17:24 Revision a7facb42 (github): Basic inventory item use in multiplayer
The client sends a use request. It seems some effects
are not sent from the server (e.g., the Egg artifact).


18:02 Revision b92d991b (github): Remove unnecessary dependencies in hu_chat.c
16:47 Revision 8adc17e2 (github): Cleanup of the libcommon's chat widget, moving all code for this
into hu_chat.c/h (both high and low level interfaces). danij
15:56 Revision ecf820dc (github): Do not attempt to draw a view border if the window dimensions have not yet been set.
02:23 Revision a8c5eba9 (github): Removed ccmd "printinfo" and moved the game info query into the generic "help" (what) ccmd.
01:33 Revision 083f93bc (github): More log consistency tweaks.
01:16 Revision 8f56c147 (github): Further log consistency tweaks.
00:57 Revision 757b08ba (github): Various minor tweaks to log message verbosity levels and formatting, for consistency.
00:27 Revision 24ffab4a (github): Changed: Do not warn about missing sound lumps whilst parsing DEDs, instead, warn at sample cache time.


18:24 Revision 5ecce184 (github): Fixed viewwindow calculation inaccuracy resulting in a single pixel wide
vertical strip of the view border being drawn on the right of each local
player's view, even when playing in "fullscr...
17:04 Revision 8c3db240 (github): The viewwindow properties must be stored separately for each local player.
16:57 Feature #1536 (Closed): In map Infine pauses when the menu is open?
Maybe all in map Infine should be paused when the menu is open or the game is paused; currently they continue running... vermil
15:37 Revision ccc8e91b (github): Fixed local player viewconsole assignment and sharp view interpolation
(all local players were sharing a single sharp viewer position).
Note this incorporates changes to r_main.c from rev...


23:46 Revision eb3e8c96 (github): The game message drawer can now use the engine's bordered projection
setup rather than doing it itself. danij
23:28 Revision 819c246b (github): Refactor: Abstracted the ultra-wide window/resolution scale and alignment
stuff into a new set of public API utility and drawing features.
Intermissions in all games now use bordered project...


20:31 Revision f9dd6b69 (github): Fix to make build number part of version string
14:17 Revision d2e191c8 (github): Minor cleanup of DOOM's intermission subsystem.
02:21 Revision c006c409 (github): Fixed const/non-const mixup with the event_t ev argument of MNEdit::Responder


15:17 Revision 1e74ed2d (github): The game menu and the game message drawer now decide their own scaling
strategies rather than sharing that which was decided upon by Hu_Drawer()
(and the projection preconfigured therein)....
14:41 Revision 64879fb0 (github): Disabled the bordered projection in UI2_Drawer. We cannot presently determine
whether this should be enabled or not (because finales don't yet describe their
assumed native aspect ratio) so it sh...
11:36 Revision 48b65fa2 (github): Heretic: Fixed client's inventory HUD
11:03 Revision 8d8df2b3 (github): Game menu MNList objects are now functional and drawn a little nicer. The list for the weapon priority-order will get its own special case drawing routine when I move on to the visual fixes.
10:07 Revision b12a4074 (github): Fixed compile warning in gcc about struct mn_page_s being used before its defined.
10:02 Revision dba96aae (github): Fixed cyclic dependency on "hu_stuff.h".
Moved all menu patch registration to Hu_MenuLoadResources()
Only register the episode name patches with the gamemodes...
09:52 Revision 57375373 (github): Fixed missing "hu_Stuff.h" compile error.
00:18 Revision 2daa66ec (github): Reinstated focus shortcuts in the game menu. The shortcut key is now
stored in MNObject separately from the Text string.
At some point we should look at implementing a proper method for...


17:20 Revision 59791aba (github): Rewired MNButton objects in the game menu replacing the multi-purposing of the MNObject::data member for both the MN_BUTTON2(EX)-specific data structure and the MN_BUTTON data value. Type specific extended data is now always pointed to by the MNObject::typedata member however the data1 and data2 members are still multi-use.
15:41 Revision 7812e19e (github): Moved MNPage::focus member var into the "auto-initialized" section of MNPage; this should not be used in static initialized pages.
15:37 Revision 28804c66 (github): Heretic: Fixing multiplayer issues
Fixed problems with the inventory (more issues remain there). Also
fixed ammo amount updates and intermission interac...
15:16 Revision 25ed7e81 (github): Continued work on the game menu:
* Addressed the possibility of a page without a focusable object, although, I'm not sure that a disabled object shoul... danij
11:10 Revision b5a4f9be (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
11:09 Revision 5ae8af65 (github): Heretic: Client fixes
Fixed clientside mobj thinking (e.g., removing mobjs when they
reach the NULL state) and the Fire action request.
05:26 Revision daea0b0c (github): Only output one "missing" warning when attempting to register a patch.
05:08 Revision 97d48754 (github): Revised loading of PNAMES so as to defer lump lookup until the
TEXTURE1/2 definition lumps are processed. This addresses a minor
issue of the unused patch names present in the shar...
02:55 Revision 6bc79ac8 (github): Reworked implementation of new singleplayer game configuration via the game menu.
02:50 Revision 1c4fa851 (github): Fixed bug in buildGameSaveInfo which failed to clear the game-save file path for an unused save slot.
02:39 Revision 2b62ebec (github): Added SkipIf doom1-share directive before the non-shareware Material patch defs in doom1/materials.ded


