Bug #1819
Mobj Particles won't start.
Mobj particles won't start if its respective "things" are not created at start of the map.
Testing map: Hexen Heresiarch's Seminary. Mobj "ZTWINEDTORCH_UNLIT" eventually change to lit version "ZTWINEDTORCH", but no particles are created.
Doomsday engine 1.14.4
Updated by vermil almost 11 years ago
This seems to be ACS specific.
I tried Dday's spawnmobj command to spawn a bunch of torches and the generators appeared without issue. The generators even spawned when I spawned the torches in the void (the mobj itself wasn't rendered in those cases).
I also did get some of the ACS spawned torches on the Heresiarch's Seminary to spawn their generators correctly on one occasion; the first four spawned correctly.
Updated by theleo_ua almost 10 years ago
vermil, could you please add respective tags "Hexen, ACS, Particles" to issue?
Thank you in advance
Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago
- Tags set to acs, Hexen, particles
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Target version set to Rendering