Feature #1568
[Automap] Option for hiding non-blocking lines
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% Done:
I'd like to suggest a control bind for the automap, that hides all lines linked to things that don't block the players path.
I.e the button would remove all but 1 sided walls, changes in floor height greater than 24 and ceilings that are too low for the player to fit under.
#1 Updated by danij over 12 years ago
It should be relatively simple to implement a set of cvars which toggle whether a given class of line is visible (device events can then be bound to manipulate said cvars).
#2 Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to Automap, Menu
- Subject changed from An automap control bind that hides non-blocking lines to [Automap] Option for hiding non-blocking lines
- Category set to Enhancement
#3 Updated by skyjake about 5 years ago
- Target version set to Vanilla / Gameplay