Bug #941
Fatal error if map doesn't exist
The level warp cheats will not allow one to go to map numbers for which there is no map. However if the game tries to take the player to a non-existing map through normal progression, it will crash.
Doomsday 1.8.6 closes itself with the same error message as Vanilla Doom, while Beta 6.9 crashes with a Zone ID error.
Indeed, Heretic’s episode 6 features no ending splash screen to stop the game (and by extension Dday) trying to access a non-existing E6M4 after E6M3. That E6M3 has no exit will only stop progression in certain cases (i.e a timed or frag limit DM will circumvent the lack of exit).
Perhaps Dday could do something more graceful, like Quake and IIRC ZDoom do?
Quake simply close’s the game in progress and prints a message in the console saying the map doesn't exist.
Labels: Data
Updated by skyjake about 14 years ago
- status: open --> fixed
- assigned_to: Daniel Swanson
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
This appears to have been fixed sometime during the 1.9 series.