Bug #1021
Number and time formatting depends from locale
Menu is not displayed properly since the Qt merge. Please see the attached screenshots.
Labels: System
Related issues
Updated by vvv1 almost 13 years ago
Updated by skyjake almost 13 years ago
Cannot reproduce on Mac, Windows or Ubuntu.
Possibly related to report https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3516954&group_id=74815&atid=542099
Possibly caused by GL state mismanagement.
Updated by vvv1 almost 13 years ago
How to reproduce:
1. Set locale: export LANG=ru_RU.KOI8-R
2. rm -rf ~/.doomsday
3. Install doomsday build452.
4. Start it: doomsday -g doom2
5. Exit and uninstall build452.
6. Install doomsday build455 or newer.
7. Start it: doomsday -g doom2
Before starting build455 or newer configuration values look like this:
con-background-alpha 0.75
After starting build455 or newer they converted to:
con-background-alpha 0,
After removing ~/.doomsday and starting build455 or newer again they look like:
con-background-alpha 0,75
So, numeric values format in qt-based builds depends from locale. But it shouldn't.
Updated by skyjake almost 13 years ago
You're right, Doomsday should override the locale for number and time formatting. Could you see if this is still occurring? (after commit 7f9db5ec)
Updated by vvv1 almost 13 years ago
Nothing changed. The issue still occurs.
Updated by vvv1 almost 13 years ago
Updated by skyjake almost 13 years ago
OK, I'll investigate a bit more...
Updated by skyjake almost 13 years ago
Fixed. I assumed the problem was on Qt side, but the actual issue was that no one was forcing the en_US locale on libc any more. I assume SDL used to do it previously.
Updated by skyjake almost 13 years ago
Note that you have to delete the old (corrupted) game.cfg to restore the default/good console variable values.
Updated by vvv1 almost 13 years ago
Now it's fixed. Thanks!
Updated by skyjake about 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #2216: qt locale setting added