From 2015-07-14 to 2015-07-27
21:42 Revision bffa87f6 (github): Builder: Basic CSS styling for build reports
20:11 Revision f3c88499 (github): Fixed|Unix: Missing headers
19:49 Bug #2100 (Closed): [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- Thanks for the reminder. FMOD should now be installed in the next build, fixing the problem.
19:42 Bug #2100 (Resolved): [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
03:16 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- Any progress on this issue.
19:47 Revision 56ea4788 (github): Cleanup|CMake: Whitespace
19:47 Revision 5114451a (github): Fixed|CMake|Installer: Missing/excessive installed components
- FMOD was not included in the packaged components.
The Assimp static libraries are not supposed to be installed as pa... -
19:47 Revision 24111816 (github): Fixed|Windows|CMake: Warning about missing VCINSTALLDIR
- Compiler runtime libraries installed manually.
18:23 Revision ac76671d (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_system.h
17:34 Revision 118e16ba (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_filesys.h
17:17 Revision 778a6bb5 (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_audio.h
16:53 Revision 587c3c5c (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_ui.h
14:00 Revision fb0bea6b (github): Client: Players notified about weapon changes; ClientPlayer ticking
- ClientPlayer now gets notified about which weapon identifier to use.
Each (fractional) tick, players will also get a ... -
11:24 Revision 4f3cbfc1 (github): libdoomsday|Player: Added a tick() method
- Allows for players to perform ticks internally.
11:22 Revision e810c803 (github): All Games|libdoomsday: Notify about player weapon changes
- Added Values that specify a text identifier for each player weapon.
Expanded `G_Ticker` to perform "post-tick" for e... -
10:52 Revision 9ebb9adb (github): Builder: Ignore warning from windeployqt
- Doomsday will deploy the required VC libraries manually.
14:41 Revision 257af9be (github): Fixed|64-bit: Ambiguous template arguments for de::min
14:41 Revision ccb82295 (github): Client: Added PlayerWeaponAnimator for animating new HUD models
- Owned by ClientPlayer.
14:39 Revision a317ae29 (github): Fixed|64-bit: Ambiguous template arguments for de::min
14:37 Revision 89e7eb4f (github): Fixed|Network: Incorrect parsing of data sent from server
- Now taking use of the safe behavior of qstrncpy, which ensures null
This was triggering an assertion an... -
12:55 Revision 306739f7 (github): Builder|Pilot: Retry queries if the socket connection fails
12:55 Revision 1307a254 (github): Builder|Pilot: Retry queries if the socket connection fails
12:11 Revision 4c3d04a3 (github): Fixed|Windows: Missing exports, working around MSVC's C++11 issues
- It appears that a doubly-nested lambda function caused MSVC to lose track
of whether "this" is const or not (!). -
12:09 Revision 5e736f6d (github): Fixed|Network: Incorrect parsing of data sent from server
- Now taking use of the safe behavior of qstrncpy, which ensures null
This was triggering an assertion an... -
10:46 Revision 4b202d8d (github): Merge branch 'master' into gl2-models
10:45 Revision d9c39cc0 (github): Merge branch 'app+player-cleanup'
10:41 Revision 2502079b (github): Refactor|Server|Client: Removed the client_t struct
- Most of the remaining members went to ServerPlayer. Also applied some
minor cleanup regarding the use of these variab... -
08:56 Revision 4887dbbf (github): Refactor|Client|Server: Continued splitting up client_t
- Also removed "connected" as redundant. "bandwidthRating" was removed
as unused. "nodeID" was renamed to remoteUserId ...
20:49 Revision ff33077a (github): Refactor|Client: Moved some client_t members to Player
- Name, pinger, viewConsole, and Smoother are all common members of
all players. -
17:47 Revision f8f74497 (github): Refactor|Server: Moved delta pools to ServerPlayer
17:33 Revision b30cc101 (github): Refactor|Client: Moved clPlayerState[] and fxConsole[] to ClientPlayer
15:17 Revision a1c57f0f (github): Refactor|Client: ClientPlayer owns viewport data
- No longer necessary to have a global array for viewdata_t.
14:49 Revision 0aea58ad (github): Refactor|Client|libdoomsday: Use player instances owned by DoomsdayApp
- Removed the global ddPlayers array. DoomsdayApp now owns either
ClientPlayer or ServerPlayer instances, which get use... -
13:13 Revision 4a50c632 (github): Refactor|libdoomsday: Moved DD paths to DoomsdayApp
- The old paths.cpp is now just a C wrapper.
11:50 Revision 401aa76b (github): CMake|MSVC: Build products are runnable within build directory (on Windows)
- The output paths for binaries were changed so that the files form a
products tree inside the build directory. Also, w... -
09:21 Revision 589e9cab (github): Fixed|Scripting: Interpreting truth value of text strings
- "false" was thought to be True when checking for truth.
