



From 2013-06-15 to 2013-06-28


18:08 Revision ac753ce8 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
18:08 Revision c0112db1 (github): Debug: Added "deng_fakememoryzone" build option
Also fixed compilation of libdeng1 with this option. skyjake
11:12 Revision ce0297c1 (github): Fixed|libcommon: Do not log spawn spot info for players in release builds
The savvy deathmatcher can relatively easily determine where his
opponents are at the start of the match given spots ...


19:56 Revision 80e3129b (github): Fixed|Deh Reader: Always update sprite name and action LUTs before parsing patches
Hacx now works as expected when loaded from the Ring Zero GUI. danij
16:42 Revision d7488b7b (github): Fixed previous commit
IS_NETGAME must be tested also because singleplayer is currently a
special case.
15:45 Revision dbddf6b7 (github): Fixed|Heretic: Ambient sound stuttering in multiplayer
Both client and server attempted to play the ambient sounds which
resulted in stuttering on client-side when the star...
10:42 Revision 838efd13 (github): Debug: Throw an exception if the map edit API is used before MPE_Begin()
Plus some minor cleanup. danij
09:19 Revision ea6668fc (github): Debug|ClientWindow: Moved mode change messages to DEBUG level
Regular users won't care when the mode change actually occurs. danij
07:28 Revision bd0d0469 (github): World: Map conversion reporter now available during format conversion
Also deferred the conversion report log output until after the map
is made current, so that the map author is more li...


23:56 Bug #1124 (Closed): Skybox bug
Some glitches with skybox. I tried to change all possible vido settings, but nothing helps. Just look at screenshot.
19:38 Revision 3d2b219a (github): Fixed|Heretic: Play ARTIUP when picking up artifacts
Previously both ITEMUP and ARTIUP were played. skyjake
18:20 Revision a7c9e770 (github): Fixed|Heretic|Hexen: Default look up/down key bindings were inversed
Now matches the vanilla behavior. skyjake
18:14 Revision 6ba9f523 (github): Client|UI: "quit" command dismisses task bar
The game is expected to handle the quit request, so the task bar must
get out of the way.
14:49 Revision 6a2a6100 (github): Homepage: Updated the embedded "to-do for stable" content
09:30 Revision afb3cc42 (github): BiasSurface: Cleanup
06:36 Revision 0f38007d (github): BiasSurface: Cleanup
06:01 Revision f8602191 (github): Refactor|BiasSurface: Continued reworking and cleaning up BiasSurface
05:33 Revision 061dca3b (github): libdeng2|Added: Overload of de::fequal() with precision argument
01:40 Revision a4fecef8 (github): Refactor: Renamed rend_bias.cpp/h as biastracker.cpp/h respectively
01:24 Revision 336f29e1 (github): Refactor|Shadow Bias: VertexIllum now internal to BiasSurface
Only BiasSurface needs knowledge of/access to this data. danij
01:02 Revision ddb3d453 (github): Cleanup: Define MAX_BIAS_SOURCES in de::Map


18:46 Revision 2984b0fc (github): Fixed|libdeng2|Client: Closed task bar's children should not handle events
When closed, the task bar now no longer dispatches events to its
children, fixing an issue where PageUp/Down keys wou...
13:11 Revision 3b49a408 (github): Merge branch 'master' into shadow-bias-c++
13:08 Revision 14acc2be (github): Cleanup
13:08 Revision b8bb2848 (github): Refactor|Shadow Bias: Relocated and map-space shadow bias editor visuals
The in-map visualizers for various components of the shadow bias
editor (including the cursor and source labels) were...
13:01 Revision b0a311de (github): Shadow Bias: Integrated BiasSurface, optimized linking mechanism
The previous implementation maintained a global linked list of all
the bias surfaces in the map. This meant that the ...
12:50 Revision 89a56129 (github): World: Integrated Hand and added FrameBegin, FrameEnd audiences
Plus some minor rename refactorings. danij
12:39 Revision c80d7955 (github): Refactor: Revised VertexIllum and BiasTracker
Also removed obsolete Shadow Bias components.
Todo for later: Replace BiasTacker with de::BitField.
12:36 Revision 203d4f19 (github): Refactor: Extracted BiasSurface from rend_bias.cpp
C++ implementation of a Shadow Bias surface. danij
12:34 Revision 210519ca (github): Refactor: Extracted BiasSource from rend_bias.cpp
C++ implementation of a Shadow Bias (light) source. danij
12:30 Revision 2101d747 (github): Refactor: Extracted HueCircle, HueCircleVisual from edit_bias.cpp
C++ implementation of the hue circle manipulator. danij
12:26 Revision 487a5df9 (github): Added: Grabbable, Hand
Generalized grabbing mechanism for use with runtime world editing. danij
11:52 Revision 2aa04d12 (github): Client|Task Bar: Added build number, "Check for updates" in DE menu
The build number is shown only in unstable/candidate builds. skyjake
10:53 Revision 2d06eb44 (github): Fixed|Task Bar: Close the DE menu if the task bar is closed
The task bar is never hidden so its children keep getting events even
though it's closed.
10:51 Revision c596783d (github): Client|UI: Dismiss popup widget with Esc key
Todo for later: More keyboard based widget event handling, focus
navigation, etc.


