Bug #2239
HUD Frost shards from XARP changing their Zoffset if instantly fire after switching
HUD Frost shards from XARP changing their Zoffset if instaltly fire after switching
1) Turn on XARP http://dengine.net/talk/discussion/1491/xarp-hexen-authentic-resource-pack-jxccp-maintained/p1 and start hexen with mage
2) Type NRA cheat
3) Try to switch to frost sharts and press fire key immediately
Actual result: Zoffset changed (only fingers are visible): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MLU4EOSfCE&index=23&t=6899s&list=PL5QwAqOy7WABpsDsuzSKwTk2S8QnzsLg5#t=1h04m04s (watch at 1:04:07)
Expected result: Zoffset should not change (whole hand should be visible): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MLU4EOSfCE&index=23&t=6899s&list=PL5QwAqOy7WABpsDsuzSKwTk2S8QnzsLg5#t=1h04m08s (watch at 1:04:09)
Reproduced in 1.15.8 and 2.0 stable
#1 Updated by theleo_ua almost 8 years ago
Actual result: Zoffset changed (only fingers are invisible)
should be:
Actual result: Zoffset changed (only fingers are visible)
#2 Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Tags set to 3DModel, Renderer
- Subject changed from HUD Frost shards from XARP changing their Zoffset if instaltly fire after switching to HUD Frost shards from XARP changing their Zoffset if instantly fire after switching
- Description updated (diff)
#3 Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Target version set to Rendering