09:20 Revision bd0ee487 (github): Fixed|Scripting: Interpreting truth value of text strings
- "false" was thought to be True when checking for truth.
09:02 Revision 19093cbd (github): Fixed|Builder|RSS: Problem when parsing the changes XML
- cron is using an older version of Python.
17:44 Revision 77760082 (github): Builder|RSS: Improved description of build contents
10:00 Revision fac034b1 (github): Builder|RSS: Swapped and links
- In the RSS feed and website, the links are now
shown as "(" next to the link. -
09:05 Revision abe50040 (github): libdoomsday|Refactor: Moved ddplayer_s; basic Players array
- Relocated some player related API enums/definitions to libdoomsday.
On the client, DoomsdayApp populates the Players... -
08:44 Revision ff67df5a (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
08:43 Revision 8c6cc381 (github): CMake|Server|GCC: Ignore warnings due to old/C-like code
- Take it easy, GCC.
08:35 Revision 58e14266 (github): Builder: Ignore more warnings from external sources
08:30 Revision b5865ee8 (github): Builder: Fixed doubled Clang warning count, ignore external warnings
17:41 Revision eb6ed28b (github): Refactor|libdoomsday: Moved Game and Games out of the "de" namespace
- The "de" namespace is reserved for SDK libraries. libdoomsday uses
either no namespace or a domain-specific one like ... -
14:59 Revision f1d8b9b0 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Failure to load Hexen due to sprite error ("Unknown view 0")
14:59 Revision 233877ab (github): Fixed|Hexen: Failure to load Hexen due to sprite error ("Unknown view 0")
11:37 Revision b12c3007 (github): Builder|RSS: Added fallback download links to the build reports
- The XML feed already had these.
11:25 Revision 083acf1a (github): Refactor: Moved Games and Game to libdoomsday
- The Games instance is now owned by DoomsdayApp.
11:11 Revision c1450788 (github): Refactor|Resources: Moved -savedir and native save path to res::System
09:18 Revision f6375a4a (github): Refactor: Action functions and XG classes moved from def_main to libdoomsday
- To facilitate moving `Games` to libdoomsday, the dependent
game-interfacing functionality of querying action function...
21:32 Revision 694cda7c (github): Refactor|Client: Removed dependency between Games and UI
- The Games class will now use an audience to notify about the progress
of the resource locating work. -
21:31 Revision 853dff47 (github): libdoomsday|Busy Mode: Busy tasks support C++ lambda functions
21:13 Revision 09a5e462 (github): liblegacy: Optionally using a std::function as thread callback
21:12 Revision f7db9642 (github): Client: Added test 3D model that illustrates the XYZ axes
- Model provided by veirdo.
21:11 Revision f949e16f (github): Cleanup
19:48 Revision 6df6c007 (github): Fixed|Model Renderer: Models drawn facing 90 degrees the wrong way
- The configured front axis of the model should be facing the object's
angle direction. -
17:22 Revision a3ab5dbf (github): Fixed|Model Renderer: Models drawn facing 90 degrees the wrong way
- The configured front axis of the model should be facing the object's
angle direction. -
10:25 Revision 0f832378 (github): Fixed|Cleanup: Missing headers etc. after merge
10:13 Revision ae93860c (github): Merge branch 'master' into app+player-cleanup
- # Conflicts:
# doomsday/apps/client/src/busymode.cpp
# doomsday/apps/client/src/dd_pinit.cpp
# doomsday/apps/client/s... -
10:03 Revision 0f2e37eb (github): Merge branch 'master' into app+player-cleanup
07:06 Revision efc7163e (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_console.h
06:35 Revision 1e17a1d7 (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_edit.h
06:31 Revision 12c72053 (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_play.h
06:06 Revision 25a297cc (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_infine.h
05:59 Revision 01644311 (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_graphics.h
04:51 Revision e30a96ab (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_misc.h
04:29 Revision b2ee6949 (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_render.h
20:46 Revision 662df7db (github): Model Renderer|GL2: Moved rendering to ModelRenderer; model mirroring
- Assimp uses a different handedness in the coordinate system, which
means the model needs mirroring when it is drawn.
... -
20:25 Revision d6193b9c (github): libcore|Matrix: Mirroring a frame matrix
20:22 Revision fcfc4ddc (github): Scripting|libcore: Determining values to be semantically true
- Added ScriptedInfo::isTrue().
23:15 Revision 5ecbe4af (github): Unix: Fixed build (de_network.h removed)
23:09 Revision c48cf8e9 (github): Model Renderer|Definitions: Added "autoscale" to model metadata
- By default, models are autoscaled to their Thing height.
23:09 Revision a110e1dc (github): Scripting|libcore: Determining values to be semantically false
- Added ScriptedInfo::isFalse().