14:45 Revision 1ba4f5f1 (github): Debug|FS1: Moved cache hit/miss messages to TRACE level
Even at DEBUG level these are mostly noise to the user.
Note that in the future caching is mostly handled by de::Bank.
10:59 Revision fd9a84b8 (github): Debug: Cleanup


10:24 Revision 58409359 (github): Client|UI: Default binding for toggling taskbar+console
This commit replicates the old behavior of the special console
activation key using bindings: a Tilde without a Shift...
10:21 Revision 3b6dc169 (github): Client|Bindings: Checking for bindings regardless of context activation
09:26 Revision 65c76bee (github): Client|UI: Disallow task bar activation when old Control Panel is open
The Control Panel is on its way out, but before it's gone it shouldn't
conflict with the task bar.
09:21 Revision e8e94aec (github): Fixed|Client|GuiRootWidget: Clear the window before first frame


18:41 Revision 17c869d0 (github): Client|Task Bar: Items of the DE menu change depending on engine state
The Control Panel and unload items are only shown if a game is loaded. skyjake
18:40 Revision e12bcbcb (github): Client|Popup: Fixed a problem with preparing popups for opening
With a popup menu one must ensure that both the popup's and the
contained menu's layout is updated immediately after ...
18:39 Revision bd527f7d (github): Client|MenuWidget: Menu items can be hidden and shown
Allows menus to be more dynamic in terms of what is displayed. skyjake
18:38 Revision 8fdcc74f (github): Debug|libdeng2|Widget: Forming the "path" name of a widget
If widgets are unnamed, use the address as a temporary name. skyjake
16:01 Revision ab470d51 (github): Client|PopupMenuWidget: Use accent color for highlighting pressed item
15:09 Revision b6ac9259 (github): Fixed|Client: Build failure (static class member initialization)
10:07 Revision abbc80a9 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
10:07 Revision 733fcf42 (github): Client|Task Bar: Opening a popup menu from the DE button
Plus some minor fixes/enhancements. skyjake
10:05 Revision af94f305 (github): Client|UI: Added popup widget and popup menu widget
10:04 Revision b95a96fd (github): Client|MenuWidget: Menu layout that expands in both directions
Fixed or unlimited number of columns/rows. skyjake
10:03 Revision 8fe9d06b (github): Client|ScrollAreaWidget: Scroll area clips children
10:03 Revision 2d2d1434 (github): Client|ButtonWidget: Observing the state of a button
10:01 Revision 8d7faea5 (github): Fixed|CommandAction: Missing call of base class trigger
10:01 Revision b73389de (github): Client|UI: Added Direction to the ui namespace
09:56 Revision bb908342 (github): Client|GuiWidget: Added virtual methods about child addition/removal
09:55 Revision a4627c0c (github): Default Style: Added inverted text and background colors
09:55 Revision c4a712b3 (github): Debug|libdeng2|RuleRectangle: Debug name for RuleRectangle
09:54 Revision ab79fb6b (github): libdeng2|Widget: Child hit clipping, notifications about parent changes
09:53 Revision 987490b2 (github): libdeng2|ScalarRule: Animation styles
09:53 Revision 1cf1ad1e (github): Fixed|libdeng2|OperatorRule: Broken Double operator, added clamped
The Half and Double operators are now used when dividing/multiplying
by 2.
09:52 Revision 175cbaa7 (github): libdeng2|Rectangle: Added a new contains() and intersection methods
09:51 Revision bd30fc7a (github): libdeng2|Range: Added clamp() method
09:51 Revision 2089b1a7 (github): libgui|GLState: Apply scissors cumulatively
Each scissor cuts away from the previously defined scissor. skyjake
02:32 Revision 046d570f (github): Refactor|Plane: Renamed Plane::inSectorIndex() as indexInSector() (convention)
02:14 Revision 5d15fe9a (github): Client|Bias Lighting: Cleanup
Also added a TODO comment about the under performing algorithm used
for unlinking BiasSurface data in SB_DestroySurfa...
02:06 Revision 1ac42214 (github): Debug|MemoryZone: Log a debug message when free'ing memory blocks in Z_FreeTags()


