



From 2008-12-20 to 2009-01-02


13:18 Bug #582: P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
Kurikai has helpfully uploaded this mod to
12:25 Bug #582 (Closed): P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle for X to Y
When using some PWADs such as that included in Liquids.pk3 (I'll attach it when I find a copy) jDoom will error out w... danij
12:29 Bug #583 (Closed): Position of particles spawned using the spherical method
Particle generators that use the spherical spawn method are positioned incorrectly. Probably a fixed/float mix up som... danij
11:12 Bug #541: Jittery view bobbing
In addition, the view bob distance, speed and rate does not seem to change regardless of the player's speed. While wa... danij


00:24 Bug #426: Client can't do any damage with weapon, then crashes
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta6 danij
00:24 Bug #425: Crash on client - anytime trying to fire weapon
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta6 danij
00:18 Bug #568: Broken MIDI playback
Fixed in SVN for 1.9.0-beta6 danij


22:13 Feature #1474: Customization options for object shadows
It would seem I was mistaken. The Shadow Radius property is within the Model definition and there is no other way to ... danij
21:25 Feature #1477 (Closed): Outside level infine game mode controllable
I hope that the summary makes sense.
This RFE is asking for the ability to set "before" and "after" map infine alo...


01:57 Bug #581: Map fog disabled and re-enabled when menu is open and closed
No, this really isn't a bug. From your description of what is happening in both this and the other bug report it is q... danij


21:53 Bug #581: Map fog disabled and re-enabled when menu is open and closed
I could imagine that it could be some sort of issue specifically with my computer, albeit a strange one, as I can rep... vermil
10:01 Bug #581 (Closed): Map fog disabled and re-enabled when menu is open and closed
While the menu is open, map fog is disabled.
The map fog is turned back on when you close the menu.
You can als...
21:46 Bug #580: menu-fog off doesn't work
Menu fog effect 4 fades the screen; hence it can't be considered "no menu fog”.
Certainly though, effect 4 is close ...
21:15 Bug #580: menu-fog off doesn't work
Furthermore, "menu fog on/off" is being interpreted as two parts
"menu" < will open/close the menu depending on it...
21:10 Bug #580: menu-fog off doesn't work
As "menu-fog" is a variable and not a command, there is no paramater type checking. It is perfectly possible to inter... danij
20:27 Bug #580: menu-fog off doesn't work
I guess I was just confused by the fact that Dday wasn't objecting to me entering "menu fog on/off" into the con...
18:54 Bug #549: Sound causes Deng to freeze on linux
Does this problem still occur with the current svn trunk? danij
18:42 Bug #567: Resolution always resets to 640x480
I'm thinking it would be desirable to read the cfg as early as possible (before the startup window is created) but I'... danij
18:33 Bug #545: Skymodels coords are wrong
Not a bug. The sky model renderer allows for models to be offset relatively from the camera so that it is possible to... danij
18:15 Bug #544: jDRP models facing wrong direction?
Fixed in svn trunk as of rev #6159. danij


22:19 Bug #580: menu-fog off doesn't work
It is not possible to change the value of a cvar using commands like "on" and "off".
The menu fog effect can be di...

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