Bug #396
Stairs not activated
Even when the correct switch has been activated, the stairs do not appear in the levels. So to play I have to use the "noclip" command.
I use \Doomsday\Snowberry\snowberry.exe to launch the games.
This problem does not exist with doom (1 and 2). Not tested with hexen. Thanks.
Labels: jHeretic
Updated by danij about 18 years ago
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Originator: NO
Which Doomsday version are you running?
Updated by free1fox about 18 years ago
Next to the switches
Updated by free1fox about 18 years ago
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Originator: YES
I use snowberry 1.1 with its default settings under win98SE 32 bits system, installed from deng-1.9.0-beta4-setup.exe.
I have also noticed another problem that may be related to the stairs one : in some game levels (iem8: hell's maw, for instance), the different ground levels are not ok : please, see the attached new-1.jpg screen copy.
I have started to play with hexen and snowberry seems to work well. Thanks again.
File Added: NEW-1.jpg
Updated by free1fox about 18 years ago
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Originator: YES
Sorry, I have forgotten another point : when a level is finished and you start the following one, the artifacts counters (from 1 to 15) are resetted. Thanks.
Updated by danij about 18 years ago
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Originator: NO
Both of these problems have already been fixed in Doomsday1.9.0-beta5 which is available from the files section.
Updated by free1fox about 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
You just have released a new version of deng ? Thanks for the information!