23:07 Revision f5e657a9 (github): Improved log message consistency (use the phrase "Completed in")
22:29 Revision 54240032 (github): Cleanup
21:42 Revision f1e395bb (github): World: Use "indexInArchive" when compiling a map conversion report
As the report is intended for the map author any element references
should use the in-archive indices rather in-map (...
07:38 Revision 4074ecb5 (github): World: Disconnect the MapConversionReporter once map editing ends
Once editing has ended when converting a map in some other format
we are no longer interested in being notified of an...
07:22 Revision c4f34614 (github): World: Cleanup
06:26 Revision 6dee05d5 (github): World: Switch the loaded map to playable state on map change
Deferring the playable state switch until after loading improves SoC
between loadMap() and changeMap() procedures. If...
04:59 Revision 8a0e89cd (github): World: Defer end of map editing during conversion; cleanup
Wait until control has returned to the engine before signaling that
map editing has completed. Previously this was do...
03:52 Revision 385304cc (github): wip 1
00:20 Revision e54009d4 (github): Debug|libcommon: Removed old respawn-class debug messages (no longer of interest)


23:57 Revision f85219ae (github): Reconnected MapConversionReporter to the map conversion process
22:13 Revision e85bda1c (github): Map: Cleaned up interface to the binary space partitioner
As the BSP data elements are now produced using data and mechanisms
provided by the map it is no longer logical to "b...
05:28 Revision 6fc8bb5f (github): bsp::Partitioner: Cleanup
04:41 Revision 5b184564 (github): Optimize|BSP Builder: Allocate vertexes for BSP line segments from the map's Mesh
The space partitioner now allocates vertexes from the Mesh owned by
the map directly. This means the map does not hav...
01:45 Bug #1123 (Closed): Crash in Hexen 4 level Demo (Build869)
I'm running Doomsday Engine 1.10.3 (Build869), Hexen 4 level demo, and OS X 10.8.4. I get a crash if I wander ar... aaronbdwyer
01:12 Revision 0663a55b (github): BSP Builder: Allocate geometry components from the Map's primary Mesh
All components of the primary mesh geometry for the map are now all
allocated from one Mesh instance owned by the map...


18:20 Revision 02a90a07 (github): Cleanup|libdeng2: Arguments of Widget::notifyTree()
13:18 Revision f9be7589 (github): Fixed|Server: Construction and destruction of the server subsystem
Defer constructing of the ServerSystem until the entire ServerApp
instance has been initialized (e.g., World is avail...
10:30 Revision fe857cfd (github): Changed release type to "Candidate" for 1.11
10:28 Revision b7f68396 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
10:28 Revision f9bd678c (github): Cleanup
08:50 Revision 73c8fe41 (github): Refactor: Moved the current game and game change audience to App level
Moving these from the Games collection up to app level is important
as this change as this significantly alters game ...
07:13 Revision d1039dee (github): Refactor: Renamed various world domain source files
p_mapdata.h -> entitydef.h
p_data.cpp -> entitydef.cpp
r_world.h -> maputil.h
r_world.cpp -> maputil.cpp
Also dumped...
05:19 Revision 5166a73a (github): Cleanup
04:05 Revision 3384e2d5 (github): Refactor: Moved logic for updating map state following engine reset to Map
00:27 Revision 00b2daf2 (github): Add todo comment re ring zero behavior of client vs server


