From 2010-07-12 to 2010-07-25
18:54 Revision 59237e50 (github): Refactored Finale page and object drawing so as to remove all the earlier scale/translation kludges done with the depth compontent of the modelview matrix. There is now a new X/Y scaling factor which I'm currently passing on to the object draw routines.
- Implemented a stub for testing 3D model drawing in Finales.
Todo: Still not ideal. We should probably be unprojectin... -
08:47 Revision af1be00d (github): Added a kludge to fix the blank title screen; viewpw and viewph are not presently initialized until a map is loaded hence GL_ProjectionMatrix determining the aspect ratio 0:0
08:19 Revision 518912bd (github): Clean up.
07:54 Revision 328376f4 (github): Implemented a proper 3D projection (fov fixed at 90) for InFine page objects (note: depth test cannot be enabled yet due to the draw order restrictions).
07:44 Revision ca59bb4e (github): Clean up.
01:31 Revision 7779a44f (github): Various fixes to issues KuriKai encountered while testing out model decorations.
- Added: cvar "rend-model-decor" enable the use of model decorations (enabled by default).
Todo: Currently model decor...
23:35 Revision 69e4a2a2 (github): Tweak visible distance alpha calculation in R_DrawVLightVector
18:42 Revision 2ab61a58 (github): Fixed: Enhanced missing Material selection algorithm to not pic the subsitute from an adjacent Surface if the back height is considered "closed" (fixes teleport flat on the side of the secret teleporter in DOOM2::MAP04).
18:24 Revision bc656605 (github): Optimize: Do not project LT_PLANE-type Lumobjs for glowing Surfaces in zero-height Sectors.
18:21 Revision a9d8082c (github): Added: cvar "rend-dev-mobj-show-vlights" draw VLight vectors affecting Mobjs - for debug.
- Fixed: When using a world texturing mode other than the default, inherit glow properties from the Surface-linked Mate...
17:39 Revision 807c86bf (github): Clean up.
06:26 Revision bdc2ccda (github): Clean up.
06:03 Revision b1b7fcda (github): Replaced the fi_namespace_t in FIPage with an fi_object_collection_t. Moved the fi_namespace_t stuff into finaleinterpreter.c and refactored accordingly.
01:44 Revision b0bff023 (github): Switched the relationship between FinaleInterpreter and FIPage again for the last time. We now have a stack of interpreters except which each allocate a page for their objects dynamically upon loading a script.
22:47 Revision 3fd99923 (github): Moved the finale script gamestate and extradata into FinaleInterpreter (formerly in fi_state_t).
- Now to do something about the known-symbol namespace currently in fi_page_t.
20:03 Revision 1c07c837 (github): Began refactoring fi_state_t with the intention of turning it into something along the lines of ui_page_t
02:39 Revision 59b9b031 (github): Completed seperation of the Finale script interpreter from the rest of the InFine object model/system.
- * Encapsulated code in new object: FinaleInterpreter which resides in finaleinterpreter.c/h under /engine/portable.
21:52 Bug #919: [Doom] Blast damage algorithm
- Anything happened to this?
21:37 Bug #919: [Doom] Blast damage algorithm
- Got it now, dunno why I didn't see it earlier.
...comment formatting here at sf is pretty awful however. -
21:07 Bug #919: [Doom] Blast damage algorithm
- I can see the radius subtraction is incorrectly placed but your other changes don't make sense to me.
19:34 Bug #919: [Doom] Blast damage algorithm
- dx = fabs(thing->pos[VX] - bombSpot->pos[VX]);
dy = fabs(thing->pos[VY] - bombSpot->pos[VY]);
dist = (dx > dy? dx... -
18:02 Revision b02d0542 (github): Clean up.
16:14 Revision 36df6657 (github): When "unsetting" a Finale script event handler actually release it.
16:01 Revision 1cdb9910 (github): Changed: Removed fixed limit MAX_HANDLERS (was 128) - maximum number of input event handlers per finale script.
15:03 Revision ff5a12ca (github): Fixed object lookup for the DeleteText and ClearAnim Finale commands to ensure we only update objects of the correct type.
07:39 Revision 7a51f502 (github): Resolve references to Finale objects as part of the script command argument post-parsing rather than in each command action method.
