From 2007-02-25 to 2007-03-10
05:46 Revision d2a284c6 (github): Fixed issues with platform/ceiling move speed rounding down to zero due to integer math.
04:54 Revision 2205475f (github): Fixed issues with platform/ceiling move speed rounding down to zero due to integer math.
04:36 Revision 2885fa6f (github): Fixed DOOM v 1.09 save game support.
23:06 Revision 22ccc80e (github): Updated all code relating to thinkers (other than mobj_t) in all games except jHexen to use floating point when dealing with plane height, target height and movement speed.
- TODO: Before jHexen can receive a similar treatment the save code needs updating so that we don't rely on the alignme...
16:29 Revision 2d9b165a (github): Fixed alignment problems in the jHeretic intermission on the Mac.
16:21 Revision 89b5b985 (github): Fixed problem of missing statusbar inventory icons on the Mac.
15:13 Bug #431: Strange keys in the console
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
This isn't a bug. There is already an RFE to allow binding the console... -
15:07 Bug #166: Icon Of Sin - Explosion Particles are spawned on floor
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
Seems this has been fixed at some point. -
14:44 Revision 30626410 (github): Display the console output in busy mode.
14:41 Revision 52edcdef (github): Fixed compilation error.
14:34 Bug #291: Mac jHeretic/jHexen - minor cosmetic problems
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
This should now be fixed in svn for Doomsday1.9.0-beta6 -
14:10 Revision 707bcadb (github): Fixed problem with status bar disappearing if the alpha level == 1
13:08 Revision 236ed6d9 (github): Axis positions should automatically center in a similar vein to sending up events when the currently active bindclass changes.
04:47 Revision 7f8c3a8b (github): Updated style and variable naming conventions in the UI.
04:00 Bug #436 (Closed): JHeretic: Hellstaff fire effect
- The Hellstaff makes both the normal fire sound and the "upgraded" fire sound simultaneously, while used with the Tome...
03:57 Bug #435 (Closed): JHeretic: Firemace problems
- The Firemace in Heretic doesn't work like it should anymore. The balls explode upon contact now, instead of bouncing ...
01:57 Bug #434 (Closed): JHeretic: Firemace problems
- The Firemace in Heretic doesn't work like it should anymore. The balls explode upon contact now, instead of bouncing ...
00:48 Revision 8e565049 (github): Continued work on the floating point playsim conversion. Part 5
00:47 Revision fd30beb7 (github): Continued work on the floating point playsim conversion. Part 4
00:46 Revision 046b0e50 (github): Continued work on the floating point playsim conversion. Part 3
00:45 Revision 0756cf1e (github): Continued work on the floating point playsim conversion. Part 2
00:43 Revision a77a465e (github): Continued work on the floating point playsim conversion. Part 1
12:21 Revision 6ca815d8 (github): Use floats for vissprite_t->gx,gy,gz,gzt,floorclip.
- Added an assert to bufferNewLine() to help debug a difficult to reproduce seg fault when trying to remove a buffer node.
10:49 Revision eab9ee31 (github): Updated style.
10:30 Revision 0db9b6d4 (github): Updated style.
10:00 Revision 917778f5 (github): Made the Doomsday project url string displayed in the control panel and outputted by the ccmd "version" use the macro "DOOMSDAY_PROJECTURL" defined in dd_version.h
09:49 Revision 2b3ffef2 (github): Fixed menu fog mode 2 (was not restoring previous state).
09:36 Revision ee4f3d8f (github): All rendpoly_ts are inited with the "unknown" texture by default. No need to set it again in Rend_PrepareTextureForPoly() if the required texture is unknown.
09:29 Revision af64a049 (github): Added gltexture_t->texmasked, use that when setting the rendpoly texture's mask status instead of relying on the global var texmask to be in sync with curtex.
09:24 Revision be3dfed9 (github): Use the memory management wrappers M_Malloc, M_Free etc.
09:23 Revision 6fb3904c (github): Fixed a couple of minor rendering inaccuracies in the console.
