From 2012-12-24 to 2013-01-06
20:59 Revision d1854c42 (github): Merge branch 'master' into vanilla-blockmap
- Conflicts:
doomsday/plugins/common/src/p_mapsetup.c -
20:56 Revision 5a3a5107 (github): Cleanup
20:16 Revision 0dfe925f (github): libdeng1|Cleanup: Moved text utilities to a separate source file
- str.c is intended for the Str class.
19:31 Revision fdf0f8ce (github): qmake: Moved tools to doomsday/tools
- The tools are now a proper part of the main doomsday project.
19:02 Revision 7a02f042 (github): Homepage: Updated source code download page for 1.9.10-1
18:42 Revision 5c4df9ed (github): Homepage: Ubuntu binary packages are now for Ubuntu 12.04
- The Linux autobuilders were updated to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
17:15 Revision 4dc3fb60 (github): Fixed|Pilot: Switching to branches not yet present locally
- Pull from repository before switching branches.
16:35 Revision cc07776e (github): Fixed: Version macros when using a release name
16:33 Revision 5f86ba35 (github): Fixed: Version macros when using a release name
16:27 Revision ed61c7be (github): Updated version info for the 1.9.10-1 patch release
16:14 Revision 18dafbe1 (github): libdeng2: Updated code style for consistency
- Namespaces are not indented.
15:16 Revision f2a37931 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
15:15 Revision 1790acff (github): Windows: Attempting to resolve excessive header includes from .rc files
14:54 Revision 241a9cbe (github): Cleanup
13:56 Revision 2a809848 (github): libdeng2: Handle error when log output file cannot be opened
- The C wrapper also needs to handle the exception.
13:54 Revision 079fe2ab (github): libdeng2: Handle error when log output file cannot be opened
- The C wrapper also needs to handle the exception.
13:14 Revision 6b048292 (github): libdeng2: Catch exception if failed to open log output file
- Attempting to fix a failure to start the engine when another process
is already running.
The log buffer can operate ... -
12:56 Revision 59b805cc (github): libdeng2: Catch exception if failed to open log output file
- Attempting to fix a failure to start the engine when another process
is already running.
The log buffer can operate ... -
12:19 Revision 3930b555 (github): Revert "Fixed: Memory access violation in binding context management"
- This reverts commit 8a42da7950a58833e5b726e7fc425e89fd3ae360.
12:15 Revision d19ad79e (github): libdeng1: Clarified functionality of M_Realloc()
- Reallocating to zero size will now free the allocated memory and
return NULL.
This is how realloc() behaves on some ... -
12:02 Revision 32171b61 (github): Fixed|Windows: Build failure
- Shuffled header includes in p_dmu.cpp to get around fragile Windows
system headers. -
11:45 Revision 6454d637 (github): Fixed: Build failures
- Usage of extern "C", missing //, and missing import of the Map API in
wadmapconverter. -
11:30 Revision 3eb06a2f (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
11:30 Revision 0a735723 (github): Doxygen: Updated path to libdeng1 sources
11:12 Revision a60b053d (github): Refactor|MaterialArchive: Simplified MaterialArchive with a StringPool
- The StringPool data structure does everything this class presently
needs, lets not complicate it unnecessarily.
Also... -
09:30 Revision 8a42da79 (github): Fixed: Memory access violation in binding context management
- Upon shutdown, an access violation due to mismanagement of memory in
the control binding bookkeeping resulted in an i... -
03:28 Revision 7cab8e61 (github): Refactor|MaterialArchive: Continued refactoring MaterialArchive
03:23 Revision 7677ba2a (github): Refactor|MaterialArchive: Store MaterialArchive's records in a QList
03:19 Revision 149b1bd2 (github): Post merge fixes
03:06 Revision 45d757c8 (github): Refactor|MaterialArchive: Const-correctness refactorings to MaterialArchive
02:57 Revision 1b876b15 (github): Refactor: MaterialArchive is now a C++ class with a C wrapper API
- Todo: Use the de::Uri's C++ interface directly.
