Bug #544
jDRP models facing wrong direction?
The jDRP models seem to face wrong directions - e.g. zombiemen walking backwards, imps walking sideways, enemies pointing odd directions while attacking yet bullets/projectiles still move toward me.
Can anyone confirm this odd behavior?
Using jdrp-packaged-20070404 (from Doomsdayhq's addons) and svn 5018 Ubuntu amd64 build from Yagisan -
Labels: OpenGL Renderer
Updated by jon13 over 16 years ago
I have seen this too. Linux/SDL. Last version tried (from svn) was a month or two ago.
Updated by haarp over 16 years ago
I can confirm this, using the AMD64 version I compiled from Yagisan's Launchpad sources.
Updated by haarp over 16 years ago
Projectiles are also affected by this, like the fireballs of the baron of hell. They move in the proper direction, but fail to point in it aswell.
Updated by danij about 16 years ago
Fixed in svn trunk as of rev #6159.