Bug #2183
Incomplete attachments uncaught exception (jdrp hud weapons)
Build #2136. The uncaught exception incomplete attachments when the the 3d model of a HUD weapon (from jdrp pack) is going to be displayed.
Related to bug #1977 and feature #2116. In earlier builds the behavior was different http://dengine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2310#p15310. It seems the problem can be fixed similarly as bug #1977.
Related issues
Associated revisions
Fixed|Model Renderer: Graceful fallback for FBO config failure
If there is an error when setting up an alternative depth buffer for
3D weapon models, just clear the main depth buffer and render the
models there.
IssueID #2183
GL|libgui: Improved FBO configuration fallback
Instead of configuring the framebuffer in such a way that prevents
the renderer from working fully, render to a render buffer and apply
the same resolve-to-texture method that is used with antialiasing.
IssueID #2183
GL|libgui: Improved FBO configuration fallback
Instead of configuring the framebuffer in such a way that prevents
the renderer from working fully, render to a render buffer and apply
the same resolve-to-texture method that is used with antialiasing.
IssueID #2183
libgui|GL: More fallback configurations for FBOs
GLFramebuffer now properly makes a distinction between depth-only
and depth/stencil attachments.
IssueID #2183
libgui|GL: More fallback configurations for FBOs
GLFramebuffer now properly makes a distinction between depth-only
and depth/stencil attachments.
IssueID #2183
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- Tags changed from HUD to HUD, 3DModel, OpenGL
- Category set to Defect
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to skyjake
- Target version set to 49
Ok, I can see the problem here. I'll add an alternative rendering setup for the 3D weapon models if the framebuffer configuration warrants it.
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Please try again with the next build...
Updated by Drako over 8 years ago
- File doomsday.out doomsday.out added
Unfortunately, nothing changed. Still the same uncaught exception, even doomsday.out files look the same.
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 100 to 10
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
Hmm, I'll try to simulate the errors in the output and see if that reveals anything.
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #2116: Compatibility with limited FBO functionality (old OpenGL drivers) added
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #1977: Doomsday crashes with Intel Chipset added
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 30
I did manage to reproduce the (or a) crash after simulating this failure scenario. I decided to try a different way to configure the framebuffer fallback now that the low-level GL setup has changed significantly. Let me know if the next build works any differently...
Updated by Drako over 8 years ago
- File doomsday.out doomsday.out added
Now doomsday quits to windows immediately after the resolution change, before the rotating thing appears (the UI does not appear at all). Doomsday.out is much shorter...
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
Ok, I've made another change for the next build. Now there are more fallback configurations and at least on my machine they all work as intended. There should now be a fallback that matches the configuration that used to work for you, according to the logs.
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 30 to 60
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
The build number to try next is 2141...
Updated by Drako over 8 years ago
The build 2141 seems to work as expected. For the first time since build 1.10.4 I am able to see 3D HUD weapon models. jdrp pack(s) work well (v 1.01 and (unofficial) 1.1, as well as jd3rp). Moreover, this bug: http://dengine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2334#topic has been also fixed. Thanks.
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 60 to 100
Great! Thanks for testing.
Updated by skyjake about 8 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Fixed|Model Renderer: Graceful fallback for FBO config failure
If there is an error when setting up an alternative depth buffer for
3D weapon models, just clear the main depth buffer and render the
models there.
IssueID #2183