Bug #579
[OpenAL] No sound after startup (sometimes)
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When both 16bit sound effects and 3D sound is enabled, sometimes there will be no sound at all after start up. Occasionally everything will work as expected but samples are played when they shouldn't (for example, in jHeretic, firing the Dragon Claw will produce the menu select sound as well as the correct sound).
Both problems can be rectified by going into the control panel and disabling then re-enabling both features.
Perhaps this is a Windows specific issue but I wouldn't expect it to be.
Labels: Sound (OpenAL)
Updated by skyjake about 13 years ago
Decreased priority because FMOD is now available.
Updated by danij over 12 years ago
This issue was addressed for the 1.9.7 release when a bug in the high level sound system config was fixed.