06:40 Revision 4108add8 (github): Further gcc comp fix ups.
06:29 Revision 4d8c4b8a (github): Further gcc comp fix ups.
06:17 Revision 29f4c670 (github): Further gcc comp error fix ups.
06:05 Revision ce407f9f (github): Fixed further compilation issues announced by gcc.
05:27 Revision 4e841b54 (github): Fixed compilation error with gcc on nix.
05:07 Revision 9ababbf7 (github): Fixed Text objects in InFine were being affected by the global Pic yoffset.
04:38 Revision d9c78a1e (github): Continue InFine refactor; reworked memory management of objects, taking ownership away from the script state. There is now one global object store which is used by all running scripts. In the script there is now an object reference namespace which stores pointers to objects "in-scope". Presently when the stack is pop'd all objects in-scope are destroyed. However I have implemented a basic auto garbage collection mechanism.
- Next step I think is to resolve object references prior to executing the script command action methods (adding a new ...
20:33 Revision 0b07078b (github): Clean up.
20:23 Revision 46d367cd (github): Fix typo in previous commit.
20:20 Revision ad0ce8b8 (github): Continued refactoring work in InFine:
- * Implemented a new set of unique object identifiers. Unlike the object name string, the new fi_objectid_t identifier...
17:08 Revision be9e07bf (github): Clean up.
14:53 Revision a0de4bee (github): Clean up.
14:53 Revision f0313f37 (github): Fixed a couple of typos in an unused debug message.
00:41 Revision 31deb25f (github): Clean up.
00:07 Revision eceecf74 (github): Fixed problem with the finale-state stack popping, which would result in HOM until the next script command is executed.
- Got rid of a redundant child method of drawRect.
22:58 Revision 84b6e76f (github): Refactored away both the PFT_XIMAGE and untextured specific logic branches of FIData_PicDraw. Now I just need to do the same for the Material logic branch.
22:23 Revision 2ba7f5cd (github): Clean up.
22:14 Revision 5095fcd3 (github): Refactored away the special case branch for PFT_RAW textures in FIData_PicDraw
21:35 Revision 99b82b52 (github): Clean up.
21:19 Revision c460ca9a (github): Continued work on refactoring FIData_PicDraw
18:21 Revision 72afd24c (github): Brought InFine into three dimensions:
- * The scene and all objects now exist in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate space (new axis:depth).
* Added new... -
15:41 Revision a1aa98c9 (github): Fixed drawing of PFT_PATCH textured Pic anims and began work on combining the logic branches of FIData_PicDrawer.
15:18 Feature #1520: Realistic switch sound origin (compatibility option)
- In Doom.exe and Dday 1.8.6, the switch sound's of original Doom line types, correctly, plays right in front of the li...
00:07 Revision fa6daac1 (github): Changed: Removed fixed limit MAX_SEQUENCE (was 64) - number of allowed frames per InFine Pic/Anim object.
- Reworked the script interpreter command operand parsing so that parsing of the operands is done outside the command a...
14:40 Revision b7e13261 (github): Further refactoring of fidata_pic_t
14:17 Revision b981348a (github): Clean up.
14:10 Revision 287f6df1 (github): Changed internal representation of InFine Pic object frames in preparation for dynamic frame creation/destruction.
02:06 Revision 4dee87a9 (github): Changed: Removed fixed limit MAX_PICS (was 128) - maximum number of Pic objects per InFine script.
- Changed: Removed fixed limit MAX_TEXT (was 64) - maximum number of Text objects per InFine script.
14:23 Revision 364ec719 (github): Continued refactoring InFine:
- * Moved the fivalue_t stuff out of the InFine system and generalised. Renamed animator_t, animatorvector2_t, animator...
12:45 Revision 4eef8223 (github): Continued cleaning up InFine.
11:51 Revision 75c1f341 (github): Began reorganizing the internal representation of InFine objects.
12:41 Revision bd0484a4 (github): Completed changes to Materials with regard to the new variable strength glow.
12:40 Revision a0104367 (github): Move InFine into the engine:
- * GPT_FINALE(2) packets are now sent and interpreted engine-side (note however that the game is in charge of (de)seri...
08:19 Bug #856: Demo playback issues
- Rather than make another report, I decided to use this one.
It would appear that local weapon sounds aren't played...
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