22:08 Revision 81853a88 (github): Refactor|World: Encapsulate world reset in World::reset()
Should be called by the owning app instance to reset the world back
to the initial state when changing game. This cou...
22:04 Revision 3aa72d82 (github): Server: App_World() should return the World instance owned by ServerApp
22:02 Revision fcef025f (github): Windows|ServerApp: Fix build error (header inclusion order)
21:23 Revision 49ea0f03 (github): Refactor|Server: Added ServerApp
The old procedural app initialization is now handled by the ServerApp
class, modeled the same way as ClientApp. Natur...
16:04 Revision 8c7034b2 (github): Client|Console: Dragging log's top edge with the mouse
Todo for later: Could use some further usability tuning. E.g., if the
user resizes the log with the mouse, does it me...
10:39 Revision 64a50e30 (github): Client|UI: Adjusted mouse trapping behavior during fullscreen switches
The mouse should not be trapped if the task bar is open. Also,
LegacyWidget shouldn't trap the mouse when a game isn'...


14:13 Revision 43dc91d9 (github): Ring Zero: Improved game selection menu
Instead of opening the console, ringzero now shows a graphical menu
for selecting the game.
14:11 Revision a75d53ee (github): Client|Console: Log background blur can be disabled, eat mouse clicks
14:10 Revision 5b5670e7 (github): Client|ButtonWidget: Visual tweak to button frame
14:10 Revision 41dcbaa2 (github): Client|UI|GuiWidget: Use normalized scissor for content clipping
14:09 Revision 8b360575 (github): libgui|GLState: Normalized scissor
The normalized scissor is relative to the viewport, so it can be used
with downscaled viewports.
14:07 Revision 3f1aae20 (github): Default Style: Added logos for game plugins
Temporarily borrowed the old ones from Snowberry. skyjake
11:01 Revision e78923e2 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
11:01 Revision f9aaccf8 (github): Fixed|GuiWidget: Blurring and alpha
The blur must be flattened before rendering it back to the frame
11:00 Revision 196042a2 (github): Client|UI: Added MenuWidget and a game selection menu
The game selection menu is a work in progress... skyjake
10:52 Revision 83ff1fdc (github): Fixed|Client|Map: The LightGrid must be destroyed before the map data elements
10:32 Revision 865eba60 (github): Sector|Polyobj: There is no need to update bias surfaces during map setup
Bias lighting is now initialized after any geometry which might move
during map change procedure have done so.
10:00 Revision 36af8134 (github): World: Reordered events in the mapChange() procedure
The aim being to group and order the initialization of subsystems and
their data according to their concerns and also...
09:52 Revision a5d171a8 (github): Client|ScrollAreaWidget: Setting content size using rules
09:52 Revision 34b92d95 (github): Client|UI: Added colors for LabelWidget and a missing function
09:51 Revision 75505b23 (github): Refactor|Client|UI: Added "ui" namespace for UI related enums and defs
The widget classes are not supposed to be in this namespace, though. skyjake
09:48 Revision 90c3ac76 (github): Games: Added notification about added new games
09:47 Revision 95650d8d (github): Debug|libdeng2|OperatorRule: Improved description
09:46 Revision ea116611 (github): Fixed: Warning about uninitialized variables
09:46 Revision 093e8279 (github): Fixed|Models: Possible out-of-bounds uses of the submodels array
In various places of the code there is an assumption that submodel #0
always exists. This may not be the case.
09:06 Revision 1bc57235 (github): Debug: Do not continuously log the current GL filter color value
Do so only when this value changes. danij
08:37 Revision a9f0062a (github): World: Minor API improvements; more apidocs; cleanup
07:29 Revision 4bfd6a49 (github): API: Revised API for map changes
Game plugins now perform a map change by calling the API function
P_MapChange(). Once the map change has been complet...
05:24 Revision b364bf6c (github): Refactor: Moved logic for updating world state following engine reset to World
Also improved Map apidocs. danij
04:32 Revision 03817b9a (github): Map: Various API improvements
Throw an error when attempting to access missing data (blockmaps,
BSP and thinker lists).
Deferred construction of t...

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