04:07 Bug #338: hard to reproduce segfault at map loading
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
I've tried to replicate this numerous times in 1.9.0-beta5.1 under Win... -
03:29 Bug #424: Cannot get past new game screen
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
You seem to be trying to use palleted textures (-paltex), try without ... -
03:26 Bug #430: Failed to run D3D renderer
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
This has been fixed in the 1.9.0-beta5.1 release. -
03:25 Bug #433: JDRP 1.01 and PK3 loader
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
In order to use jDRP1.01 with Snowberry you need to install the manife... -
03:16 Bug #416: Switch fails, can't continue game
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Duplicate -
03:14 Bug #419: E2M2 columns stop moving
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Duplicate -
03:11 Bug #432: JDRP 1.01: weapon starts to shoot while offscreen
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
20:37 Bug #347: getting stuck in walls (doom1)
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
I stuck at MAP06, in a small hiding-place behind the lift right after... -
20:31 Bug #433 (Closed): JDRP 1.01 and PK3 loader
- jDOOM doesn't with JDRP 1.01. To run JDRP, I need to unpack all pk3s to appropriate directories.
*Labels:* Snowberry -
20:28 Bug #432 (Closed): JDRP 1.01: weapon starts to shoot while offscreen
- With JDRP 1.01 I press 4 or 6 (with other weapons I was unable to rearoduce this bug), then quickly press fire. The w...
19:24 Bug #431 (Closed): Strange keys in the console
- WinXP
PgUp = move to the very top
PgDn = move to the very bottom
Sh+PgUp = 2 lines upper
Sh+PgDn = 2 lines lowe... -
18:47 Bug #430 (Closed): Failed to run D3D renderer
- DD_InitDGL: Loading of drD3D.dll failed (error 126)
Windows XP, DirectX 9.0c 4.09.0000.0904
*Labels:* Direct3D ... -
18:40 Bug #429: Poor fps after leaving menu
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
Windows XP, OpenGL renderer, DirectX9c, GeForce4 Ti4200 -
18:22 Bug #429 (Closed): Poor fps after leaving menu
- When the menu effects are on, after you leave the menu, the game runs very slowly (about 3x-4x slowdown; my original ...
18:37 Feature #1439: XG: Spawn objects at player location
- - **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson --> nobody
- **milestone**: --> Eventually
18:35 Feature #1441 (New): [MP] Option: weaponstay deathmatch
- I want you to make weaponstay deathmatch (like DM3 in Doom Legacy). What I mean: weapons stay, like in DM1, ammo resp...
18:31 Feature #1440 (New): Vanilla Doom collision-checking mode
- There is no original Doom collision-checking code, when you cannot walk above/below objects. game-zlip cvar seems to ...
01:44 Revision 727f946f (github): Implemented the facility for menu pages to feature a background. Added for WolfTC at Martin's request.
- It is assumed that menu background patches will contain ZERO TRANSPARENT PIXELS.
To use, simply specifiy the name of ... -
00:05 Revision 341df314 (github): damsetargs_t->elmIdx is now unnecessary.
23:49 Revision 064c4f88 (github): Safety first: create a local copy of the index in DAM_SetProperty() just in case SetProperty() tries to do anything "funny" with it.
23:35 Revision c819c97a (github): DAM: Moved determination of which callback to use after reading a DAM property to the highest level possible. Changed how objects are selected so that DAM can be used to read map properties without having to have allocated the map object arrays or even a gamemap_t itself.
- TODO: Put this functionality to use by checking for packed sidedefs before map load. In doing so, compile a database ...
20:11 Revision 7aa5eaa3 (github): Fixed: reading node->children from the original DOOM node format.
- Fixed: attempting to load GL Node data when bsp-build == 0.
14:05 Bug #428 (Closed): Bug in stairs in MAP03:Guardian of Ice
- After warping to Guardian of Ice (map 03) (through one of the portals),
if you press a switch, the stairs are rais... -
14:05 Bug #428: Bug in stairs in MAP03:Guardian of Ice
- Screenshot
00:08 Revision e745627d (github): Continued development on DAM.
- Is now in a state where it can be integrated with DMU. During level setup, DMU should allow writing to ANY property v...
17:11 Bug #415: has a very odd behaviour in loading Pwad levels
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
The second issue mentioned has been fixed in svn for beta6.
In orde... -
02:44 Revision c26fa3ff (github): Continued development on DAM.
- Split ReadMapProperty() into two subroutines A)read from the src buffer B)set the map property. Reorganised things ye...
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