Bug #1856
Alert on first launch because game.cfg not found
The first time one launches the game (runtime folder being empty beforehand), alerts are displayed saying that the .cfg files couldn't be found (because they don't exist yet). This alert should not occur; the config parser should first check whether the relevant files exist.
Related issues
Associated revisions
Updated by skyjake over 10 years ago
Easy way to test is to set -userdir to a new folder that doesn't yet exist.
Updated by skyjake over 10 years ago
- Related to Feature #1700: Warning/error alerts added
Updated by danij over 10 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by danij over 10 years ago
Raised to High priority because an alert on first launch is very alarming to a new user (and in this case misleading also).
Updated by danij over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to danij
Updated by vermil over 10 years ago
It would perhaps be even better to have a special UI prompt tell the user that Dday can't find a config and is creating (that Dday is creating a file) it (perhaps also have the message state that it will have default settings)?
The message could appear in the corner and automatically disappear a couple of seconds later.
Along those lines, but off topic, a similar message when server connection in an MP game is lost would be cool.
Updated by danij over 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
libdoomsday|Console: Don't warn about a missing game.cfg
When first launching a game no config(s) will yet exist for it. This
is by design, so don't alert/warn the user if they are not present.
Native game config files in the local file system are now located by
QFile and parsed using QTextStream.
IssueID #1856