


Bug #2313

GLFramebuffer: Required GL_ARB_framebuffer_object is missing! ...

Added by frpet1 about 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

3rd party compatibility
Target version:
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% Done:




Hi, I'm trying to run Doomsday Engine on some old MacOSX 10.6 systems (because why not), but it all ends with error of $subject.
Even thought 1.14.x (and previous versions) should be supported on MacOSX 10.6.x it seems not to work on iMacs with ATI X1600 running macosx 10.6.
(I've also tried installing previous releases 1.10.x -> 1.14.x but they all end up with the same error.)

I see there's a similar issue that has been reported 4 years ago, same error message, but different OS and Graphics card (Windows & Intel), and this issue was also fixed in 1.15.4, but this version already
The Macs I've tested on are is various iMacs (intel-based) with ATI X1600 graphics card (OpenGL is 2.0)
So all fits well with the minimum requirements.

Unfortunately Google won't point me to an solution for getting it started, and I can't find any bug/problem or forum post that hints on what could be wrong.
(Attaching full output from -vvv if that could be useful, btw I also tested added -nofsaa from #1977 too)

Most of the MacOSX versions tested are downloads from and are named doomsday_1.<version>_mac10_6.dmg

I realise this is not an important issue/bug to solve, but if I could get hints on how to workaround this issue (without upgrading OS, as these old Mac doesn't support more modern MacOSX) I'd be grateful :)

The error message of interest:

Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.14.3 (Stable 64-bit #1230) May 15 2014 09:43:49
Command line options:
  0: ../
  1: -vdmap
  2: /Applications/Doomsday
  3: }Data/
  4: -vdmap
  5: /Applications/Doomsday
  6: }Data/jDoom/
  7: -vdmap
  8: /Applications/Doomsday
  9: }Data/jHeretic/
  10: -vdmap
  11: /Applications/Doomsday
  12: }Data/jHexen/
  13: -basedir
  14: /Applications/Doomsday
  15: -sfxchan
  16: 16
  17: -notexcomp
  18: -game
  19: heretic
  20: -iwad
  21: /Applications/Doomsday/Heretic.wad
  22: -wnd
  23: -nofsaa
  24: -vvv
  25: -userdir
  26: /Users/DEuser/Library/Application Support/Doomsday Engine/runtime/
RenderSystem: Loading shader definitions from read-only archive entry "data/renderer.pack/
              shaders.dei" [path "/data/doomsday.pk3/data/renderer.pack/shaders.dei"]
              from archive in read-only "(basedir)/doomsday.pk3" 


Canvas: Received first show event, scheduling GL ready notification
Recycling 5485 allocations/instances
GLFramebuffer: Required GL_ARB_framebuffer_object is missing!
^ : Reconfiguring framebuffer: (1008, 630) ms:1
^ > GLTarget: Creating FBO 1
^ : FBO 1: glTex 1 (level 0) => attachment 0
^ : FBO 1: glTex 2 (level 0) => attachment 1
GLFramebuffer: Texture-based framebuffer failed: [ConfigError] (GLTarget::validate)
Trying fallback without depth/stencil texture
^ > GLTarget: Creating FBO 1
^ : FBO 1: glTex 1 (level 0) => attachment 0
^ : FBO 1: depth+stencil renderbuffer (1008, 630)
(GLTarget::validate) Unsupported
Dir: Changing current directory to "/Users/DEuser/Library/Application Support/Doomsday
     Engine/runtime/" succeeded
Application terminated due to exception:
(GLTarget::validate) Unsupported

Restoring original display mode due to shutdown
DisplayMode: Requested mode is the same as current, ignoring request


Doomsday 1.14.3 MacOSX 10.6.txt (327 KB) Doomsday 1.14.3 MacOSX 10.6.txt -vvv full output frpet1, 2018-12-29 20:01
Doomsday 32-bit.txt (1.52 KB) Doomsday 32-bit.txt frpet1, 2018-12-30 00:27
Doomsday 32-bit vvv.txt (327 KB) Doomsday 32-bit vvv.txt frpet1, 2018-12-30 00:27