02:35 Revision 1395bdc6 (github): Refactor: Switched materialarchive.c to C++
02:24 Revision d9694cf7 (github): Cleanup
02:24 Revision 0511cb37 (github): Fixed|GCC: Further qualified type of Materials::Instance::groups
- GCC does not automatically make the symbols of the outer class/type
visible to types internal to said outer class/type. -
02:24 Revision 56bf76d8 (github): Refactor|Materials: Create material system subspace schemes outside this class
- New subspaces can now be created dynamically, so there is no need
to do so from within de::Materials.
Also removed '... -
02:23 Revision 20d1f3b8 (github): Cleanup
02:21 Revision 0a16403e (github): Cleanup|MaterialVariant: Added implicit MaterialVariant => material_t indirection
02:20 Revision 705db31e (github): Refactor: Moved MaterialVariantSpec into namespace de
- Plus various other minor cleanup refactorings.
02:17 Revision d091cfcf (github): Cleanup
02:15 Revision 3df50e67 (github): Refactor|Materials: Revised material system animation group interface
02:15 Revision 16223f90 (github): Fix typos
02:14 Revision 203629c2 (github): Refactor|Materials: Continued cleanup refactorings
02:14 Revision cc47f46e (github): Refactor|MaterialBind: Minor MaterialBind cleanup refactorings
02:14 Revision 14c57972 (github): Relocated MaterialAnim to material.cpp/h
02:13 Revision 3962c69e (github): Refactor: Allocate storage for MaterialAnims from the real heap
- Allocating these from the Zone is of no benefit and only serves to
add another block which the rovers must skip over ... -
02:13 Revision 59596d25 (github): Refactor: Reimplemented MaterialAnim as a C++ class
02:09 Revision b38a743a (github): Refactor: Switched p_particle.c to C++
- Plus minor cleanup.
02:02 Revision 2383d74d (github): Refactor: Renamed DMU_Set/GetMaterialProperty as Material_Set/GetProperty
01:59 Revision 383c3264 (github): Refactor: Switched p_dmu.c to C++
01:43 Revision 721df25d (github): Refactor: Switched surface.c to C++
01:42 Revision a52ebe75 (github): Refactor: Dumped material_t block allocator
- Block allocation of materials can be added back later.
01:40 Revision c7ffaa21 (github): Refactor: Replaced various materialid_t references with material_t ptrs
01:11 Revision 7274efaa (github): Refactor: Derive MaterialBind from PathTree::Node
- Also moved and renamed MaterialBindInfo as MaterialBind::Info.
01:08 Revision 805a1615 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
22:55 Revision 0a134035 (github): Updated with new game plugin folder names
22:55 Revision 03551ba2 (github): Removed the DENG_PLUGIN_GLOBAL macro
- With -rdynamic gone, this is no longer necessary.
21:42 Revision 9b35fe1b (github): Refactor|Materials: Further material system cleanup refactorings
21:35 Revision 5639cea7 (github): qmake|Mac OS X: Fixed a path to libdeng1
21:33 Revision 0e4e13ba (github): Mac OS X: Updated with new folder names
21:23 Revision 76b66a15 (github): Renamed jdoom, jheretic, jhexen, and libdeng source folders
- They are now called "doom", "heretic", "hexen", and "libdeng1".
20:03 Revision 5a037ee4 (github): Moved api_material under the "resource" domain
- Also fixed a typo in libdeng2.
19:59 Revision 2777f100 (github): libdeng2: Copyright years update for skyjake
19:52 Revision 7b895041 (github): libdeng1: Cleanup
18:07 Revision b4adfbf9 (github): Merge branch 'separate-server'
- Conflicts:
doomsday/libdeng/src/str.c -
17:52 Revision 9cc9e2a4 (github): Fixed|Windows: Fixed compilation and linker issues
- Exported "deng_API" from all plugins.
