Bug #928
[Hexen] Crash on autosave returning to seven portals
In the second guardian of steel, after getting the message \"stairs have risen on the seven portals\", when I try to return to the seven portals, the game crashes as it autosaves. This crash is repeatable as I saved right before entering the portal that leads back to the seven portals.
I started a new game with a new class to test if this was a fluke. I was very careful with my saving, just in case this was related to the guardian of steel moving-ice-script bug. I only saved the game when on the seven portals main map. This time I visited the second guardian of steel before the second guardian of fire. This time, I was able to return without crashing. However, when I visited the second guardian of fire, and got the second \"stairs have risen on the seven portals\" message, I got the same crash when trying to return to the seven portals. Therefore, it seems that whenever the second set of small stairs have risen on the seven portals, I crash when I try to return to the main map.
I\'ve attached the end of the doomsday.out file, but I\'m not sure if it\'s terribly helpful as I don\'t see any error messages except some warnings about overwritten polyobjs.
Version 1.9.0-beta6.9 Apr 7 2010 (DGL)
Snowberry 1.2
jHexen Resource Pack 1.0 / 20070504
Computer specs:
64-bit Vista
Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT
Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz
Labels: jHexen
Updated by kanraku over 14 years ago
Updated by danij over 14 years ago
First of all we need to rule out the resource pack. Please disable it and re-run the experiment. Does it work?
Updated by skyjake over 14 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
I have the same problem and I don't have any add-ons or resource packs enabled. So this bug is not releated to the jHexen Resource Pack 1.0 / 20070504.
Updated by briannafixer about 14 years ago
I have the same problems.
Updated by danij about 14 years ago
Fixed for the upcoming 1.9.0-beta6.10