Bug #459
Level music and "before" infine scripts
If a level has a "Before" infine script attached to it the level music is started twice, once at the start of the "Before" script and again when the script finishes.
Labels: InFine
Updated by danij over 16 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6
Updated by vermil almost 16 years ago
I'm reopening this report because of a small issue that has arisen from it.
Because of the fix, if you don't specify a music track on your "before" infine def, the intermission music from the previous intermission will continue to play until the "before" infine def finishes.
Updated by danij almost 16 years ago
Are you trying to achieve silence (i.e., you want no music at all unless you specify the track to play)?