13:40 Revision 40994d05 (github): Fixed|Server: Basic functionality
- doomsday-server can now load and unload games and start and stop
the server.
When running with doomsday-server, cert... -
12:37 Revision a2079c84 (github): Cleanup: API headers and documentation
12:36 Revision f2451ed1 (github): Updated copyright year in templates
11:37 Revision 6bdee143 (github): Cleanup
11:34 Revision 2dc60476 (github): Split dd_api.h into InternalData API and api_gameexport.h
- The old game_import_t struct was replaced with a proper InternalData
API using the public API mechanism. The remainde...
23:14 Revision 82d61528 (github): FMOD|FluidSynth: Import the public Con API
23:09 Revision 4c24f185 (github): Fixed game plugin compilation
- Import the necessary Doomsday public APIs.
23:02 Revision 3cbc2976 (github): Cleanup
22:59 Revision 58588392 (github): Cleanup
22:55 Revision ec0024aa (github): Added public API for R (Resource) subsystem
- libdoom now compiles and links successfully.
22:16 Revision bd814edd (github): Added public API for Rend (renderer) module
- Moved R_HSVToRGB() to libdeng1, and split "resourceclass.h" into
internal and public parts. -
20:49 Revision 4cffa770 (github): Added public API for MaterialArchive
20:29 Revision 34230d99 (github): Moved public map data functions to the Map API
- The Map API is getting pretty big, it could be split down.
19:37 Revision 8a5b7375 (github): Refactor|MaterialArchive: Store MaterialArchive's records in a QList
19:36 Revision 8fbe5cbe (github): Moved divline_t routines to libdeng1
18:59 Revision 376e3c2d (github): Refactor|MaterialArchive: Const-correctness refactorings to MaterialArchive
18:46 Revision dfa80caa (github): Refactor: MaterialArchive is now a C++ class with a C wrapper API
- Todo: Use the de::Uri's C++ interface directly.
18:46 Revision a710221d (github): Moved public mobj and polyobj routines to the Map API
17:21 Revision faca65a5 (github): Refactor: Switched materialarchive.c to C++
17:13 Revision 61df3a51 (github): Relocated m_bams from engine to libdeng1
16:53 Revision 08d1bd97 (github): Relocated math utilities from m_misc to libdeng1
- These are for use in C language sources and should be kept separate
from the C++ math in libdeng2. -
15:38 Revision 4ad429af (github): Relocated text utilities (M_*) to libdeng1 (str module)
15:17 Revision 84aef865 (github): Moved public font routines to the FR API
14:54 Revision 6db3dc85 (github): Moved public GL_* routines to the GL API
14:31 Revision 347b2c2a (github): Fix server build
14:21 Revision cb4c4ad4 (github): Merge branch 'master' into material-cleanup
14:19 Revision b6e3a930 (github): Revert "Fixed|Server|Windows: Server depends on DirectX"
- This reverts commit 93ddc13ca1d240f2c449c9361a8da98d32762665.
14:04 Revision 1073859b (github): Added public API for the GL module
- The public GL API is client-only.
13:00 Revision 295faa9f (github): Moved public LineDef_* routines to the Map API
11:48 Revision 68a6fe0e (github): Server|Windows: Server has no use for DirectInput
- Fixes a build failure on Windows.
22:07 Revision 384c95c4 (github): Added public APIs for Client and Server
21:27 Revision dd3cf5e5 (github): Moved public Net_* routines to Base and Player APIs
21:05 Revision fbdbe000 (github): Added public API for Map (DMU) and other game world data
- Also renamed public map-related headers.
20:33 Revision 7def50c8 (github): Removed dd_ui from API headers; only the Infine API is now public
- In the future all UI will be based on libdeng2, and the UI2/InFine
module will be reserved for finale animations and ... -
20:12 Revision 4141160c (github): Moved Game_Notify to a more appropriate place
- It is now part of the Plug API.