#1 Updated by frpet1 about 6 years ago

Commenting on my own issue. I noted that Doomsday writes that it's launched as 64-bit.
I wonder if this is a Mach-O bug itself, because the systems I have are all i386.
Launching prepended with "arch -i386 ..." doesn't seem to help though.
Attaching the logs from those launch sessions too.
(Found this post and tested with those parameters too, but it didn't work either...)

iMac20-3:Doomsday admin$ arch -i386 /Applications/Doomsday\ -stddir . -game jdoom -file ./Doom.wad -userdir . [...]
Application path: /Applications/Doomsday
Created a new 32,0 MB memory volume.
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.14.3 (Stable 32-bit #1230) May 15 2014 09:43:58


Canvas: Received first show event, scheduling GL ready notification
Recycling 5485 allocations/instances
GLFramebuffer: Reconfiguring framebuffer: (1024, 768) ms:1
^ > GLTarget: Creating FBO 1
^ : FBO 1: glTex 1 (level 0) => attachment 0
^ : FBO 1: glTex 2 (level 0) => attachment 1
^ : Creating FBO 1
^ : FBO 1: glTex 1 (level 0) => attachment 0
^ : FBO 1: depth+stencil renderbuffer (1024, 768)
GLFramebuffer: Required GL_ARB_framebuffer_object is missing!
^ : Texture-based framebuffer failed: [ConfigError] (GLTarget::validate) Unsupported
Trying fallback without depth/stencil texture
(GLTarget::validate) Unsupported
Dir: Changing current directory to "/Users/admin/Downloads/Doomsday/" succeeded
Application terminated due to exception:
(GLTarget::validate) Unsupported

Restoring original display mode due to shutdown
DisplayMode: Requested mode is the same as current, ignoring request
Broadcasting 19 bytes
Broadcasting 19 bytes
Shutting down the console...
Z_Shutdown: Used 1 volumes, total 33554432 bytes.
~Library: Unloading "(app)/DengPlugins/dehread.bundle/dehread" 
^ : Unloading "(app)/DengPlugins/doom.bundle/doom" 
^ : Unloading "(app)/DengPlugins/heretic.bundle/heretic" 
^ : Unloading "(app)/DengPlugins/hexen.bundle/hexen" 
^ : Unloading "(app)/DengPlugins/savegameconverter.bundle/savegameconverter" 
^ : Unloading "(app)/DengPlugins/wadmapconverter.bundle/wadmapconverter" 

#2 Updated by skyjake about 6 years ago

Can't think of anything that would help here... If the OpenGL driver does not provide the required extensions, Doomsday cannot launch.

Any of the even older versions work for you? E.g., 1.9.10

#3 Updated by frpet1 about 6 years ago

I have some updates: I noted a problem with the way the mac installer works
If you install an older version of Doomsday, it wont replace the, at least not always.
Yes, I tried 1.9.x but it gives a black screen (works fine on my older PPC-mac though), same as 1.10 in 32-bit mode,
1.11-1.12 gives the title screen of the game + inital sound, but then it bugs out after a while...
1.13-1.14 give the error I've reported.
I can pull the previous versions errors out to see if there anything in there that might cast some light on the issue.

Anyway, I just purchased a slightly newer (but old & used) iMac for ~€100, and on that it works perfectly :)

#4 Updated by frpet1 about 6 years ago

After further testing it turns out that exactly 1.9.8-1 works on MacOSX 10.6 on iMac(s) with ATI X1600.
Looks like this version uses j... instead of lib... and the graphics doesn't look like it's accelerated though the video card.
1.9.9-1.9.10-1 doesn't (black screen, that ends with a "std:bad_alloc" message).

I guess this is how far we all are willing to put time into this... let me know if you want me to check anything from the later versions if that might help to fix future versions or so...

#5 Updated by skyjake about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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