


Bug #347

getting stuck in walls (doom1)

Added by guntherdw over 18 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:



in E2M4, you are able to get stuck in the walls in the
part where there are a group of lost souls crammed
into a small hallway
i'd attach a demo, but it won't play the demo after i
recorded it
i attached it anyway...
(how to do it :
get berserk, run into that hallway, punch the hell
outa them but run through them while they die.
it won't work 100% of the time, sometimes you just get
stuck a little bit but can get back into the hallway

Labels: jDoom Gameplay


#2 Updated by danij over 18 years ago

Logged In: YES

Is this problem in the current SVN version or does it exist
in beta4?

#3 Updated by guntherdw over 18 years ago

Logged In: YES

it is in beta4 (and i guess a lot of version before that
one, but i'll have to check on that one)
it generally works if u're standing on a monster or 2, it
seems u can just walk through the wall they are 'attachted'

#4 Updated by papercut2 over 18 years ago

Logged In: YES

Seen it before. The thing about objects going over top or
below other objects seems to be a bit touchy. As far as I
know, since the death animation of most monsters appears to
be a lower height than the monster when its standing up,
you're able to walk on top of them like stairs. This can be
used to get to ledges that are too tall to walk up. Or in
this case, get stuck in walls.

#5 Updated by mercury13_kiev about 18 years ago

Logged In: YES
Originator: NO

I stuck at MAP06, in a small hiding-place behind the lift right after the blue door.

#6 Updated by jimigrey about 16 years ago

I get this quite a lot in Hexen killing monsters with melee weapons. Using beta6.

#7 Updated by filipetolhuizen about 15 years ago

Still get this on latest beta specially on Ultimate Doom E3L1. Enabling original Doom's cliping code did not fix this.

#8 Updated by danij almost 15 years ago

Fixed in 1.9.0-Beta6.9

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