20:01 Revision ee3f4f32 (github): Added public API for the Infine module
19:37 Revision 5e68d0a6 (github): Added public API for the Svg module
19:18 Revision da8afadc (github): Added public API for the S (Sound) module
17:57 Revision b1558678 (github): "Sys" functions are part of the public Base API
17:44 Revision 15edddbd (github): Added public API for Player routines; expanded Base API
16:14 Revision 0a3e58f4 (github): Added public API for B (Bindings) and more Con API functions
13:55 Revision ae1ad661 (github): API identifiers should default to the latest version when compiling
- Each identifier both version specific (e.g., "v1") and a "latest"
variant. -
13:38 Revision e21453bc (github): Added public API for Thinker; renamed header and functions
11:20 Revision 94ab860e (github): Added public API for FR (Font Render) module
- In the server build, the FR API is not available at all.
04:49 Revision 425531a8 (github): Cleanup
04:38 Revision 4ce7f3a8 (github): Fixed|GCC: Further qualified type of Materials::Instance::groups
- GCC does not automatically make the symbols of the outer class/type
visible to types internal to said outer class/type. -
04:21 Revision 5238263b (github): Refactor|Materials: Create material system subspace schemes outside this class
- New subspaces can now be created dynamically, so there is no need
to do so from within de::Materials.
Also removed '... -
04:03 Revision fa98cf3b (github): Cleanup
03:46 Revision a6803b9d (github): Cleanup|MaterialVariant: Added implicit MaterialVariant => material_t indirection
03:24 Revision 8f925d44 (github): Refactor: Moved MaterialVariantSpec into namespace de
- Plus various other minor cleanup refactorings.
02:40 Revision 6df4ad0d (github): Cleanup
23:48 Revision 69e5126a (github): Refactor|Materials: Revised material system animation group interface
23:17 Revision a26bed47 (github): Added public API for the busy mode
23:04 Revision 3969090e (github): Fix typos
22:44 Revision 93ddc13c (github): Fixed|Server|Windows: Server depends on DirectX
- Seemingly the server is still dependent on DirectX? (or at the least
it still includes files from the SDK)
Plus some... -
22:44 Revision 9f20abdc (github): Refactor|Materials: Continued cleanup refactorings
20:23 Revision 8c87b3fa (github): libdoom: Import available public APIs
20:08 Revision 29c1bd5a (github): Cleanup
19:55 Revision 4071eeb9 (github): Added public API for Material module
- Now the wadmapconverter and dehread plugins compile and link
successfully. -
19:24 Revision 9ea9bff7 (github): Added a public API for the map editor (MPE)
18:59 Revision 00eac253 (github): Added a public API for the Con module
- Only includes Con_Message at this stage.
18:34 Revision 2b359bfa (github): Added a public API for Base domain
- Also fixed build regarding internal use of the public F API.
17:33 Revision 86b33db7 (github): Added the F module public API (file system)
- The public headers that define module APIs now use an "api_" prefix.
16:49 Revision 88ab0d6f (github): Added public APIs for Plug and Def modules
- Also cleaned up the API macros a little and added a separate header
for the public Def API. -
16:08 Revision ecd87ad9 (github): Document the engine version where each public API is first available
16:02 Revision beaa1ee8 (github): Publish the Uri module and W APIs
- The Library loader now calls deng_API() to publish all the public
Added api/de_api.h for the generic/base API ... -
14:49 Revision b6f7ca07 (github): Defined new API exchange mechanism
- The plugins must export an entry point called deng_API() that the
engine will use to pass API structs to.
