Bug #427
Gamcrash by no ammo
Hi i disscovered durring my modding JDoom(1) a kind of bug.
I did give the fisit the ammo type Shell (because my mod planed to have it as shoting weapon that needs ammo)
When I start now a game and shot my pistol weapon empty, the game changes to the pistol. (Because doom alays change to pistol or chainsaw when there no ammo left)
But sinces my fist needs shell ammo now to work, does the game crash in exact the momment when it starts puting the fisit weapon up.
I expected to have an useless weapon by now. But I did not expect that doom crashes when it pulls up an empty weapon.
The error that comes up is "Segmentation Violation"
I know in normal gameplay is this siuation an "impossible" on. But I think I should report this anyhow. Sinces for mod makers this might be kind of rude.
For myself I think I will change fist back to unlimited ammo to run no more into this kind of situation.
best regards
Labels: jDoom Gameplay
Updated by danij over 16 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
This has since been fixed, in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.
However, there remains some related issues that I'm currently working on addressing.