From 2013-11-28 to 2013-12-11
19:13 Revision f79d60fc (github): Performance|Renderer|Refactor: Retain constness in APIs; avoid redundant memory allocs
- It is important not to accidentally lost constness of object
references, particularly when dealing with Qt containers... -
19:00 Feature #1678: Optimize stereoscopic pixel formats
- skyjake wrote:
> If it is required that rendering occurs in the system framebuffer (FBO 0), we could — in VR mode 13... -
18:59 Revision a251db35 (github): Cleanup
14:15 Revision f7263cc3 (github): UI|Client: Keep task bar hidden until app startup is complete
- Looks cleaner this way.
14:14 Revision 62c53bb6 (github): UI|ToggleWidget: Ensure a disabled toggle’s state can be seen
- The “flipper” of the toggle is now drawn with a larger-than-one
alpha so that it will be opaque even if the widget as... -
14:13 Revision 89a62661 (github): UI|Client: Animate widget opacity when enabling/disabling them
- It is good to avoid abrupt visual changes.
12:22 Revision 8f5c5f1d (github): Merge branch 'master' into resourcesystem
- Conflicts:
doomsday/client/src/gl/gl_texmanager.cpp -
08:47 Revision 4a4673df (github): Merge branch 'master' into low-latency-input
08:46 Revision 20b5ff12 (github): Fixed|UI: Freeze game for busy mode during “reset”/“texreset”
- It is now required to manually request the drawing of a freeze
frame at the appropriate time before starting busy ope...
19:48 Revision 794144f0 (github): Fixed: Typo
19:33 Revision 8e70767e (github): Merge branch 'master' into low-latency-input
- Conflicts:
doomsday/client/src/render/r_main.cpp -
17:10 Feature #1678: Optimize stereoscopic pixel formats
- If it is required that rendering occurs in the system framebuffer (FBO 0), we could — in VR mode 13 specifically — re...
03:44 Revision 6d2f3994 (github): Renderer: Call Viewports_Register() from RenderSystem
03:43 Revision 895b4f7d (github): ResourceSystem: Cleanup
03:19 Revision 3a98e536 (github): Renderer: Use de::Vector3<>::xzy(); cleanup
01:56 Revision 480a1c84 (github): Fixed|Renderer: Non-functional "texreset raw"
01:36 Revision b3afeeb2 (github): ResourceSystem: Cleanup
00:10 Revision 0ac7425e (github): Renderer: Cleanup
21:36 Revision 05e308a0 (github): Resources|Cleanup: Removed the now unused resource/models.cpp
21:29 Revision de1d624d (github): Merge branch 'master' into resourcesystem
21:13 Revision bde72ba4 (github): Merge branch 'master' into resourcesystem
- Conflicts:
doomsday/client/include/render/r_ma... -
17:01 Revision f61611a8 (github): Fixed|X11: Avoid GL error when starting in maximized window
- When starting with a maximized window, X11 sends two window resize
events in a rapid succession. Perhaps the changes ... -
15:47 Revision d6a1636b (github): Refactor|Resources: ResourceSystem has ownership of raw textures
11:39 Revision c98375d3 (github): libgui|Client: Canvas needs no depth or stencil (GLFramebuffer has them)
- Since rendering is now occurring in GLFramebuffer, Canvas no longer
needs to have its own depth or stencil buffers.
... -
11:13 Feature #1636: Support for Oculus Rift
- With today's merge of the @gl2-lensflare@ changes back to @oculus-rift@ and @master@, VR mode 13 is probably broken. ...
11:12 Feature #1678 (Rejected): Optimize stereoscopic pixel formats
- Support for a stereoscopic GL pixel format, used for instance with NVIDIA 3D Vision. This is implemented currently as...
09:53 Revision fcc2b139 (github): Merge branch 'oculus-rift'
09:32 Revision ebc1028b (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Squished busy transition frame during animation with sidebar
- The transition frame has been prepared using the full framebuffer
size, so it must be drawn with the same sizing. -
09:31 Revision a8a9cef9 (github): libdeng2|Vector: Added a conversion method to an unsigned int vector
- Also used for a RuleRectangle::sizeui() method.
08:15 Revision dfbf6ed1 (github): libgui|GLTarget: Blit only relevant buffer contents
- Copying stencil or depth is usually not needed, so changed the
default blit attachments to just Color.
21:59 Revision b76d2657 (github): Cleanup
21:58 Revision 56985bcb (github): Refactor|Renderer: Represent viewer origin points and vectors with de::Vector<>
17:48 Revision 1e2b8199 (github): Refactor: Moved old UI font selection to ui_main.cpp/h; cleanup
17:17 Revision e8d105a5 (github): Refactor: Continued dismantling the old "refresh" subsystem
14:01 Revision 96f89c87 (github): Cleanup
12:22 Revision 3713e997 (github): Fixed|Renderer|FX: Drawing the post-processed result frame
- The sizing was not correct with the sidebar. Also, respect the
current target size, as it may be bigger than the wind... -
11:10 Revision 74256a99 (github): Renderer: Re-enabled old flare/halo rendering code
- The new flares are not quite ready yet, and besides they can coexist
with the old code.
