Bug #817
hexen crashes after choosing character
using latest git hexen crashes after choosing character
gdb backtrace pointed at P_LoadACScripts()
gdb trace
Labels: jHexen
Updated by skyjake over 15 years ago
The issue with the Random class menu item is now fixed, but I can't reproduce any P_LoadACSScripts() related issues.
Try recompiling/reinstalling?
Updated by eunbolt over 15 years ago
I still get the crash
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
In case you weren't aware skyjake, KuriKai is compiling and running a 64bit build. In which case, I would suspect the script read routine as being the problem as it looks like it is using the struct acsheader_t for byte offsets and the members thereof are native types (should also be packed).
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
After spending time with KuriKai debugging this via proxy we have narrowed the problem down somewhat.
This crash and the crash on startup when playing jHexen mentioned in the following report seem to stem from the same issue:
Clearly there is some optimization that gcc is attempting that doesn't suit our code. I have elevated the priority of the other report because it would appear that the same optimization is now applied when using the default $CFLAGS (i.e., a "Release" build).
I suspect that this is similar to the problem skyjake fixed with the random class selection in jHexen.
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Updated by skyjake over 15 years ago
I get a crash immediately when selecting the "Random" character in the menu.