


Feature #1864

Remember material, particle and decoration animation states in saved games

Added by vermil over 10 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:



I wasn't sure whether these could be classed as bugs or not and I imagine the subject may look a little dumb. But anyways...

Save games don't save active particle generators or the state of animated materials; generators simply aren't there when you reload while animated materials reset to their first frame.

I'm just thinking that while both are non-issues with the original maps, that mods may have scripted scenario's that feature either.

I suppose this tracker item basically comes down to a request that save games save absolutely everything in progress at the time of the save, which may or may not be practical.


#1 Updated by danij over 10 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
  • Subject changed from Save games don't save everything to Remember material and particle animation states in save games

#2 Updated by danij over 10 years ago

With regard to materials, saving of their animation state should wait until material instances have their lifetimes scoped to usage contexts because each usage context has an entirely independent animation timeline.

#3 Updated by danij over 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from Remember material and particle animation states in save games to Remember material, particle and decoration animation states in saved games

#4 Updated by vermil over 10 years ago

Well, part of the reason I wrote the original subject title was because I considered that I may have more to add to it later (i.e if I thought of anything else that might be important for a save game to store).

Audio is another thing to consider (music and sounds); currently the music position isn't saved in a save game (currently if the loaded game uses the same music track currently playing, Dday simply continues playing it and if the loaded game uses a different music track to the one playing, Dday start's playing the different track from the beginning).

I suppose music in particular might become more of an issue if Dday eventually supports loop points with music.

Save games also do not store whether a playmusic console command that changes the music mid map, has been called (i.e via XG), always going back to the map info defined track.

Anyways, I'm going into specific examples of use now, which is outside the scope of this report.

#5 Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago

  • Category set to Enhancement
  • Target version set to Rendering II

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