22:39 Revision 2c29bd04 (github): Fixed|Stereo 3D: Warning about double to float conversion
22:39 Revision 0a9016ab (github): Windows|Fixed|libgui: Initial GLInfo and entrypoints setup
- First get entrypoints, then query extensions.
21:51 Revision 1157709d (github): Windows|Fixed: Various build errors (missing exports, name conflicts)
16:54 Revision ba87e9c8 (github): Fixed|OS X|qmake: Library directory for libintl
16:30 Revision 84312e98 (github): Fixed|X11: Fetching OpenGL entrypoints (wrong name)
14:26 Revision 917ea1f9 (github): EntityDatabase|World: Throw an error if an expected map entity property value is missing
- Occurred when attempting to load a "DOOM in Hexen" format map in DOOM.
14:21 Revision 73e2e8c0 (github): Sprite|Resources: Added support for sprites with 16 view angle rotations
- Emulate ZDoom's sprite frame rotation naming extension and duplication
behavior to support sprites with up to 16 disc... -
12:33 Revision 8b6f020d (github): libgui: Clear GLFramebuffer when inited/resized
- Canvas will always use GLFramebuffer as the framebuffer.
10:58 Revision e8e50216 (github): Fixed|Refactor|Renderer: Use GLState for color mask, fixed drawing issues
- Addressed GL state and drawing issues with various combinations of
FSAA, VR mode, and postfx. -
10:55 Revision bab850fd (github): libgui|GLState: Added color mask
06:06 Revision 6ccfbfd0 (github): ResourceSystem|Optimize: Store temporary auto-generated SpriteDefs in a QHash; cleanup
- Previously an in-place O(n) algorithm was used to ensure only one
sprite definition is generated for a given name. -
02:37 Revision 6e9d0136 (github): Refactor|ResourceSystem: Moved mobj visualization resource selection out of ResourceSystem
- Sprite and model selection logic is now handled by Mobj_Sprite() and
Mobj_ModelDef() respectively. Sprite radius calc...
19:30 Revision 6fc7c869 (github): libgui|GL: Perform multisampling with renderbuffers
- With OpenGL 2.1, the only way to render into a texture with
multisampling is to use OpenGL extensions.
GLFramebuffer... -
17:48 Revision 74de24ca (github): ResourceSystem: Cleanup prepared GL texture release
17:17 Revision 920c7600 (github): Texture|Resources: Ensure any prepared GL texture is released on Texture::Variant deletion
16:55 Revision b15406e8 (github): ResourceSystem: Always respect the cacheGroups argument when caching materials
13:46 Revision f5c5bb2b (github): ResourceSystem: Cleaned up the material cache queue
09:40 Revision 297df8c3 (github): Fixed|OS X|qmake: Library directory for libintl
21:16 Revision 3ad58ed6 (github): libdeng2|Observers: Allow using Loop from a const object
21:15 Revision 613aa0a2 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Drawing game content for transition frame
20:50 Revision 06127468 (github): libgui|Canvas: Initialize GLInfo
18:52 Feature #1677 (New): Square particle shape (option, as alternative to round particles)
- The default shape for particles in Dday is a circle.
However, if users turn off OpenGL filtering, that circular sh... -
18:26 Revision 17072444 (github): Refactor|GL|Client: Use libgui’s GLInfo instead of sys_opengl
- Available extensions and OpenGL limits come now from libgui.
Also cleaned up old/dead code from sys_opengl. -
18:26 Revision 8065cbfd (github): libdeng2: Added ceilPow2
18:26 Revision a72cef7f (github): libgui: Added GLInfo, moved extensions and limits from client
- Moved/improved old code from sys_opengl for checking OpenGL
Extensions are now referred to by their offi... -
17:26 Feature #1676 (Closed): FluidSynth for Windows
- Just wanted to get this into the tracker, as right now there is no support for .sf2 soundfonts in Windows builds of D...
20:35 Revision ab174623 (github): libgui|Canvas: Print supported OpenGL version to log
- The information comes from Qt.
20:19 Feature #1675 (Closed): Switch to new Qt 5.4+ OpenGL APIs (from QGLWidget)
- Use QOpenGLFunctions to select a particular OpenGL version (3.3).
