From 2007-02-11 to 2007-02-24
17:16 Bug #427 (Closed): Gamcrash by no ammo
- Hi i disscovered durring my modding JDoom(1) a kind of bug.
I did give the fisit the ammo type Shell (because my m... -
13:43 Revision 573a87fd (github): Fixed stack corruption when attempting to search for a control to execute with a string longer than MAX_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH.
- Fixed a problem with shadow polys linked to linked subsector planes.
Fixed a problem with unpackSideDefs(). TODO: Unp... -
05:16 Bug #426 (Closed): Client can't do any damage with weapon, then crashes
- Client can join, walk around. Client fires or hits - but does no damage with various classes. Finally crashes with er...
05:12 Bug #425 (Closed): Crash on client - anytime trying to fire weapon
- Client can connect to server and join. Can also walk around but first time try to fire weapon, crashes with error bel...
00:37 Bug #424 (Closed): Cannot get past new game screen
- I cannot actually play Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 or Final Doom (Plutonia or TNT) I did a fresh install of the Doom Collec...
06:34 Revision 5ee18ade (github): Implemented support for packed sidedefs.
01:16 Feature #1439 (New): XG: Spawn objects at player location
- Hi, i would like to request a possibility to spawn objects in the player posision, like the command "here"
Since i w...
19:45 Bug #419: E2M2 columns stop moving
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
I already noted this bug in this thread:
22:20 Bug #422: "chain-of-life" variates
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
This is not a bug, it is intended behavior. -
07:56 Bug #422 (Closed): "chain-of-life" variates
- When you die in jHeretic, the "chain" at the bottom of screen goes a little way up and down at an irregular rate (spe...
22:19 Bug #423: More gameplay failures
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Both of these issues have already been reported here in the tracker (p... -
22:12 Bug #423 (Closed): More gameplay failures
- Cleric flechettes doesn't have any choking effect on the enemies (neither on you). Also, you can go through some turn...
07:52 Bug #421 (Closed): Heretic: "shivering" dropped items
- You know that sometimes Ironliches spawn an Item like Tome or Morph Ovum when they're dead. Well, IF this happens, th...
01:20 Revision 6d69d57b (github): It would help if I remove the Z_Free() calls after changing where the buffers for Con_BufferGetLines() are allocated...
00:39 Revision db4716c2 (github): Implemented a persistent scratch buffer for use by texture manipulation routines e.g. scaleLine() to improve performance.
00:34 Revision b74a1c3e (github): Changed Con_BufferGetLines() to use a buffer provided by the caller. As they have better knowledge on when a buffer needs resizing they are better able to manage the memory more efficiently. Ensured Con_BufferGetLine() does not need to unnecessarily allocate memory.
23:07 Revision bf1bd6d9 (github): Added texture content flag TXCF_UPLOAD_ARG_NOSMARTFILTER. Currently only used with the busy mode screen grab (was taking upwards of 3.4 seconds at 1920x1200 with smart filtering enabled).
22:35 Revision 4e0c2fd1 (github): Implemented temporary ccmd "setaxis" for tweaking the input device axis settings during development.
- Don't write empty commands to the console command history buffer.
Fixed some compilation problems. -
18:32 Revision 9a498d31 (github): Busy mode now takes a screen capture to use as a background for the busy mode (when engine up and running; not in the first startup). The performance of taking a screen shot and making it a texture is quite disappointing, though -- in the order of 400-500 ms.
- Added some dark gradients to make console output and the progress bar visible on all backgrounds.
The screen capture... -
18:30 Revision b8e4ae58 (github): Fixed compilation problem.
18:29 Revision 5e9cce51 (github): Fixed texture parameters when using the Easy Upload flag.
18:28 Revision 4dcdf231 (github): Updated with file changes.
18:10 Revision 56a686d2 (github): Added a note about the way lines are drawn in the automap. Lines must be grouped into as large a sequence of vertices as possible; the current implementation experiences significant FPS drops.
16:12 Bug #419: E2M2 columns stop moving
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
I'll attach a savegame.
If you load it the columns/patterns will mo... -
15:03 Bug #419: E2M2 columns stop moving
- These columns stop moving after a while
* -
15:03 Bug #419: E2M2 columns stop moving
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
File Added: columns.jpg -
13:46 Bug #419: E2M2 columns stop moving
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
Its about Ultimte Doom -
13:18 Bug #419 (Closed): E2M2 columns stop moving
- In E2M2 the columns near the red door stop moving after a while. since there is no way to get through then you cannot...
15:02 Bug #420: Cleric Flechette does no damage
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Already fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.
Thanks Jimi but do try to rem... -
14:44 Bug #420 (Closed): Cleric Flechette does no damage
- The green poison cloud appears, but it does no damage to the monsters or players. Fighter and Mage flechettes work as...
11:47 Revision 1ea8751c (github): Updated a few error messages.
10:08 Revision 399b4043 (github): Overloaded ccmds are now in and working.
- Split the "help" ccmd into two to test this functionality. ccmd "help""s" moved to con_data.c
However, the implementa... -
05:17 Revision 4529dbce (github): Removed the old game-side input device axis settings.
- DD_Execute(f) should be declared with a const command string ptr.
Adjusted naming style for a few game_config_t membe... -
03:49 Revision f6705b5c (github): Added ccmd flag CMDF_NO_DEDICATED. If an attempt is made to execute a ccmd attributed with this flag when running in dedicated mode; the attempt is blocked before execution.
- Trawled the engine looking for all potentially sensitive ccmds and made safe.