23:05 Revision 324be845 (github): Model Renderer|Definitions: Added "autoscale" to model metadata
- By default, models are autoscaled to their Thing height.
23:03 Revision 4bc13964 (github): Scripting|libcore: Determining values to be semantically false
- Added ScriptedInfo::isFalse().
19:51 Revision b104f143 (github): Network|OS X|Unix: Fixed build (ambiguous use of de::min<>())
18:12 Revision 04656836 (github): Windows|Refactor: Fixed build after Plugins, DoomsdayApp changes
10:30 Revision b6f13567 (github): Refactor: Plugin loader, game exports, and Library moved to libdoomsday
- Client/server specific functionality is now done via audiences, e.g.,
publishing APIs to the plugins.
Game exports a...
17:35 Revision 412baeb0 (github): Refactor|Resources: Added res::System base class in libdoomsday
- The "res" namespace in libdoomsday is intended for resource related
classes (cf. "defn" for definitions).
ResourceSy... -
16:37 Revision c94fe240 (github): Cleanup
15:14 Revision c910e108 (github): Fixed|Busy Mode: Initializing the progress indicator
- Cleanup after refactoring. There was a client-specific piece of code
in the libdoomsday BusyMode class.
22:32 Revision 626b87c4 (github): Fixed|Common: Fatal error about not finding patch replacement #-1
22:32 Revision 0912ac11 (github): Fixed|Common: Fatal error about not finding patch replacement #-1
21:50 Revision f5179ba1 (github): Cleanup
21:42 Revision 7805024a (github): Fixed|Doom64: Comparison typo (==)
21:42 Revision 3445b99b (github): Fixed|Doom64: Comparison typo (==)
21:41 Revision b2f5d1bb (github): Refactor: BusyMode class in libdoomsday, BusyRunner for the client
- BusyMode handles the basic mechanics of busy mode. It optionally hands
the tasks over to a ITaskRunner object, which ... -
11:18 Revision 0351e4db (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_network.h (2)
09:29 Revision f9a40edf (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_network.h
05:44 Revision 7d830d0b (github): Cleanup: Removed include/de_resource.h, src/render/rend_console.cpp
03:54 Bug #2103 (Closed): [Windows] Doomsday reacts to Qt key 16777250 (Windows key)
- Presently Doomsday logs a warning whenever the Windows key (Qt key 16777250) is pressed. Doomsday should ignore this ...
03:06 Bug #2102 (Closed): [Windows] Updater does not launch installer (2.0)
- Attempting to install an update downloaded using the built-in updater on Windows does not actually launch the install...
19:48 Revision 68f91a3d (github): Merge branch 'master' into player-cleanup
00:17 Revision ed41fddb (github): API: Changed Def_Get() behavior for type:DD_DEF_ACTION
- Rather than return an arbitrary index if the named action is found,
return non-zero and if specified, write the addre...
22:01 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- I ran the commands as suggested with the same crash results.
21:39 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- Harley51 wrote:
> Is there someplace else the commands are suppose to be entered.
If you are not comfortable with c... -
21:25 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- danij wrote:
> Harley51 wrote:
> > I just updated to 2.0 build 1656 and now at the main menu screen for Doom you hi... -
21:16 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- danij wrote:
> If you are using Snowberry
I don't think Snowberry is being used (it is a 2.0 unstable build).
21:05 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- Harley51 wrote:
> I just updated to build 1656 and now at the main menu screen for Doom you hit Esc and it crashes r... -
19:07 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- I just updated to build 1656 and now at the main menu screen for Doom you hit Esc and it crashes right away. Entered ...
18:29 Bug #2100 (In Progress): [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
18:27 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- danij wrote:
> Also, why hasn't the FMOD Ex sound playback driver been switched out and the 'dummy' one used instead... -
18:12 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- *@Harley51:* What happens if you try to use "-dsound" or "-openal" command line options when launching?
18:09 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- Also, why hasn't the FMOD Ex sound playback driver been switched out and the 'dummy' one used instead, when the forme...
18:04 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- This looks like an audio issue, the crash seems to have occurred during the starting of a sound effect....
06:54 Bug #2100: [Windows] FMOD audio plugin missing from 2.0 installation
- Open GL Version is 4.0
21:20 Feature #2101 (Closed): Select audio plugin using Audio Settings dialog
- Now that Snowberry is being removed, the audio plugin selection should be provided at runtime. Ideally Doomsday shoul...
06:21 Revision af0690cb (github): API|Definitions|Cleanup: Removed more obsolete DD_DEF* constants
- The DED definition database is now visible globally, so we no longer
need the Def_Get/Set() API for querying this info. -
02:24 Revision e1ae129a (github): Refactor|Heretic: Moved AmmoDef and weaponinfo_t data to h_items.cpp (new)
00:29 Revision 325bad97 (github): Refactor|Doom|Doom64: Switched d_items to C++
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