Qt 5.4 introduces new OpenGL classes for modern ... -
17:54 Revision bef2c51a (github): UI|Client|Stereo 3D: BusyWidget shouldn’t be among the composited widgets
- In Oculus Rift mode, the UI compositor is scaled down. If the busy
widget is also included in the compositor, it mean... -
16:52 Revision 701789ec (github): ResourceSystem: Return interned texture specs by const pointer/reference
- Also added a convenience header for Sprite.
15:37 Revision ead1ecd4 (github): ResourceSystem: Improved material and texture search APIs
15:20 Revision f78ac1e7 (github): Resources: Cleanup
15:13 Revision 69de1399 (github): ResourceSystem: Cleanup texture search API
14:25 Revision 13bb407b (github): Resources: Cleanup
14:14 Revision 97f5de3d (github): ResourceSystem: Cleanup material search API
13:33 Revision 5140981e (github): ResourceSystem: Model and ModelDef searches return references
08:47 Revision 7cb37862 (github): OS X|FluidSynth: Bundle the latest found version of gettext
08:41 Revision 0c7ffe41 (github): Fixed|UI|libdeng2|Stereo 3D: Allow enabling UI composition during busy mode
- Fixes an issue where the display would remain black after launching
straight into a map with -g and -warp options.
A... -
08:29 Revision 910ac37b (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Handle sidebar in the UI compositor update
- When the compositor is enabled or disabled, all the relevant widgets
must be moved to the correct parent. -
08:19 Revision dcb6687b (github): Fixed|Renderer|FX: Update GL viewports for post-processing shader
- Fixes the problem where the sidebar editor would cause the view to
appear squished. -
07:59 Revision 1f4a458c (github): OS X|FluidSynth: Bundle the latest found version of gettext
21:16 Revision ebe89dca (github): Renderer|FX: Added API and todos for light source visibility marking
21:15 Revision be28e9ec (github): Renderer|FX: Disabled the test light
20:53 Revision 8d5c1582 (github): UI|Client: Use GLFramebuffer when rendering busy transition frame
14:22 Revision 278dde17 (github): Refactor|Renderer|libgui: Added GLTarget::AlternativeBuffer
- This is a utility for temporarily switching to an alternative
attachment. -
09:40 Revision c9853952 (github): Refactor|Model: Cleanup
08:57 Revision 9e012a9e (github): Renderer|Models: Use an alternative depth buffer for 3D psprites
- It is unacceptable to clear the depth buffer for 3D psprites as that
would remove the depth information required for ... -
08:00 Revision 3b665127 (github): Merge branch 'master' into gl2-lensflare
07:37 Revision 4a355182 (github): Refactor|Renderer|FX: Use GLFramebuffer for post-processing
- GLFramebuffer handles the required depth/stencil texture.
06:12 Revision 7375ae79 (github): Renderer|Client: Cleanup
05:55 Revision 789816ac (github): Resources: Removed resource/models.cpp; renamed resource/models.h
- Also added a convenience header for ModelDef.
05:31 Revision 4e590672 (github): Model: Fix model aspect-correct scaling; cleanup
- All shared global resource instances are now owned by ResourceSystem.
Everything appears to be working as expected. A... -
04:08 Revision 640b178d (github): Refactor|Model: Cleanup
03:46 Revision 380c111e (github): Refactor|Model: Integrated model resource file loading more deeply
03:17 Revision 01fa7a27 (github): Refactor|Resources: Use ResourceSystem to locate model resources
- Now builds without error. Testing begins...
03:02 Revision ecc52f01 (github): Refactor|Resources: Moved model resource loading into Model
01:42 Revision cefb9ad7 (github): Refactor|Resources: Began relocation of model resources into ResourceSystem
- Note this is very much a wip and does not build yet.
00:43 Revision 49281b5a (github): Refactor|Resources: Preparing to move the model collection into ResourceSystem
00:08 Revision 7356734c (github): Refactor: Renamed gl/gl_model.h/cpp as resource/model.h/cpp respectively
- A "Model" is more of a resource than a GL-domain component. Such a
resource may be contain GL components (e.g., prepa...
23:52 Revision b784a532 (github): Renderer: Cleanup
23:13 Revision d29855e2 (github): Renderer|Model: Cleanup
22:46 Revision bc247604 (github): Typo
22:30 Revision 29583345 (github): libdeng2: Added template de::lerp()
22:00 Revision 0bcf6737 (github): Model|Resources: Internal Model API improvements; cleanup
20:44 Revision 5754d7fb (github): Refactor|Stereo 3D: Use GLFramebuffer for unwarped Oculus Rift frame buffer
20:34 Revision dac0db66 (github): Refactor|libgui: Added GLFramebuffer
- GLFramebuffer handles color/depth/stencil buffers, provides
access to the buffer textures, and does buffer swaps.
To... -
16:09 Revision c89604c7 (github): Refactor|GL|libgui: Renamed GLState::top() to GLState::current()
- “top” and “pop” are too easy to confuse.