23:33 Revision dae52df5 (github): Continued work on the menu:
* Completed wiring up the generalised actions.
* Added MNA_FOCUS and MNA_FOCUSOUT actions for when an object gains or...
16:32 Revision 3c8e16e1 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
16:32 Revision a1df1ff1 (github): Build number for non-stable Win32 builds
16:18 Revision 9d7158f3 (github): Required CMake version is 2.8.3 (down from 2.8.4)
15:32 Revision fc6e566c (github): Include build number in version text
Only for non-stable builds. Stable builds just go by their actual version number.
This commit affects Mac and Linux o...
03:20 Revision 1c615d21 (github): Added a generalised event > action mechanic to the game menu object hierarchy. Nothing fancy as it will very likely be replaced in 1.9.8 when Qt's Signals and Slots construct becomes available.
Began replacing the player mobj preview on Hexen's player-class selection menu with a MNMobjPreview widget (need a be... danij


22:30 Revision f7d4e0ce (github): Continued work on the game menu:
* Fixed: Heretic and Hexen mixed up the logical color indices game-wide. Swapped things around so that all games now ... danij
17:10 Revision 512f3131 (github): Heretic: Fixed updates from server
The engineside gametic variable was not being accessed
in the appropriate manner.
09:50 Revision 2b3d1e7e (github): The view-size slider in the HUD options menu had an incorrect minimum value.
Perhaps we should reinterpret this into a statusbar|fullscreen|none inline list and relegate the old school view-size... danij
09:36 Revision 3a83a809 (github): Wrap-around selection in inline lists. As these are drawn pretty much identically to two-state buttons, if the selected item is the last and the user "selects" - it seems as though its a disabled button rather than a list.
09:25 Revision 0f8c347a (github): Use another instance of MNColorBox within the color widget and got rid of the special-case page drawer.
07:36 Revision 7625abc9 (github): Changed: Turned cvar "menu-effect" into a 3-bit field - 0x1=Use text type-in, 0x2=Use text shadow, 0x4=Use text glitter. Setting this cvar to zero now actually does disable all of the menu effects :)
07:22 Feature #1535 (New): Option for fullbright textures affected by colored sectors
Currently textures/flats set to full bright aren't tinted by coloured sector lighting. I would like to suggest an opt... vermil


23:07 Revision c2e476d1 (github): Fixed bug in CP_SetVidMode which prevented setting the vertical resolution/window-size to 200 pixels.
23:03 Revision 30695bea (github): Added DrawTextFlag DTF_NO_GLITTER - disable glitter effect.
Added mask DTF_ONLY_SHADOW - disable all text rendering effects other than shadow. danij
22:14 Revision bcce6891 (github): Default yes/no strings in the game menu's cvarbutton_ts must be set prior to calling initObjects()
20:31 Revision 57daca9e (github): Cvar-linked MNColorBoxes now update the associated cvars when their current color changes (like when leaving the color widget).
18:41 Revision d38bbe25 (github): Continued with the menu fixes:
* Inversed logic of MNF_INACTIVE and normalized "active" state management so that all objects are in-active by defaul... danij
16:23 Revision 9f153203 (github): Fixed HUD cheater counters and the inventory selection mode options in the game menu.
Removed MN_LISTINLINE as the inline variant can now be represented using just alternative action, responder and drawe... danij


19:22 Revision e62f69bc (github): Reinstate Finale menu triggering which I disabled for debugging and then inadvertently commited.
19:15 Revision b6d812e5 (github): Continued menu cleanup:
* Implemented MNF_FOCUS and MNF_DEFAULT (focus) flags.
* Added predefined fonts and colors to the menu render state.
14:53 Revision c47b413b (github): Disabled the "hotkey" focus object selection for now. This needs re-implementing so that a "focus shortcut key" is defined in mn_object_t and updated during page (re)initialization in the case of Text defined labels.
Added non-focusable menu objects.
General cleanup.
10:37 Revision 82c4d845 (github): Continued work on the game menu. Nearly there now, just a few more fixes to existing widget functionality and I'll be able to start on the new positioning/scrolling algorithm.
10:32 Revision 59de2362 (github): Fixed bug in the text renderer which would disable the type-in effect if the "glitter" effect was disabled.

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