Bug #2084
"title" music (external source, ogg format) is played incorrectly (with noise at start) for heretic and hexen
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"title" music (external source, ogg format) is played incorrectly (with noise at start) for heretic and hexen
1) Place HEXEN.ogg to data\jhexen\Music
mus_titl.ogg to data\jheretic\Music
(should be reproduced with any file, but if you cannot reprocude, I will upload my ones)
2) Run Hexen/Heretic
Actual result: title music is started from noise (see attached mp3 files), special icon is displayed during this noise (see attached icon.jpg) and disappears when noise disappears
Expected result: title music is played correctly, no additional icons are displayed
NOTE: I tried to record a video of this issue with OBS, but issue is not reprocucible in this case (it only can be reproduced without OBS recording in parallel)
Updated by theleo_ua almost 10 years ago
- File heretic_doomsday.out heretic_doomsday.out added
Updated by theleo_ua almost 10 years ago
Updated by theleo_ua almost 10 years ago
- File hexen_doomsday.out hexen_doomsday.out added
Updated by theleo_ua almost 10 years ago
Updated by skyjake over 9 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Updated by skyjake over 9 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Target version set to Modding
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Priority changed from Lowest to Low