Bug #507
Win32 crash, shortly after saving game
Shortly after saving my game, the program crashes, and it put this in an output log:
Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment
Game state parameters:
SetupLevel: MAP08
VerifyMapData: BEHAVIOR for "MAP08" could not be found.
Useable data will be generated automatically if needed.
DetermineMapDataFormat: (V2 GL Node Data)
(glBSP 2.20 | 2008-02-20 18:08:24.0260 | 0x483ef120)
P_LoadMapData: MAP08
Loading Sidedef Texture IDs...
Group lines
Sector look up
Build line and subsector tables
R_InitLinks: Initializing
P_CheckLevel: Checking MAP08 for errors...
Level 8: Realm
Author: Dario Casali and Milo Casali
Picked up an armor bonus.
game saved.
Picked up an energy cell.
Picked up a blue skull key.
Picked up an energy cell.
Picked up a box of rockets.
Picked up a box of rockets.
Picked up a box of rockets.
Picked up an energy cell.
Picked up an armor bonus.
Picked up an armor bonus.
game saved.
Picked up a medikit.
SV_ThingArchiveNum: Thing archive exhausted!
Labels: Data
Updated by vdub2000 about 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
After trying to re-load my save game, it crashed again with this error:
Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment
Game state parameters:
SetupLevel: MAP08
VerifyMapData: BEHAVIOR for "MAP08" could not be found.
Useable data will be generated automatically if needed.
DetermineMapDataFormat: (V2 GL Node Data)
(glBSP 2.20 | 2008-02-20 18:08:24.0260 | 0x483ef120)
P_LoadMapData: MAP08
Loading Sidedef Texture IDs...
Group lines
Sector look up
Build line and subsector tables
R_InitLinks: Initializing
P_CheckLevel: Checking MAP08 for errors...
Level 8: Realm
Author: Dario Casali and Milo Casali
Segmentation Violation
Updated by skyjake almost 17 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Re: SV_ThingArchiveNum: Thing archive exhausted!
This sometimes happens to me too when I save. It did this in vanilla Doom II. I hit save, type in the name, and when I press return it crashes. If I try to load that savegame it also crashes. If I finish the level and go to the next one I can successfully save again.
At the beginning of a level I'll be able to successfully save for a while. Usually I'll be pretty far in a level before it starts crashing when I save but not always (i.e. iirc on Map20: Gotcha! it did it when I tried to save basically right after killing the Spider Mastermind and Cyberdemon, that's pretty much the start of that level). The bug seemed to crop up more on the later maps... but maybe that's just because I was saving more often.
Updated by skyjake almost 17 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Is this the same bug as 1832104?
Updated by danij almost 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Indeed it is the same as #1832104. Closing as duplicate.