03:00 Revision dfc4cb74 (github): Added a new tab to the Doomsday Control Panel to be used for setting game controls.
01:56 Bug #410: Various bugs with linux jHeretic
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
Sorry about that.
Thanks for the game. [IMHO] It's better than D...
20:23 Revision d4d62332 (github): Use consistent line endings and encode in UTF-8 (why does VC2k5 change the format on occasion?).
17:20 Bug #418 (Closed): Music Volum Bug with DirectSound 8
- Like Danij told me I report here a kind of bug I experinced.
The Music Volum in Heretic does not change by what e... -
03:51 Revision 99547e5e (github): Added x_event.h to jhexen.vcproj
03:49 Revision 49e688aa (github): Updated WolfTC with the new auto-hiding HUD implemented for jDoom.
- When changing the size of the statusbar automatically reshow the HUD if hidden, so the user can see the effect of the...
03:23 Revision c3293b46 (github): Updated WolfTC in line with the changes made to ticcmd_t. TODO: many of the controls (e.g. automap panning) are not currently implemented.
- Plus numerous other minor tweaks.
02:39 Revision b148bac0 (github): Updated Doom64TC in line with the changes made to ticcmd_t. TODO: many of the controls (e.g. automap panning) are not currently implemented.
02:16 Revision 1263c93a (github): Updated jHexen in line with the changes made to ticcmd_t. TODO: many of the controls (e.g. artefact hot-keys) are not currently implemented.
01:49 Revision 0d6c232e (github): Updated jHeretic in line with the changes made to ticcmd_t. TODO: many of the controls (e.g. artefact hot-keys) are not currently implemented.
- Changed various game-side text drawing routines so that their string parameters are (const) where appropriate.
22:52 Revision 539b184f (github): Renamed p_player.h and p_player.c to avoid confusion in Xcode.
22:45 Revision 51c465f5 (github): Renamed p_player.h to avoid confusion in Xcode.
22:44 Revision b4ddaa8e (github): Renamed p_player.c to avoid confusion in Xcode.
22:40 Revision 4cea97a0 (github): Merged in the engine-side input device axis handling from the old 1.8 experimental branch. Reworked the bindings mechanism to suit. This means that controls can be bound to either commands (including a different command for each state) and directly to a player control. Bindings are now grouped for each input device, then by the control type (key/button or axis) and then finally based on controlID (controlID is either a key/button code or a control axis index).
- Added and abstraction for input event_ts to allow us to ensure future back-compatibility. Internally, Doomsday genera...
05:56 Bug #417: Sprites Glitch
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
File Added: -
05:56 Bug #417: Sprites Glitch
- Suspended Sprites
* -
05:53 Bug #417 (Closed): Sprites Glitch
Look for MISC 84, MISC 85 and MISC 86 ( DoomED numbers 79, 80 and 81 respectively ) in Objects.ded
Make a ma...
23:29 Revision a06d7151 (github): Starting implementing busy mode console output. Only a small number of centered lines in the bottom, to keep things clean.
23:21 Revision 82986b63 (github): Added Brazilian Portuguese. There appears to be some character conversion issues going on at least on the Mac, needs further investigation.
17:49 Revision 7af7f970 (github): Info can be spelled with a non-capital I.
- 18:00 Revision 39209c27 (github): List what external files we are trying to play in verbose mode. After 16+ hours of smacking my head into a brick wall investigating why mp3 files do not play back I discovered the problem IS NOT in deng. The smpeg library used by sdl does not seem to like some of the id3 tags found in mp3 files. This may or may not be a regression in smpeg - in anycase, we should in future strip id3 tags from mp3 files on load - as mp3 files without tags play perfectly.
15:49 Bug #416: Switch fails, can't continue game
- Screenshot
15:49 Bug #416 (Closed): Switch fails, can't continue game
- At the beginning of Guardian of Ice zone (2nd entrance) you press a switch to rise a pair of stairs. However, ceiling...
05:34 Bug #415: has a very odd behaviour in loading Pwad levels
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
I'm just adding this comment so that devs may read up on additional i... -
02:14 Bug #415 (Closed): has a very odd behaviour in loading Pwad levels
- Hello, I don't know if this is a bug but it is something I noticed painfully.
I have a PWad level pack that makes ...
17:43 Bug #414 (Closed): Snowberry can't start at FC 6 i386_x64
- Hello!
I compiled doomsday engine, but can't start snowberry.
Dependecies ok, comiling ok, settings done but i go... -
17:25 Bug #413 (Closed): Info file inside PK3 files
- Hello all, I got told from Dani J, that this is a bug.
So to make things short. I wanted to use a info file
inside... -
17:04 Bug #412 (Closed): Using diffrent weapon ammo bug
- Hello, I discovered a bug by developing a mod for Jdoom
In version 1.9.4 I had no problems by switching the exsistin... -
14:38 Feature #1436: Anisotropic Filtering controls
- An in-game control for adjusting the level of anisotropic filtering has been added for 1.9.0-beta6
06:16 Feature #1436 (Closed): Anisotropic Filtering controls
- Options to select the level of anisotropy would be nice.
*Labels:* Graphics -
06:20 Feature #1438 (Closed): GUI needs some transparency effects
- Transparency effects in the GUI might give the user interface more depth and dimension. Of course that's only if it i...
06:18 Feature #1437 (Closed): OpenAL support
- Seeing as how DirectSound is gone in Windows Vista, in order to maintain EAX in Doomsday, OpenAL seems like the light...
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