Bug #218
non-auto weapon select doesn't work in coopartive doom
I'm not sure in which category this goes, but this one
seems most likely.
There is a configfile option player-autoswitch which
disables auto weapon select. This options does not work
in cooperative multiplayer. All weapons (standard map
weapons and coop weapons) are affected, and the options
"no coop weapons/objects" have no effect as well.
Labels: jDoom Multiplayer
Updated by halfgaar about 20 years ago
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I've done some further testing. Auto select can only be
disabled in singleplayer and deathmatch 2. So, coop and
deathmatch 1 always have auto weapon select.
Updated by danij almost 20 years ago
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Fixed this in co-op games for 1.8.7.
Deathmatch 1 sill forces weapon switching (it is a bug though).
Should we make an overriding
"server-allow-auto-weapon-switch" option instead for
deathmatch? As many players (especially "hardcore
old-schoolers") would prefer it if all players HAD to switch
Updated by danij almost 20 years ago
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Other server side options for deathmatch purposes I'd like
to see are:
1 Rockets explosions are infinitely tall.
2 Allow auto aim - (two modes) All weapons | Not BFG
The reason for (Not BFG) is to prevent BFG spamming (where a
player stands in the middle of a huge open area, spinning
around shooting BFG blasts at the ground). It really can
ruin games if a player employs this tactic.
These are just some the more important (IMO) "Quake-style
Modifiers" I'd like to implement.
Updated by halfgaar almost 20 years ago
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The server option for auto-weapon-switch is a good idea. The
game should be configurable to emulate the orignal doom as
much as possible.
As for your other two suggestions, are they quake options?
What exactly do you mean that rocket explosions are
infinitely tall? That shooting on the wall in front of you
will kill someone standing on a ledge above that wall? Hmm,
that seems rather unusual to me...
And about the autoaim. What kind of autoaim were you
thinking of? I mean, the original game had an auto-aim
option to compensate for no mouse look, and jDoom has this
as well (although I'm not sure if it also only aims
verticly, as I suspect it does to emulate doom). This kind
of auto-aiming should be possible, but perhaps only when
mouselook is not allowed by the server (you could make that
a switch too). But auto-aiming in every direction is
cheating IMO.
BTW, with too many options, you always end up playing on
gameservers which have the settings not to your liking.
Perhaps it would be good to be able to filter out/in
gameservers in the multiplayer menu which have settings you
don't/do want.
Updated by danij almost 20 years ago
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I didn't actually mean autoaim I meant mouselook/freelook
(it was late when I posted that...)
That shooting on the wall in front of you
will kill someone standing on a ledge above that wall? Hmm,
that seems rather unusual to me...
That was the way DM was in original Doom (sounds bizarre I
know). Problem is many long term players got used to this
quirk and developed different styles of play because of it.
Now that the trend is for "modern realistic rules" this
behaviour has been changed and many would argue that it
shouldn't, especially in multiplayer.
When it comes to Doom deathmatch there are two very
different camps (those who are used to newer FPS and those
who grew up with the genre ie from Doom onwards). Many of us
"old schoolers" like to play with the original Doom
behaviour because IMO it makes for a far more tactical and
skillfull game.
Updated by halfgaar almost 20 years ago
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I am all for making the game feel like the orignal, as long
as the enhanced gameplay features are also available :)