Todo: Engi... -
14:23 Revision 6ed4f021 (github): Refactor|MaterialBind: Minor MaterialBind cleanup refactorings
13:32 Revision 6517a0be (github): Relocated MaterialAnim to material.cpp/h
13:20 Revision 26b4e6f4 (github): Refactor: Allocate storage for MaterialAnims from the real heap
- Allocating these from the Zone is of no benefit and only serves to
add another block which the rovers must skip over ... -
13:06 Revision 7c62d2d3 (github): Refactor: Reimplemented MaterialAnim as a C++ class
12:44 Revision 9ad06f42 (github): Relocated dd_snprintf to libdeng1
12:43 Revision 0825bcce (github): Relocated dd_snprintf to libdeng1
12:29 Revision fe2d1275 (github): Merge branch 'master' into separate-server
12:28 Revision 9b74db46 (github): Unix: Relocated strupr/strlwr to libdeng1
11:50 Revision ecbe1e8b (github): Relocated the Win32 style file finder to libdeng1
- Updated the code for modern conventions, and added some Str utility
functions. -
05:32 Revision 31185cae (github): Fix incompatible LineDef_Point(XY)Distance function declarations
05:28 Revision 10b12307 (github): Refactor: Switched bspnode.c to C++
05:24 Revision 53f0c6c5 (github): Refactor: Switched linedef.c to C++
05:12 Revision 9dff2572 (github): Refactor: Switched plane.c to C++
05:10 Revision d23cdfd3 (github): Refactor: Switched sector.c to C++
05:05 Revision f06c7199 (github): Refactor: Switched sidedef.c to C++
03:50 Revision c194badc (github): Cleanup
03:45 Revision 18e6500c (github): Moved and mapdata.hs to the attic
03:36 Revision a711ffef (github): Refactor: Moved type definitions from p_maptypes.h to the type's respective header
14:38 Revision 9801e73a (github): Refactor: Switched p_particle.c to C++
- Plus minor cleanup.
13:26 Revision d86390da (github): Refactor: Renamed DMU_Set/GetMaterialProperty as Material_Set/GetProperty
21:02 Revision 246dac3e (github): Refactor: Switched p_dmu.c to C++
20:00 Bug #1107: [GL] Ineffective gamma-correction
- Please describe the nature of the issue you are seeing (or better yet attach a screenshot/video to this report).
20:00 Bug #1106: [Linux] Crashing at start with errors: "Failed to Lock"
- - **status**: open --> fixed
20:00 Bug #1106: [Linux] Crashing at start with errors: "Failed to Lock"
- Ok, testing tomorrow in my build. Happy new year!
19:04 Revision 31c858f2 (github): Refactor: Switched surface.c to C++
18:15 Revision f51651da (github): Refactor: Dumped material_t block allocator
- Block allocation of materials can be added back later.
17:43 Revision 0148c9cd (github): Refactor: Replaced various materialid_t references with material_t ptrs
16:59 Revision 1eaf65a4 (github): Refactor: Derive MaterialBind from PathTree::Node
- Also moved and renamed MaterialBindInfo as MaterialBind::Info.
15:41 Revision d1c109a7 (github): Merge branch 'master' into material-cleanup
15:39 Revision 69b8c68a (github): Refactor|Materials: Further material system cleanup refactorings
12:21 Revision 6f8392eb (github): Server: Omit Updater in server build
- The server does not need to have the automatic updater.
12:02 Revision b6d46d6e (github): qmake: No more exporting symbols out of the executable
- Adjusted the build settings in the qmake project files so that no more
symbols are exported out of the executables. T...
23:36 Revision db7b2ff5 (github): Fixed|libdeng2: Bug in de::Lockable
- The internal state of de::Lockable was, ironically, not thread-safe.
23:34 Revision caa0503f (github): Fixed|libdeng2: Bug in de::Lockable
- The internal state of de::Lockable was, ironically, not thread-safe.
21:53 Revision 14af235d (github): Fixed|Server|Windows: Compilation of the server
- Added missing dummies and adjusted Windows-specific routines for
a SERVER build.
The linker warning about the wrong ... -
21:39 Bug #1106: [Linux] Crashing at start with errors: "Failed to Lock"
- Ok, testing tomorrow in my build. Happy new year!
10:45 Bug #1106: [Linux] Crashing at start with errors: "Failed to Lock"
- Ok, testing tomorrow in my build. Happy new year!
