Bug #169
Corpses squished under ceilings
When there's a squished monster and an archvile comes
to raise it, the monster is not solid, so it can't be killed
anymore. The monster can kill player and other monsters.
Another bug in this situation is squished lost souls with
particle effects. The squished blood is spawning particles.
One solution would be that squished monsters can't be
Labels: jDoom Gameplay
Updated by danij almost 21 years ago
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This bug is also present in the original Doom/2.exe.
These "ghosts" are a well documented phenomenon and can
only be killed with splash damage from eg rockets.
Perhaps it would be best to provide an option to retain
A related bug is Lost Souls being spawned inside walls by the
Pain Elemental.
Updated by robinpalmer over 20 years ago
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An old doom bug. AFAIK they can be killed with rockets.
Updated by danij about 20 years ago
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The way prBoom deals with this is by adding compatibility
options so that a user can choose to keep the bugs or not.
However these would effect save games and demo playback so
the status of these options would have to be saved here as well.
I've checked the prBoom source and the changes to the game
logic are quite small and could be quite easily added.
How difficult would it be to incorporate these flags in to
jDoom's demo and save games?
Options for this could be added to the cfg but the save/demo
flag would need to override it.
Updated by skyjake about 20 years ago
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Demos are not affected at all, because the current demo format is
just a recorded data stream from the server to the client.
I don't see why this should affect the savegames, either. The flag
could be just a cvar? The savegame format wouldn't need to change
at all.
I'm all for fixing the game logic in this case, if the changes are
Updated by danij about 20 years ago
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Oh well, your the boss :-)
Updated by danij almost 20 years ago
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The CVAR game-raiseghosts has been added to jDoom for 1.8.7.
If 1 the original Doom behaviour is retained.
If 0 jDoom will create a normal (MF_SOLID) monster that can
be killed normally (this is the default).
Updated by danij almost 20 years ago
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The CVAR game-skullsinwalls has been added to jDoom for 1.8.7.
If 1 the original Doom behaviour is retained.
If 0 jDoom will prevent Lost Souls from being shot inside
walls or through "block monster" lines (this is the default).
The CVAR game-maxskulls has been added to jDoom for 1.8.7.
If 1 Pain Elementals can only spawn lost souls if less than
20 exist (the original behaviour, this is the default).
If 0 this limit is removed (a prBoom/lxDoom trait).