


Bug #580

menu-fog off doesn't work

Added by vermil over 15 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

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% Done:



As the summary states. Entering "Menu fog off" in the console simply changes the menu fog to type 0 rather than turning the fog off.

Also, while the cfg file allows the user to switch between the various menu fog effects without using the console, it doesn't have a line to toggle Menu fog on or off.

Labels: Console


#1 Updated by danij over 15 years ago

It is not possible to change the value of a cvar using commands like "on" and "off".

The menu fog effect can be disabled by setting it to effect number 4, like so:
"menu-fog 4"

#2 Updated by vermil over 15 years ago

I guess I was just confused by the fact that Dday wasn't objecting to me entering "menu fog on/off" into the console.

Console command's usually list the variables you can enter for them if you enter an unrecognized word or number.

The "Menu fog" console command only seems to list its accepted variables if you enter an unrecognized number. Enter an unrecognized word and it doesn't complain.

Finally, I would have thought that you would have been able to turn the menu fog on/off.

Hence, this "bug" has become a small RFE: An option to turn off the menu fog.

#3 Updated by danij over 15 years ago

As "menu-fog" is a variable and not a command, there is no paramater type checking. It is perfectly possible to interpret "on" and "off" as integers. Whilst we could allow those strings to be interpreted as 1 and 0 respectively, that would assume that all cvars accept those values to begin with and that 1 is on and 0 is off (though by convention it generally is however as in this case, "menu-fog 4" is actually off).

No RFE is necessary as it is already possible to turn the menu fog off by setting the effect number to 4, as mentioned earlier.

Perhaps it would make it more intuitive if we reordered the effect numbering so that effect 0 is off?

#4 Updated by danij over 15 years ago

Furthermore, "menu fog on/off" is being interpreted as two parts

"menu" < will open/close the menu depending on it's current state.
"fog on/off" < will be interpreted as the console command "fog" and will therefore turn the map's fog on/off rather than the menu-fog effect.

As such I'm going to assume this is reason for this bug report:

#5 Updated by vermil over 15 years ago

Menu fog effect 4 fades the screen; hence it can't be considered "no menu fog”.
Certainly though, effect 4 is close enough to all intent’s purposes, that it could be considered the “no menu fog” option.

This "bug" report and the other menu fog related bug I posted, that you have linked to are completely separate.

This report is what I thought was a bug, but turned out to be because I was expecting customization that isn't there. Whereas the other menu fog issue is a small visual bug I noticed that I was getting in the game world when I had the menu open.

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