10:34 Bug #1106: [Linux] Crashing at start with errors: "Failed to Lock"
- This should now be fixed by [commit caa0503f](
05:23 Bug #1106: [Linux] Crashing at start with errors: "Failed to Lock"
- I can reproduce the error. I'll see what's going on.
19:07 Revision 0238cf36 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
19:07 Revision fbace41a (github): Fixed: Typos related to __CLIENT__
18:53 Bug #1050: [Chex] Menus use Doom's skill level names
- Fixed for the upcoming Doomsday v1.9.9.
17:40 Revision 120ba58e (github): Fix typo
17:05 Revision eefe0572 (github): Fixed|OpenAL: Integer conversion in 64-bit build
16:53 Revision d1d486a2 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
- Conflicts:
doomsday/engine/src/render/rend_main.cpp -
16:47 Revision a8a73d65 (github): Server|Unix: Fixing server build
16:45 Revision 9c1fd1ee (github): Fixed|OpenAL: Integer conversion in 64-bit build
16:39 Revision 0e821b1c (github): Fix merge error in previous commit
15:58 Revision 853c29f6 (github): Merge branch 'master' into material-cleanup
- Conflicts:
doomsday/engine/src/resource/materials.cpp -
15:10 Bug #1049: [OpenAL] Unable to compile on x86_64 Linux
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Thank you! I tested a patch on 1.9.10 applying this commit, and it co... -
15:09 Bug #1049: [OpenAL] Unable to compile on x86_64 Linux
- - **milestone**: v1.9.8 --> v1.10.0
03:38 Bug #1049: [OpenAL] Unable to compile on x86_64 Linux
- I've now properly fixed this in [commit 9c1fd1ee](
15:01 Revision f6dfe937 (github): Fixed|Server: Fixed compilation issues on Linux
23:05 Revision 72dc958a (github): Merge branch 'separate-server'
23:03 Revision 2391063f (github): Server: Added more dummy functions
15:43 Revision b7a6ad6c (github): Refactor: Relocated MaterialBind into new source files
11:33 Revision 5827a8ff (github): Refactor|Materials: Added Materials class instance
- Reworked the materials collection, adding a private struct for the
instance data and began restructuring the class hi... -
09:26 Bug #1106 (Closed): [Linux] Crashing at start with errors: "Failed to Lock"
- Hi, I'm creating a package of Doomsday for Chakra Linux.
I've already uploaded version 1.9.8. Version 1.9.9 didn't... -
05:06 Revision 46929120 (github): Refactor|Materials: Moved C++ class Materials into the de namespace
- Plus minor cleanup.
04:50 Revision 08ea3001 (github): Refactor|Materials: Added C++ class Materials
- Moved all functions pertaining to material collection bookkeeping to
a new C++ class named "Materials".
22:12 Revision 3fcc8c4f (github): Server: Added more dummy functions needed by game plugins
22:12 Revision 154502a4 (github): Fixed|Server: Compiler warning about unused symbol
21:45 Revision daf963e4 (github): Cleanup
21:23 Revision ec76c3c1 (github): Refactor|MaterialVariant: Applied pimpl idiom to MaterialVariant
- Also made materialvariant_layer_t a member of MaterialVariant.
19:43 Revision 833cc1ae (github): Refactor: Switched r_main.c to C++
18:15 Revision 6f51af92 (github): Refactor|MaterialVariant: Dumped MaterialVariant's now redundant C wrapper API
01:01 Revision 5e646612 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
01:01 Revision 4e3250b6 (github): Refactor: Switched rend_decor.c to C++
15:30 Bug #1106: [Linux] Crashing at start with errors: "Failed to Lock"
- - **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
- **priority**: 1 --> 7
14:31 Bug #1105 (Closed): XG sector ambient sounds not saved/loaded
- Like the title says: the XG sector ambient sounds aren't saved or loaded in the save games.
When I load a save on ...
Also available in: Atom