From 2015-04-16 to 2015-04-29
23:38 Feature #2018 (Rejected): Textured Automap
- I think it would be pretty cool if Doomsday had the option for a textured Automap, where you could see each room/sect...
23:10 Bug #2017 (Progressed): Build .pack/PK3 packages using CMake, with dependency tracking and automatic rebuilding
- Hopefully the CMake migration makes this a nonissue.
As it stands right now, however, QMake appears to be the tool... -
22:55 Feature #1975: Quitting a game returns back to Home screen
- I was going to open an issue similar to this.
I think that this is a good idea, but it would perhaps be a better i... -
19:21 Revision 1ea4eab7 (github): World|Map: Cleanup
16:02 Revision 4b749648 (github): Homepage|Add-on Repository: Updated DHTP project homepage URI
02:52 Revision ee774997 (github): Fixed|World|Map|Client: Use ConvexSubspaces when building the decorated surface list
- This fix addresses an problem observed when attempting to play E1M1
of datacore's Endless Torture, Ultimate Doom mod....
21:01 Bug #1846: [Hexen] Broken saves in the Heresiarch's Seminary hub
- skyjake wrote:
> This savegame code (@readWorldState@) is using the libcore Reader/Writer classes? Methods that writ... -
14:59 Bug #1846: [Hexen] Broken saves in the Heresiarch's Seminary hub
- This savegame code (@readWorldState@) is using the libcore Reader/Writer classes? Methods that write an "extra" 4-byt...
18:01 Revision 24953f1f (github): Merge branch 'master' into opengl3.3
17:37 Revision d0854b9b (github): Merge branch 'cmake-build' into gl2-qopenglwindow
15:49 Revision 328a88cd (github): Merge branch 'master' into cmake-build
- Conflicts:
23:56 Bug #1846 (Closed): [Hexen] Broken saves in the Heresiarch's Seminary hub
23:55 Revision 1cbb03ef (github): Fixed|libcommon|ACS: ACS world state deserialization
- Somewhere a superfluous 32-bit unsigned integer is being written to
the ACS world state data...
IssueID #1846 -
19:04 Revision 3c862d19 (github): Refactor|libcommon: common::GameSession has ownership of acs::System
18:13 Revision 7793c094 (github): Merge pull request #10 from RomanHargrave/master
- Fixed|Doom64: Syntax error in jdoom64/text.ded
18:03 Feature #2016: "Portable app" package (app contained in a folder, with all user data included; e.g., for USB sticks)
- Yeah the terminology applied here truly sucks. My guess is this is a user-derived term. I don't think there is a comp...
17:59 Feature #2016: "Portable app" package (app contained in a folder, with all user data included; e.g., for USB sticks)
- > unpacked anywhere
Once we switch to CMake, It is pretty trivial to use CPack to generate a Zip installer, so tha... -
17:59 Revision 30f19715 (github): libcommon|GameSession: Cleanup
- 07:43 Revision 502a9e5b (github): `text.d` contained a malformed string literal on line 50
19:42 Feature #2016 (Closed): "Portable app" package (app contained in a folder, with all user data included; e.g., for USB sticks)
- Many Windows users find installers inconvenient and in certain situations, they'd prefer a so-called "portable applic...
19:24 Feature #1996 (In Progress): Engine-managed "map spot / point of interest" mechanism
21:41 Revision bb2986ef (github): libgui|Canvas|GLFramebuffer: Changing sample count at runtime
- When the Canvas frame buffer's sample count changes, the Canvas's
native window will be recreated with the updated fo... -
21:37 Revision b83c0007 (github): Debug|libcore: Added debug-only flags for Observers
16:28 Feature #1600: Drop Snowberry
- vermil wrote:
> I've been wondering if Dday should remove Snowberry from the very first 1.16 unstable build, irrespe... -
12:55 Feature #1600: Drop Snowberry
- danij wrote:
> The fact that several add-on formats are only understood by the front end (!) is a significant hurdle... -
02:35 Feature #1600: Drop Snowberry
- Dropping Snowberry is (IMO) the single most important near-term milestone that we've yet to reach. Its not simply a c...
04:53 Bug #2014 (Closed): Fatal error with light-decoration test map (orange bookkeeping error)
04:52 Bug #2014: Fatal error with light-decoration test map (orange bookkeeping error)
- This was caused by a logic error inadvertently introduced way back in 2006 when the MAX_POLY_SIDES static limit was r...
19:24 Revision 5ffb93ca (github): Cleanup: Removed QtOpenGL as unnecessary; general fixes for Client
- The busy loop shouldn't be started during the window expose event,
or otherwise the window doesn't get a chance to be... -
15:13 Feature #1600: Drop Snowberry
- I've been wondering if Dday should remove Snowberry from the very first 1.16 unstable build, irrespective of whether ...
05:37 Feature #2015 (Progressed): Remove server-side audio system
- Servers do not need to playback audio. On server-side all audio can be boiled down to much more concise "remote event...
05:16 Feature #1586 (New): Load/manage add-ons from the home screen
05:16 Feature #1586 (Closed): Load/manage add-ons from the home screen
- (delete me)
04:51 Feature #1252 (In Progress): Integrate Hexen features into libcommon
04:32 Feature #1840 (In Progress): Support ZDoom-extended MAPINFO format
18:54 Revision 5173e2f1 (github): Refactor: Renamed PersistentCanvasWindow to PersistentCanvas
18:35 Revision c5e50554 (github): Tests|libappfw: Fixed the libappfw test application
18:34 Revision 4e905651 (github): libgui: GLFramebuffer that represents a Canvas
- The default frame buffer, i.e., the OpenGL surface in a Canvas, can
now be represented by a GLFramebuffer. Canvas's f...
14:17 Bug #1817: Premap infine and preplaying music oversight
- To toss something else into this, if one starts a new game while pre-map01 infine is playing, dday changes the music ...
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