14:59 Revision 90f87a9c (github): Renderer|FX: Apply active rectangle correctly when checking depth values
16:39 Revision e962b623 (github): Model|Resources: Cleanup (method name consistency)
15:53 Revision 6f4976c1 (github): Refactor|Resources: Cleaned up internal API to the model resource collection
15:13 Revision 98f69b00 (github): Resources: Cleanup
14:10 Revision 99ce12b0 (github): Model|Resources: Removed fixed limit Model::MAX_LODS
11:29 Revision 7951b900 (github): Resources: Cleanup/typos
10:25 Revision 31eb8684 (github): Refactor|Resources: Completed initial C++ translation of model_t
- Please post this on the user / technical support forums:
i forward to de-ngine.
i g... -
20:22 Feature #1342: Alpha/Beta/Prerelease support?
- Apologies if the below comes across and rude and/or presumptuous, not to mention it's hardly 'technical' in nature. I...
21:21 Revision 636a390d (github): Cleanup
20:44 Revision c7f5e3e8 (github): Refactor|Stereo 3D: Use a depth/stencil texture for Oculus Rift
- This allows lens flare occlusion to work in VR mode 9.
17:02 Revision ac0c06ea (github): Renderer|FX|libgui: Apply target’s active rectangle when accessing depth values
- The shader has no visibility to the used GL viewport, so we must
do the transformation manually. -
16:32 Revision 6b523f73 (github): Refactor|libgui|GLTarget: Allow querying the attached depth texture
- The view may be rendered to any target, so there must be a way to
access the currently used depth texture. -
13:56 Revision 9ae5d689 (github): Refactor|libgui|GLTexture: Use GLPixelFormat
13:55 Revision af04668e (github): Refactor|libgui|Image: Use GLPixelFormat
13:54 Revision 4696bf0f (github): libgui: Added GLPixelFormat (replaces Image::GLFormat)
12:36 Revision 2553dc27 (github): Renderer|FX: Check 5 depth points for partial occlusion of a light
- Could be improved further with resolution independence, and/or
taking into account the radius of the light source. -
12:01 Revision 4969d46c (github): Renderer|FX: Use depth buffer to occlude lens flares
- Work in progress…
12:00 Revision cb6fd6cb (github): libgui|Canvas: Working on manual frame buffer mode
- Canvas needs to support rendering depth values to a texture.
To accomplish this, the FBO must be configured with suit... -
11:57 Revision 896208ef (github): libgui|GLState|GLUniform: Prepare for deletion of assets
- GLState must be aware that a render target might be deleted while
it is the current target.
GLUniform must be aware ... -
11:56 Revision 70ac79b0 (github): libgui|GLTexture: Setting up a depth+stencil texture
11:55 Revision 46dbad40 (github): libgui|GLTarget: Reconfiguring an existing GLTarget instance
09:09 Revision bf6f5e16 (github): Merge branch 'master' into resourcesystem
09:03 Revision 60a8fa24 (github): Fixed|Renderer: BspLeaf::MissingClusterError drawing a particle model
- Particle models are drawn from the interpolated origin, which, may
lie in a degenerate BSP leaf even though the actua... -
07:55 Feature #1636: Support for Oculus Rift
- cmbruns wrote:
> I went a bit further, and started updating the global variable vOrigin[]
That's good. vOrigin is... -
00:04 Feature #1636: Support for Oculus Rift
- h1. Crosshair refinement questions
* In Rift mode, some crosshair details are missing, presumably because the cros...
20:29 Feature #1636: Support for Oculus Rift
- Is greyscale rendering possible?
I recently got a request to implement greyscale anaglyph 3D modes in GZ3Doom. Thi... -
20:21 Feature #1636: Support for Oculus Rift
- danij wrote:
> I've just been trying out the vr modes. With mode 9 I'm noticing thin gaps in the map geometry when t... -
17:12 Bug #1671: Doom Sector type 10 not 'releasing' sector after action has occurred
- It's easy to move issues between projects, so I've deleted the reposted one (1673).
15:44 Bug #1671: Doom Sector type 10 not 'releasing' sector after action has occurred
- I've reposted this in the correct tracker now :)
16:48 Revision 23a7552b (github): Renderer|FX|libgui: Working on accessing the depth buffer from a shader
16:48 Revision 57f2860b (github): Fixed: Abnormal shutdown causes a crash when setting up busy mode
- During an abnormal shutdown, we shouldn’t allow busy mode at all.
Also, if all windows are closed, it means GL needs ... -
08:46 Revision 8727a454 (github): Renderer|FX: Revised “star” flare iamge
00:14 Feature #1594: [Audio] Default number of sound channels should be "max"
- To follow up on this; I personally am not aware of any mod that relied on Vanilla Doom's limit (8) or Doomsday's curr...
Also available in: Atom