Bug #841
Music Slows, Stalls, then Crash
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Playing a custom PWAD in development (see attached) and I had Doomsday crash to desktop. I have the error as well. I'm not sure what's going on, as the music just started to stutter, then hang, then WAVE sound hung (still played). Dani, I'll send the updated PWAD to you through the forum.
Labels: Music
Updated by tolwyn about 15 years ago
Doomsday out File
Updated by tolwyn about 15 years ago
Windows Error (RTF Format)
Updated by danij about 15 years ago
By all means send the PWAD over for us to have a look at. However I don't think there is much we can do about this as it doesn't look to be a problem in Doomsday itself.
Updated by skyjake about 15 years ago
- status: pending --> closed
Closing this as obsolete. Might be related to the old memory zone bug.